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Interface UpdateIntentParams

Parameters for the updateIntent operation.


  • UpdateIntentParams



Optional append

append: boolean

Whether the new data is to be appended to the existing data in the object. If append=false, elements included in the new data completely replace the corresponding existing elements, including all subelements. For example, if the new data for the intent includes examples and append=false, all existing examples for the intent are discarded and replaced with the new examples.

If append=true, existing elements are preserved, and the new elements are added. If any elements in the new data collide with existing elements, the update request fails.

Optional headers

headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders

Optional includeAudit

includeAudit: boolean

Whether to include the audit properties (created and updated timestamps) in the response.


intent: string

The intent name.

Optional newDescription

newDescription: string

The description of the intent. This string cannot contain carriage return, newline, or tab characters.

Optional newExamples

newExamples: Example[]

An array of user input examples for the intent.

Optional newIntent

newIntent: string

The name of the intent. This string must conform to the following restrictions:

  • It can contain only Unicode alphanumeric, underscore, hyphen, and dot characters.
  • It cannot begin with the reserved prefix sys-.


workspaceId: string

Unique identifier of the workspace.

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