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Interface Enrichment

Enrichment step to perform on the document. Each enrichment is performed on the specified field in the order that they are listed in the configuration.


  • Enrichment



Optional description

description: string

Describes what the enrichment step does.


destination_field: string

Field where enrichments will be stored. This field must already exist or be at most 1 level deeper than an existing field. For example, if text is a top-level field with no sub-fields, text.foo is a valid destination but text.foo.bar is not.


enrichment: string

Name of the enrichment service to call. Current options are natural_language_understanding and elements.

When using natual_language_understanding, the options object must contain Natural Language Understanding options.

When using elements the options object must contain Element Classification options. Additionally, when using the elements enrichment the configuration specified and files ingested must meet all the criteria specified in the documentation.

Optional ignore_downstream_errors

ignore_downstream_errors: boolean

If true, then most errors generated during the enrichment process will be treated as warnings and will not cause the document to fail processing.

Optional options

Options which are specific to a particular enrichment.

Optional overwrite

overwrite: boolean

Indicates that the enrichments will overwrite the destination_field field if it already exists.


source_field: string

Field to be enriched.

Arrays can be specified as the source_field if the enrichment service for this enrichment is set to natural_language_undstanding.

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