An enrollment audio file that contains a sample of the speaker’s voice.
The enrollment audio must be in WAV format and must have a minimum sampling rate of 16 kHz. The service
accepts audio with higher sampling rates. It transcodes all audio to 16 kHz before processing it.
The length of the enrollment audio is limited to 1 minute. Speaking one or two paragraphs of text that include
five to ten sentences is recommended.
Optional headers
The name of the speaker that is to be added to the service instance.
Include a maximum of 49 characters in the name.
Include only alphanumeric characters and _ (underscores) in the name.
Do not include XML sensitive characters (double quotes, single quotes, ampersands, angle brackets, and
slashes) in the name.
Do not use the name of an existing speaker that is already defined for the service instance.
Parameters for the