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SpeechToTextRecognize Method

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Public methodRecognize(SpeechToTextSuccessCallbackSpeechRecognitionEvent, SpeechToTextFailCallback, AudioClip, DictionaryString, Object)
This function POSTs the given audio clip the recognize function and convert speech into text. This function should be used only on AudioClips under 4MB once they have been converted into WAV format. Use the StartListening() for continuous recognition of text.
Public methodRecognize(SpeechToTextSuccessCallbackSpeechRecognitionEvent, SpeechToTextFailCallback, Byte, String, DictionaryString, Object)
This function POSTs the given audio clip the recognize function and convert speech into text. This function should be used only on AudioClips under 4MB once they have been converted into WAV format. Use the StartListening() for continuous recognition of text.
See Also