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Interface UpdateClassifierParams

Parameters for the updateClassifier operation.


  • UpdateClassifierParams




classifierId: string

The ID of the classifier.

Optional headers

headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders

Optional negativeExamples

negativeExamples: ReadableStream | Buffer

A .zip file of images that do not depict the visual subject of any of the classes of the new classifier. Must contain a minimum of 10 images.

Encode special characters in the file name in UTF-8.

Optional negativeExamplesFilename

negativeExamplesFilename: string

The filename for negativeExamples.

Optional positiveExamples

positiveExamples: Record<string, ReadableStream | Buffer>

A dictionary that contains the value for each classname. The value is a .zip file of images that depict the visual subject of a class in the classifier. The positive examples create or update classes in the classifier. You can include more than one positive example file in a call.

Specify the parameter name by appending _positive_examples to the class name. For example, goldenretriever_positive_examples creates the class goldenretriever. The string cannot contain the following characters: $ * - { } \ | / ' " ` [ ].

Include at least 10 images in .jpg or .png format. The minimum recommended image resolution is 32X32 pixels. The maximum number of images is 10,000 images or 100 MB per .zip file.

Encode special characters in the file name in UTF-8.

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