Watson Developer Cloud Unity SDK  1.0.0
The Unity SDK uses the Watson Developer Cloud services, a collection of REST APIs and SDKs that use cognitive computing to solve complex problems.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CRESTConnectorREST connector class.
 CWSConnectorWebSocket connector class.
 CAudioDataThis class holds a AudioClip and maximum sample level.
 CBooleanDataThis class holds a boolean value.
 CClassifyResultDataThis class is for Natural Language Classify results.
 CDisableCloseCaptionDataBoolean state for disabling the CloseCaption output.
 CDisableMicDataBoolean state for disabling the microphone input.
 CDisableWebCamDataBoolean state for disabling the WebCam input.
 CLanguageDataData type for a source language change.
 CLevelDataThis class is for audio level data.
 CSpeakingStateDataBoolean state sent when TextToSpeech starts and ends playing audio.
 CSpeechToTextDataThis class is for SpeechToText results.
 CTextToSpeechDataThis data class is for text data to spoken by the TextToSpeech widget.
 CVoiceDataData type sent to change the voice type.
 CWebCamTextureDataThis class holds a reference to WebCamTexture.
 CDebugReactorThis log reactor logs into the UnityEngine.Debug.Log() function.
 CUnitTestManagerThis class implements a UI using OnGUI and allows the user to run a UnitTest by clicking on a button. Additionally, it handles running any number of unit tests.
 CFileReactorFileReactor log reactor class.
 CILogReactorAny class that implement this interface can be added to the Logger class as a reactor and hook all log messages.
 CLogHelper static class for logging into the Logger.
 CLogRecordThis data class is passed to all Reactors when a log message is passed into the Logger singleton.
 CLogSystemThis singleton class maintains the of list of installed reactors and handles all LogRecord objects. See the static class Log for functions the end user of this system should actually be calling. This class is thread safe.
 CIWatsonServiceThis interface defines common interface for all watson services.
 CUnitTestThis is the base class for all UnitTest classes. Derive from this class and implement the RunTest() function.
 CAudioClipUtilAudioClip helper functions.
 CAuthenticationTokenThe authentication token object.
 CConstantsThis class wraps all constants.
 CCredentialsHelper class for holding a user and password or authorization token, used by both the WSCOnnector and RESTConnector.
 CEventManagerSingleton class for sending and receiving events.
 CFrameRateCounterDisplays the frame rate of the application.
 CKeyEventManagerThis class handles key presses and will sent events and/or invoke a delegate when a key is pressed.
 CRunnableHelper class for running co-routines without having to inherit from MonoBehavior.
 CSerializedDelegateThis class allows for a delegate to be serialized for a component and method on a given GameObject.
 CSingletonSingleton pattern class. This class detects if T is a MonoBehavior and will make a containing GameObject.
 CTimedDestroyHelper class for automatically destroying objects after a static amount of time has elapsed.
 CUnityObjectUtilAudioClip helper functions.
 CUtilityUtility functions.
 CWatsonExceptionWatson exception class.
 CWaveFileWAV Utility functions.
 CWidgetThis is the base class for all widgets. A Widget has any number of inputs and outputs that carry a specific type of data.
 CRunUnitTestThis static class is for menu items and invoking a function from the command line, since it doesn't like namespaces.