▼NIBM | |
▼NWatson | |
▼NDeveloperCloud | |
▼NConnection | |
►CRESTConnector | REST connector class. |
CForm | Multi-part form data class. |
CRequest | This class is created to make a request to send to the server. |
CResponse | The class is returned by a Request object containing the response to a request made by the client. |
►CWSConnector | WebSocket connector class. |
CBinaryMessage | BinaryMessage for sending raw binary data. |
CMessage | The base abstract class for a Message that can be sent/received by this class. |
CTextMessage | TextMessage is used for sending text messages (e.g. JSON, XML) |
▼NDataTypes | |
CAudioData | This class holds a AudioClip and maximum sample level. |
CBooleanData | This class holds a boolean value. |
CClassifyResultData | This class is for Natural Language Classify results. |
CDisableCloseCaptionData | Boolean state for disabling the CloseCaption output. |
CDisableMicData | Boolean state for disabling the microphone input. |
CDisableWebCamData | Boolean state for disabling the WebCam input. |
CLanguageData | Data type for a source language change. |
CLevelData | This class is for audio level data. |
CSpeakingStateData | Boolean state sent when TextToSpeech starts and ends playing audio. |
CSpeechToTextData | This class is for SpeechToText results. |
CTextToSpeechData | This data class is for text data to spoken by the TextToSpeech widget. |
CVoiceData | Data type sent to change the voice type. |
CWebCamTextureData | This class holds a reference to WebCamTexture. |
▼NDebug | |
CDebugReactor | This log reactor logs into the UnityEngine.Debug.Log() function. |
▼NEditor | |
CUnitTestManager | This class implements a UI using OnGUI and allows the user to run a UnitTest by clicking on a button. Additionally, it handles running any number of unit tests. |
▼NLogging | |
CFileReactor | FileReactor log reactor class. |
CILogReactor | Any class that implement this interface can be added to the Logger class as a reactor and hook all log messages. |
CLog | Helper static class for logging into the Logger. |
CLogRecord | This data class is passed to all Reactors when a log message is passed into the Logger singleton. |
CLogSystem | This singleton class maintains the of list of installed reactors and handles all LogRecord objects. See the static class Log for functions the end user of this system should actually be calling. This class is thread safe. |
▼NServices | |
►NAlchemyAPI | |
►Nv1 | |
CAction | Action. |
►CAlchemyAPI | This class wraps the Alchemy API Services. Alchemy Language AlchemyData News |
CCombinedCallRequest | Combined call request. |
CDetectFeedsRequest | Detect feeds request. |
CGetAuthorsRequest | Get authors request. |
CGetDatesRequest | Get dates request. |
CGetEmotionsRequest | Get emotions request. |
CGetEntitiesRequest | Get entities request. |
CGetKeywordsRequest | Get keywords request. |
CGetLanguagesRequest | Get languages request. |
CGetMicroformatsRequest | Get microformats request. |
CGetNewsRequest | Get News request. |
CGetPublicationDateRequest | Get publication date request. |
CGetRankedConceptsRequest | Get ranked concepts request. |
CGetRankedTaxomomyRequest | Get ranked taxomomy request. |
CGetRelationsRequest | Get relations request. |
CGetTargetedSentimentRequest | Get targeted sentiment request. |
CGetTextRequest | Get text request. |
CGetTextSentimentRequest | Get text sentiment request. |
CGetTitleRequest | Get title request. |
CAuthors | Authors. |
CAuthorsData | Authors data. |
CCombinedCallData | Combined call data. |
CConcept | Concept. |
CConceptsData | Concepts data. |
CDate | Date. |
CDateData | Date data. |
CDecoded | Decoded values. |
CDisambiguated | Disambiguated. |
CDocEmotions | Document emotions. |
CDocs | The Docs data. |
CDocSentiment | Document sentiment. |
CEmotionData | Emotion data. |
CEnriched | The Enriched data. |
CEnrichedTitle | The EnrichedTitle data. |
CEntity | Entity. |
CEntityData | Entity data. |
CFeed | Feed. |
CFeedData | Feed data. |
CFields | All fields for querying and receiving data. |
CImageKeyword | Image keyword. |
CKeyword | Keyword. |
CKeywordData | Keyword data. |
CKnowledgeGraph | Knowledge graph. |
CLanguageData | Language data. |
CLocation | Location. |
CMicroformat | Microformat. |
CMicroformatData | Microformat data. |
CNewsResponse | The NewsResponse. |
CObjectData | Object data. |
COriginal | The Original data. |
CPositionOnMap | Position on map. |
CPubDateData | Pub date data. |
CPublicationDate | Publication date. |
CQuotation | Quotation. |
CRelation | Relation. |
CRelationsData | Relations data. |
CResult | The Result data. |
CSentimentData | Sentiment data. |
CSource | The Source data. |
CSubject | Subject. |
CTargetedSentiment | Targeted sentiment. |
CTargetedSentimentData | Targeted sentiment data. |
CTaxonomy | Taxonomy. |
CTaxonomyData | Taxonomy data. |
CTemporal | Temporal. |
CTextData | Text data. |
CTitle | Title. |
CURL | The URL data. |
CVerb | Verb. |
►NConversation | |
►Nv1 | |
CConversation | This class wraps the Watson Conversation service. Conversation Service |
CMessageRequest | The user's input, with optional intents, entities, and other properties from the response. |
CMessageResponse | The mesage response. |
COutputData | The Output data. |
CRuntimeEntity | The entity object. |
CRuntimeIntent | The resultant intent. |
CRuntimeLogMessage | The log message object. |
►NDiscovery | |
►Nv1 | |
CAggregationResult | The aggregation result. |
CAggregationTerm | Query aggregation term. |
CCollection | Details about the specified collection. |
CCollectionRef | |
CConfiguration | A list of information about the configuration. |
CConfigurationRef | A list of information about the configuration. |
CConversions | The configuration's document conversion settings. |
CDeleteCollectionResponse | The collection ID and the status of the deletion process. |
CDeleteConfigurationResponse | The configuration ID and the status of the delete operation, and a warning if the configuration was referenced by anything. |
CDeleteDocumentResponse | The delete document response. |
CDeleteEnvironmentResponse | The environment's unique identifier and its status. A status of deleted indicates that the environment has been successfully deleted. |
CDiscovery | This class wraps the Discovery service Discovery Service |
CDiskUsage | Summary of disk-usage statistics for the environment. |
CDocumentAccepted | Document ID and ingestion status. |
CDocumentCounts | Information about the documents in the collection. |
CDocumentSnapshot | An array of JSON strings that describe each step in the preview process. |
CDocumentStatus | The document ID, configuration ID, document creation date, date of last document update, submission status, and notices associated with the document's submission. |
CEnrichment | The configuration's document enrichment settings. |
CEnrichmentOptions | Document enrichment settings for the configuration. |
CEnvironment | An environment. |
CField | Information about each field in the collection. |
CFontSetting | Description of the font settings. |
CGetCollectionsResponse | An array that lists each collection's ID, name, configuration ID, language, status, creation date, and date of last update. |
CGetConfigurationsResponse | An array that lists each configuration's ID, name, description, creation date, and date of last update. |
CGetEnvironmentsResponse | Get Environments response. |
CGetFieldsResponse | List of the unique fields, and each field's type, that are stored in a collection's index. |
CHtmlSettings | A list of HTML conversion settings, including tags that are to be excluded completely; tags that are to be discarded but their content kept; content that is to be excluded as defined by xpaths; content that is to be kept as defined by xpaths; and tag attributes that are to be excluded. |
CIndexCapacity | The disk and memory usage. |
CMemoryUsage | Summary of memory-usage statistics for the environment. |
CNormalizationOperation | The configuration's document normalization settings. |
CNotice | Notice messages about the preview operation. |
CPdfHeadingDetection | PDF conversion settings, including the conversions applied to different types of headings as defined by font attributes. |
CPdfSettings | A list of PDF conversion settings, including the conversions applied to different types of headings as defined by font attributes. |
CQueryAggregation | Query aggregation. |
CQueryResponse | The content requested in the query. |
CQueryResult | Query result. |
CTestDocument | Detailed information about the preview run. |
CWordHeadingDetection | Word conversion settings, including the conversions applied to different types of headings as defined by font attributes and to different formatting styles of text. |
CWordSettings | A list of Word conversion settings, including the conversions applied to different types of headings as defined by font attributes and to different formatting styles of text. |
CWordStyle | Description of the word style. |
CXPathPatterns | The XPath Patterns. |
►NDocumentConversion | |
►Nv1 | |
CAnswerUnit | The units of the broken down document. |
CContent | Document content. |
CConversionTarget | Targets for document conversion. |
CConvertedDocument | Document Conversion response. |
CDocumentConversion | This class wraps the Document Conversion service. Document Conversion Service |
CMetadata | Metadata for the doucment conversion. |
CVersion | The Document Conversion service version. |
CWarning | The error response. |
►NLanguageTranslation | |
►Nv2 | |
CLanguage | Language data class. |
CLanguages | Languages data class. |
CLanguageTranslation | This class wraps the Language Translation service. Language Translation Service |
CTranslation | Translation data class. |
CTranslationModel | Language model data class. |
CTranslationModels | Models data class. |
CTranslations | Translate data class returned by the TranslateCallback. |
►NLanguageTranslator | |
►Nv2 | |
CDeleteModelResult | |
CIdentifiedLanguage | Identified Language object. |
CIdentifiedLanguages | The identified languages |
CLanguage | Language data class. |
CLanguages | Languages data class. |
CLanguageTranslator | This class wraps the Language Translator service. Language Translator Service |
CTranslation | Translation data class. |
CTranslationModel | Language model data class. |
CTranslationModels | Models data class. |
CTranslations | Translate data class returned by the TranslateCallback. |
►NNaturalLanguageClassifier | |
►Nv1 | |
CClass | A class returned by the ClassifyResult object. |
CClassifier | This data class holds the data for a given classifier returned by GetClassifier(). |
CClassifiers | This data class wraps an array of Classifiers. |
CClassifyResult | This result object is returned by the Classify() method. |
CNaturalLanguageClassifier | This class wraps the Natural Language Classifier service. Natural Language Classifier Service |
►NNaturalLanguageUnderstanding | |
►Nv1 | |
CAnalysisResults | |
CAuthor | |
CCategoriesOptions | |
CCategoriesResult | |
CConceptsOptions | |
CConceptsResult | |
CCustomModel | |
CDeletedResponse | |
CDisambiguationResult | |
CDocumentEmotionResults | |
CDocumentSentimentResults | |
CEmotionOptions | |
CEmotionResult | |
CEmotionScores | |
CEntitiesOptions | |
CEntitiesResult | |
CFeatures | |
CFeaturesConverter | |
CFeatureSentimentResults | |
CKeywordsOptions | |
CKeywordsResult | |
CListModelsResults | |
CMetadataOptions | |
CMetadataResult | |
CNaturalLanguageUnderstanding | |
CNaturalLanguageUnderstandingVersion | The Discovery version. |
CParameters | |
CParametersConverter | |
CRelationArgument | |
CRelationEntity | |
CRelationsOptions | |
CRelationsResult | |
CSemanticRolesAction | |
CSemanticRolesEntity | |
CSemanticRolesKeyword | |
CSemanticRolesObject | |
CSemanticRolesOptions | |
CSemanticRolesResult | |
CSemanticRolesSubject | |
CSemanticRolesVerb | |
CSentimentOptions | |
CSentimentResult | |
CTargetedEmotionResults | |
CTargetedSentimentResults | |
CUsage | |
►NPersonalityInsights | |
►Nv3 | |
CAcceptLanguage | The accepted languages. |
CBehaviorNode | The Behavior Node object. |
CConsumptionPreferencesCategoryNode | The Consumption Preferences Category Node object. |
CConsumptionPreferencesNode | The Consumption Preferences Node object. |
CContentLanguage | The content language. Either English, Arabic, Spanish or Japanese. |
CContentType | The content type. Either text, html or json. |
►CPersonalityInsights | This class wraps the Personality Insights service. Personality Insights Service |
CGetProfileRequest | Get profile request. |
CPersonalityInsightsVersion | The Personality Insights version. |
CProfile | The Profile object. |
CTraitTreeNode | The Trait Tree Node object. |
CWarning | The Warning Object. |
►NRetrieveAndRank | |
►Nv1 | |
CClusterInfo | Cluster object containing it's associated configs and collections. |
CCollectionsAction | Collection actions for CollectionsRequest |
CCollectionsResponse | Response for listing collections. |
CDeleteConfigResponse | The response for deleting Solr cluster config. |
CDeleteResponse | The response for deleting Solr cluster. |
CDoc | The doucment object. |
CErrorResponsePayload | The error response for deleting Solr clusters. |
CIndexResponse | The response for indexing documents. |
CListRankersPayload | Array of Rankers. |
CMessageResponsePayload | The error response for deleting Solr configs. |
CQueryParams | The query parameters. |
CRankedAnswer | The ranked answer object. |
CRankerErrorResponsePayload | Ranker error response. |
CRankerInfoPayload | The Ranker object. |
CRankerOutputPayload | Ranker answer output |
CRankerStatusPayload | The Ranker status object. |
CRankerTrainingMetadataPayload | Additionial Ranker training metadata. |
CResponse | The response object. |
CResponseHeader | Response header for collections actions. |
►CRetrieveAndRank | This class wraps the Retrieve and Rank service. Retrieve and Rank Service |
CCollectionRequest | The ForwardCollectionRequest request |
CCreateClusterRequest | The Create Cluster request. |
CCreateRankerRequest | The Create Ranker request. |
CDeleteClusterConfigRequest | The Delete Cluster Config request |
CDeleteClusterRequest | The Delete Cluster request |
CDeleteRankerRequest | The Delete Ranker request |
CGetClusterConfigsRequest | The GetClusterConfigs request. |
CGetClusterRequest | The Get Cluster request |
CGetClustersRequest | The GetCluster request. |
CGetRankerRequest | The Get Ranker request |
CGetRankersRequest | The GetRanker request. |
CIndexDocumentsRequest | The Create Ranker request. |
CRankRequest | The Rank request. |
CSearchRequest | The search request. |
CSearchResponse | The search response |
CSolrClusterListResponse | Array of Solr Clusters. |
CSolrClusterResponse | Solr cluster object. |
CSolrConfigList | Array of Solr Configs. |
CUploadResponse | The response for uploading Solr config. |
►NSpeechToText | |
►Nv1 | |
CCorpora | This data class contains information about multiple custom corpora. |
CCorpus | This data class contains information about the custom corpus. |
CCustomization | This data class contains information about the Speech to Text model customizations. |
CCustomizationID | This data class contains information about the language model customization identifier. |
CCustomizations | This data class contains information about the speech to text model customizations. |
CCustomLanguage | A data object that contains data to create a new empty custom language mode3l. |
CJobsStatusList | This data class contains information about the Jobs |
CJobStatus | This data class contains information about the job status. |
CJobStatusNew | This data class contains information about a newly created recognition job. |
CKeywordResult | This class holds a Keyword Result. |
CKeywordResults | The Keword Result |
CModel | This data class holds the data for a given speech model. |
CModelSet | This data class holds multiple speech models. |
CRecognizeStatus | This data class holds the sesion data. |
CRegisterStatus | This data class contains information about the register callback status. |
CSession | This data class holds the Session data. |
CSessionStatus | This data class holds the description of teh state and possbile actions for the current session. |
CSpeechRecognitionAlternative | The alternatives. |
CSpeechRecognitionEvent | This data object contains data for the speechRecognitionEvent. |
CSpeechRecognitionResult | The speech recognition result. |
CSpeechToText | This class wraps the Watson Speech to Text service. Speech to Text Service |
CSupportedFeatures | This data class holds all supported features. |
CTimeStamp | This data class holds the start and stop times for a word. |
CWord | A word to add to a customization. |
CWordAlternativeResult | This data class holds a Word Alternative Result. |
CWordAlternativeResults | This class holds a Word Alternative Result. |
CWordConfidence | This data class holds the confidence value for a given recognized word. |
CWordData | This data class contains information about the custom word data. |
CWords | Words object for adding words to a customization. |
CWordsList | This data class contains information about multiple custom words. |
CWordType | The type of words to be listed from the custom language model's words resource: all (the default) shows all words. user shows only custom words that were added or modified by the user. corpora shows only OOV that were extracted from corpora. |
CWordTypeToAdd | The type of words from the custom model's words resource on which to train the model: all (the default) trains the model on all new words, regardless of whether they were extracted from corpora or were added or modified by the user. user trains the model only on new words that were added or modified by the user; the model is not trained on new words extracted from corpora. |
►NTextToSpeech | |
►Nv1 | |
CCustomization | A single voice model customization. |
CCustomizationID | A data object containing a customization ID when creating a new voice model. |
CCustomizations | Customizations for voice models. |
CCustomizationWords | |
CCustomVoice | A data object that contains data to create a new empty custom voice mode3l. |
CCustomVoiceUpdate | Update information for a custom voice model. |
CErrorModel | The error response. |
CPronunciation | This object contains the pronunciation. |
CTextToSpeech | This class wraps the Text to Speech service. Text to Speech Service |
CTranslation | Single word translation for a custom voice model. |
CVoice | A voice model object for TextToSpeech. |
CVoices | This object contains a list of voices. |
CWord | The Word object. |
CWords | Words object. |
►NToneAnalyzer | |
►Nv3 | |
CDocumentTone | Document tone. |
CSentenceTone | Sentence tone. |
CTone | Tone. |
CToneAnalyzer | This class wraps the Tone Analyzer service. Tone Analyzer Service |
CToneAnalyzerResponse | Tone analyzer response. |
CToneCategory | Tone category. |
►NTradeoffAnalytics | |
►Nv1 | |
CAnchor | Anchor class for the Map. |
CApplicationData | Application data class for Options. Extend this for your application. |
CApplicationDataValue | Application data value for Options. Extend this for your application. |
CCategoricalRange | Categorical range. |
CColumn | Column class for Problem. |
CConfig | Config class for the Map. |
CDateRange | Date range. |
CDilemmasResponse | This object for response of Dilemma service |
CDrivers | Drivers class for the Config. |
CMap | Map class for the resolution. |
CMetrics | Metrics class for the resolution. |
CNode | Node class for the resolution |
COption | Option class for Problem. |
CParams | Params class for the Config. |
CPosition | Position class for the Anchor. |
CProblem | Problem class for Dilema service. |
CRange | Range class for Column. |
CResolution | Resolution. |
CSolution | Solution class for the resolution. |
CStatusCause | Status cause class for the solution. |
CTradeoffAnalytics | This class wraps the TradeOff Analytics service. TradeOff Analytics Service |
CValueRange | Value range. |
►NVisualRecognition | |
►Nv3 | |
CAge | Age of the face. |
CClass | The class. |
CClassifyParameters | The classify parameters. |
CClassifyPerClassifier | One classifier. |
CClassifyTopLevelMultiple | Holds multiple classifications. |
CClassifyTopLevelSingle | One classification. |
CClassResult | One class result. |
CCollectionImagesConfig | The collection config. |
CCollectionsConfig | The collections config |
CCreateCollection | A collection. |
CDetectFacesParameters | Detect faces parameters. |
CErrorInfoNoCode | Error info. |
CFaceLocation | Location of the face. |
CFacesTopLevelMultiple | Multiple faces. |
CFacesTopLevelSingle | One face classification. |
CGender | Gender of the face. |
CGetClassifiersPerClassifierBrief | Classifier breif. |
CGetClassifiersPerClassifierVerbose | Classifier verbose. |
CGetClassifiersTopLevelBrief | Classifiers breif. |
CGetCollectionImages | Collections brief object. |
CGetCollections | Collecitons response object. |
CGetCollectionsBrief | Collection brief object. |
CIdentity | Identity of the face. |
CLocation | Word location. |
COneFaceResult | One face result. |
CRecognizeTextParameters | Recognize text parameters. |
CSimilarImageConfig | Similar image result. |
CSimilarImagesConfig | Similar images result. |
CTextRecogOneWord | One word. |
CTextRecogTopLevelMultiple | Mulitple text pages. |
CTextRecogTopLevelSingle | One text page. |
►CVisualRecognition | This class wraps the Visual Recognition service. Visual Recognition Service |
CClassifyReq | The Classify request |
CDeleteClassifierReq | |
CDetectFacesReq | The DetectFaces request |
CGetClassifierReq | |
CGetClassifiersReq | The GetClassifier request. |
CRecognizeTextReq | |
CTrainClassifierReq | The TrainClassifier request. |
CWarningInfo | Warning info. |
CIWatsonService | This interface defines common interface for all watson services. |
▼NUnitTests | |
CTestAlchemyAPI | |
CTestConversation | |
CTestDiscovery | |
CTestDocumentConversion | |
CTestEventManager | |
CTestLanguageTranslator | |
CTestNaturalLanguageClassifier | |
CTestNaturalLanguageUnderstanding | |
CTestPersonalityInsightsV3 | |
CTestRetrieveAndRank | |
CTestRunnable | |
CTestSpeechToText | |
CTestTextToSpeech | |
CTestToneAnalyzer | |
►CTestTradeoffAnalytics | |
CTestData | Application data. |
CTestDataValue | Application data value. |
CTestVisualRecognition | |
CUnitTest | This is the base class for all UnitTest classes. Derive from this class and implement the RunTest() function. |
▼NUtilities | |
CAudioClipUtil | AudioClip helper functions. |
CAuthenticationToken | The authentication token object. |
►CConstants | This class wraps all constants. |
CConfig | Variables for configuration. |
CPath | All constant path variables liste here. Exp. Configuration file |
CString | All string variables or string formats used in the SDK listed here. Exp. Quality Debug Format = Quality {0} |
CToken | Variables for authentication tokens |
CCredential | |
CCredentials | Helper class for holding a user and password or authorization token, used by both the WSCOnnector and RESTConnector. |
CEventManager | Singleton class for sending and receiving events. |
CFrameRateCounter | Displays the frame rate of the application. |
CKeyEventManager | This class handles key presses and will sent events and/or invoke a delegate when a key is pressed. |
CNestedPrefabs | |
CRunnable | Helper class for running co-routines without having to inherit from MonoBehavior. |
CSerializedDelegate | This class allows for a delegate to be serialized for a component and method on a given GameObject. |
CSingleton | Singleton pattern class. This class detects if T is a MonoBehavior and will make a containing GameObject. |
CTimedDestroy | Helper class for automatically destroying objects after a static amount of time has elapsed. |
CUnityObjectUtil | AudioClip helper functions. |
CUtility | Utility functions. |
CVcapCredential | |
CVcapCredentials | |
CWatsonException | Watson exception class. |
CWaveFile | WAV Utility functions. |
▼NWidgets | |
►CWidget | This is the base class for all widgets. A Widget has any number of inputs and outputs that carry a specific type of data. |
CData | This is the base class for any type of data that can be passed through a connection. |
CInput | This object handles input on a widget. |
►COutput | This object handles output on a widget. |
CConnection | The connection between widgets. |
CRunUnitTest | This static class is for menu items and invoking a function from the command line, since it doesn't like namespaces. |