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Interface LogQueryResponseResult

Individual result object for a logs query. Each object represents either a query to a Discovery collection or an event that is associated with a query.


  • LogQueryResponseResult



Optional client_timestamp

client_timestamp: string

Date specified by the user when recording an event. Returned in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format. Only returned with logs of type event.

Optional collection_id

collection_id: string

The collection ID of the document associated with this event. Only returned with logs of type event.

Optional created_timestamp

created_timestamp: string

Date that the log result was created. Returned in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.

Optional customer_id

customer_id: string

The customer_id label that was specified in the header of the query or event API call that corresponds to this log entry.

Optional display_rank

display_rank: number

The original display rank of the document associated with this event. Only returned with logs of type event.

Optional document_id

document_id: string

The document ID of the document associated with this event. Only returned with logs of type event.

Optional document_results

Object containing result information that was returned by the query used to create this log entry. Only returned with logs of type query.

Optional document_type

document_type: string

The type of log entry returned.

query indicates that the log represents the results of a call to the single collection query method.

event indicates that the log represents a call to the events API.

Optional environment_id

environment_id: string

The environment ID that is associated with this log entry.

Optional event_type

event_type: string

The type of event that this object respresents. Possible values are

  • query the log of a query to a collection

  • click the result of a call to the events endpoint.

Optional natural_language_query

natural_language_query: string

The value of the natural_language_query query parameter that was used to create these results. Only returned with logs of type query.

Note: Other query parameters (such as filter or deduplicate) might have been used with this query, but are not recorded.

Optional query_id

query_id: string

Identifier that corresponds to the natural_language_query string used in the original or associated query. All event and query log entries that have the same original natural_language_query string also have them same query_id. This field can be used to recall all event and query log results that have the same original query (event logs do not contain the original natural_language_query field).

Optional result_type

result_type: string

The type of result that this event is associated with. Only returned with logs of type event.

Optional session_token

session_token: string

Unique identifier (within a 24-hour period) that identifies a single query log and any event logs that were created for it.

Note: If the exact same query is run at the exact same time on different days, the session_token for those queries might be identical. However, the created_timestamp differs.

Note: Session tokens are case sensitive. To avoid matching on session tokens that are identical except for case, use the exact match operator (::) when you query for a specific session token.

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