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Interface ToneChatParams

Parameters for the toneChat operation.


  • ToneChatParams



Optional acceptLanguage

acceptLanguage: AcceptLanguage | string

The desired language of the response. For two-character arguments, regional variants are treated as their parent language; for example, en-US is interpreted as en. You can use different languages for Content-Language and Accept-Language.

Optional contentLanguage

contentLanguage: ContentLanguage | string

The language of the input text for the request: English or French. Regional variants are treated as their parent language; for example, en-US is interpreted as en. The input content must match the specified language. Do not submit content that contains both languages. You can use different languages for Content-Language and Accept-Language.

  • 2017-09-21: Accepts en or fr.
  • 2016-05-19: Accepts only en.

Optional headers

headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders


utterances: Utterance[]

An array of Utterance objects that provides the input content that the service is to analyze.

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