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Interface MessageStatelessParams

Parameters for the messageStateless operation.


  • MessageStatelessParams




assistantId: string

Unique identifier of the assistant. To find the assistant ID in the Watson Assistant user interface, open the assistant settings and click API Details. For information about creating assistants, see the documentation.

Note: Currently, the v2 API does not support creating assistants.

Optional context

Context data for the conversation. You can use this property to set or modify context variables, which can also be accessed by dialog nodes. The context is not stored by the assistant. To maintain session state, include the context from the previous response.

Note: The total size of the context data for a stateless session cannot exceed 250KB.

Optional headers

headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders

Optional input

An input object that includes the input text.

Optional userId

userId: string

A string value that identifies the user who is interacting with the assistant. The client must provide a unique identifier for each individual end user who accesses the application. For user-based plans, this user ID is used to identify unique users for billing purposes. This string cannot contain carriage return, newline, or tab characters. If no value is specified in the input, user_id is automatically set to the value of context.global.session_id.

Note: This property is the same as the user_id property in the global system context. If user_id is specified in both locations in a message request, the value specified at the root is used.

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