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Interface Expansions

The query expansion definitions for the specified collection.


  • Expansions





expansions: Expansion[]

An array of query expansion definitions.

Each object in the expansions array represents a term or set of terms that will be expanded into other terms. Each expansion object can be configured as bidirectional or unidirectional. Bidirectional means that all terms are expanded to all other terms in the object. Unidirectional means that a set list of terms can be expanded into a second list of terms.

To create a bi-directional expansion specify an expanded_terms array. When found in a query, all items in the expanded_terms array are then expanded to the other items in the same array.

To create a uni-directional expansion, specify both an array of input_terms and an array of expanded_terms. When items in the input_terms array are present in a query, they are expanded using the items listed in the expanded_terms array.

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