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Interface ListWordsParams

Parameters for the listWords operation.


  • ListWordsParams




customizationId: string

The customization ID (GUID) of the custom language model that is to be used for the request. You must make the request with credentials for the instance of the service that owns the custom model.

Optional headers

headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders

Optional sort

sort: Sort | string

Indicates the order in which the words are to be listed, alphabetical or by count. You can prepend an optional + or - to an argument to indicate whether the results are to be sorted in ascending or descending order. By default, words are sorted in ascending alphabetical order. For alphabetical ordering, the lexicographical precedence is numeric values, uppercase letters, and lowercase letters. For count ordering, values with the same count are ordered alphabetically. With the curl command, URL-encode the + symbol as %2B.

Optional wordType

wordType: WordType | string

The type of words to be listed from the custom language model's words resource:

  • all (the default) shows all words.
  • user shows only custom words that were added or modified by the user directly.
  • corpora shows only OOV that were extracted from corpora.
  • grammars shows only OOV words that are recognized by grammars.

_For a custom model that is based on a next-generation model_, only all and user apply. Both options return the same results. Words from other sources are not added to custom models that are based on next-generation models.

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