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Interface CreateBatchParams

Parameters for the createBatch operation.


  • CreateBatchParams




_function: Function | string

The Compare and Comply method to run across the submitted input documents.

Optional headers

headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders


inputBucketLocation: string

The geographical location of the Cloud Object Storage input bucket as listed on the Endpoint tab of your Cloud Object Storage instance; for example, us-geo, eu-geo, or ap-geo.


inputBucketName: string

The name of the Cloud Object Storage input bucket.


inputCredentialsFile: ReadableStream | Buffer

A JSON file containing the input Cloud Object Storage credentials. At a minimum, the credentials must enable READ permissions on the bucket defined by the input_bucket_name parameter.

Optional model

model: Model | string

The analysis model to be used by the service. For the Element classification and Compare two documents methods, the default is contracts. For the Extract tables method, the default is tables. These defaults apply to the standalone methods as well as to the methods' use in batch-processing requests.


outputBucketLocation: string

The geographical location of the Cloud Object Storage output bucket as listed on the Endpoint tab of your Cloud Object Storage instance; for example, us-geo, eu-geo, or ap-geo.


outputBucketName: string

The name of the Cloud Object Storage output bucket.


outputCredentialsFile: ReadableStream | Buffer

A JSON file that lists the Cloud Object Storage output credentials. At a minimum, the credentials must enable READ and WRITE permissions on the bucket defined by the output_bucket_name parameter.

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