Discovery V1

IBM Watson Discovery makes it possible to rapidly build cognitive, cloud-based exploration applications that unlock actionable insights hidden in unstructured data — including your own proprietary data, as well as public and third-party data. With Discovery, it only takes a few steps to prepare your unstructured data, create a query that will pinpoint the information you need, and then integrate those insights into your new application or existing solution.

Once you have a collection of documents within a Discovery instance (managed via the Discovery tooling UI or API), you can query your collection with the following example.

import DiscoveryV1

let authenticator = WatsonIAMAuthenticator(apiKey: "{apikey}")
let discovery = Discovery(version: "2019-04-30", authenticator: authenticator)
discovery.serviceURL = "{url}"

  environmentID: "{environment_id}",
  collectionID: "{collection_id}",
  query: "relations.action.lemmatized:acquire")
  response, error in

  guard let result = response?.result else {
    print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "unexpected error")


For details on all API operations, including Swift examples, see the API reference.