Core ML & Watson Visual Recognition

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements
  3. Prepare your data
  4. Register your accounts
  5. Create a new project
  6. Understanding your project
  7. Creating a model
  8. Getting the code
  9. Configuring the application
  10. Testing the application
  11. Deploy app to iOS device
  12. Bonus: Improving your classifier
  13. What next?

Deploy app to iOS device

  1. Select the project editor (The name of the project with a blue icon)
  2. Under the Signing section, click Add Account
  3. Login with your Apple ID and password
  4. You should see a new personal team created
  5. Close the preferences window

Now we have to create a certificate to sign our app with

  1. Select General
  2. Change the bundle identifier to<YOUR_LAST_NAME>.coreML-demo
  3. Select the personal team that was just created from the Team dropdown
  4. Plug in your iOS device
  5. Select your device from the device menu to the right of the build and run icon
  6. Click build and run
  7. On your device, you should see the app appear as an installed appear
  8. When you try to run the app the first time, it will prompt you to approve the developer
  9. In your iOS settings navigate to General > Device Management
  10. Tap your email, tap trust

Now you’re ready to run the app!
