  • Public
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  • All

Results of the analysis, organized by feature.


  • AnalysisResults



Optional analyzed_text

analyzed_text: string

Text that was used in the analysis.

Optional categories

categories: CategoriesResult[]

The categories that the service assigned to the analyzed text.

Optional classifications

classifications: ClassificationsResult[]

The classifications assigned to the analyzed text.

Optional concepts

concepts: ConceptsResult[]

The general concepts referenced or alluded to in the analyzed text.

Optional emotion

emotion: EmotionResult

The anger, disgust, fear, joy, or sadness conveyed by the content.

Optional entities

entities: EntitiesResult[]

The entities detected in the analyzed text.

Optional keywords

keywords: KeywordsResult[]

The keywords from the analyzed text.

Optional language

language: string

Language used to analyze the text.

Optional metadata

Webpage metadata, such as the author and the title of the page.

Optional relations

relations: RelationsResult[]

The relationships between entities in the content.

Optional retrieved_url

retrieved_url: string

URL of the webpage that was analyzed.

Optional semantic_roles

semantic_roles: SemanticRolesResult[]

Sentences parsed into subject, action, and object form.

Optional sentiment

sentiment: SentimentResult

The sentiment of the content.

Optional syntax

syntax: SyntaxResult

Tokens and sentences returned from syntax analysis.

Optional usage

API usage information for the request.

Generated using TypeDoc