
public struct DocumentAnalysis : Codable, Equatable

The results of the analysis for the full input content.

  • 2017-09-21: An array of ToneScore objects that provides the results of the analysis for each qualifying tone of the document. The array includes results for any tone whose score is at least 0.5. The array is empty if no tone has a score that meets this threshold. 2016-05-19: Not returned.



    public var tones: [ToneScore]?
  • 2017-09-21: Not returned. 2016-05-19: An array of ToneCategory objects that provides the results of the tone analysis for the full document of the input content. The service returns results only for the tones specified with the tones parameter of the request.



    public var toneCategories: [ToneCategory]?
  • 2017-09-21: A warning message if the overall content exceeds 128 KB or contains more than 1000 sentences. The service analyzes only the first 1000 sentences for document-level analysis and the first 100 sentences for sentence-level analysis. 2016-05-19: Not returned.



    public var warning: String?