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Interface Classifier

Information about a classifier.


  • Classifier



Optional classes

classes: Class[]

Classes that define a classifier.


classifier_id: string

ID of a classifier identified in the image.

Optional core_ml_enabled

core_ml_enabled: boolean

Whether the classifier can be downloaded as a Core ML model after the training status is ready.

Optional created

created: string

Date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) that the classifier was created.

Optional explanation

explanation: string

If classifier training has failed, this field might explain why.


name: string

Name of the classifier.

Optional owner

owner: string

Unique ID of the account who owns the classifier. Might not be returned by some requests.

Optional retrained

retrained: string

Date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) that the classifier was updated. Might not be returned by some requests. Identical to updated and retained for backward compatibility.

Optional status

status: string

Training status of classifier.

Optional updated

updated: string

Date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) that the classifier was most recently updated. The field matches either retrained or created. Might not be returned by some requests.

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