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Interface Notice

A notice produced for the collection.


  • Notice



Optional created

created: string

The creation date of the collection in the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'.

Optional description

description: string

The description of the notice.

Optional document_id

document_id: string

Unique identifier of the document.

Optional notice_id

notice_id: string

Identifies the notice. Many notices might have the same ID. This field exists so that user applications can programmatically identify a notice and take automatic corrective action. Typical notice IDs include: index_failed, index_failed_too_many_requests, index_failed_incompatible_field, index_failed_cluster_unavailable, ingestion_timeout, ingestion_error, bad_request, internal_error, missing_model, unsupported_model, smart_document_understanding_failed_incompatible_field, smart_document_understanding_failed_internal_error, smart_document_understanding_failed_internal_error, smart_document_understanding_failed_warning, smart_document_understanding_page_error, smart_document_understanding_page_warning. Note: This is not a complete list; other values might be returned.

Optional query_id

query_id: string

Unique identifier of the query used for relevance training.

Optional severity

severity: string

Severity level of the notice.

Optional step

step: string

Ingestion or training step in which the notice occurred. Typical step values include: smartDocumentUnderstanding, ingestion, indexing, convert. Note: This is not a complete list; other values might be returned.

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