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Interface ListDialogNodesParams

Parameters for the listDialogNodes operation.


  • ListDialogNodesParams



Optional cursor

cursor: string

A token identifying the page of results to retrieve.

Optional headers

headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders

Optional includeAudit

includeAudit: boolean

Whether to include the audit properties (created and updated timestamps) in the response.

Optional includeCount

includeCount: boolean

Whether to include information about the number of records that satisfy the request, regardless of the page limit. If this parameter is true, the pagination object in the response includes the total property.

Optional pageLimit

pageLimit: number

The number of records to return in each page of results.

Optional sort

sort: Sort | string

The attribute by which returned dialog nodes will be sorted. To reverse the sort order, prefix the value with a minus sign (-).


workspaceId: string

Unique identifier of the workspace.

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