Interface | Description |
AcousticModel.Status |
The current status of the custom acoustic model: * `pending`: The model was created but is
waiting either for valid training data to be added or for the service to finish analyzing added
AddAudioOptions.ContainedContentType |
**For an archive-type resource,** specify the format of the audio files that are contained in
the archive file if they are of type `audio/alaw`, `audio/basic`, `audio/l16`, or
AudioDetails.Compression |
**For an archive-type resource,** the format of the compressed archive: * `zip` for a **.zip**
file * `gzip` for a **.tar.gz** file
AudioDetails.Type |
The type of the audio resource: * `audio` for an individual audio file * `archive` for an
archive (**.zip** or **.tar.gz**) file that contains audio files * `undetermined` for a
resource that the service cannot validate (for example, if the user mistakenly passes a file
that does not contain audio, such as a JPEG file).
AudioListing.Status |
**For an audio-type resource,** the status of the resource: * `ok`: The service successfully
analyzed the audio data.
AudioResource.Status |
The status of the audio resource: * `ok`: The service successfully analyzed the audio data.
Corpus.Status |
The status of the corpus: * `analyzed`: The service successfully analyzed the corpus.
CreateAcousticModelOptions.BaseModelName |
The name of the base language model that is to be customized by the new custom acoustic model.
CreateJobOptions.Events |
If the job includes a callback URL, a comma-separated list of notification events to which to
CreateJobOptions.Model |
The identifier of the model that is to be used for the recognition request.
CreateLanguageModelOptions.BaseModelName |
The name of the base language model that is to be customized by the new custom language model.
GetModelOptions.ModelId |
The identifier of the model in the form of its name from the output of the **Get a model**
Grammar.Status |
The status of the grammar: * `analyzed`: The service successfully analyzed the grammar.
LanguageModel.Status |
The current status of the custom language model: * `pending`: The model was created but is
waiting either for valid training data to be added or for the service to finish analyzing added
ListWordsOptions.Sort |
Indicates the order in which the words are to be listed, `alphabetical` or by `count`.
ListWordsOptions.WordType |
The type of words to be listed from the custom language model's words resource: * `all` (the
default) shows all words.
RecognitionJob.Status |
The current status of the job: * `waiting`: The service is preparing the job for processing.
RecognizeOptions.Model |
The identifier of the model that is to be used for the recognition request.
RegisterStatus.Status |
The current status of the job: * `created`: The service successfully white-listed the callback
URL as a result of the call.
SpeechRecognitionResult.EndOfUtterance |
If the `split_transcript_at_phrase_end` parameter is `true`, describes the reason for the
split: * `end_of_data` - The end of the input audio stream.
TrainingWarning.Code |
An identifier for the type of invalid resources listed in the `description` field.
TrainLanguageModelOptions.WordTypeToAdd |
The type of words from the custom language model's words resource on which to train the model:
* `all` (the default) trains the model on all new words, regardless of whether they were
extracted from corpora or grammars or were added or modified by the user.
Class | Description |
AcousticModel |
Information about an existing custom acoustic model.
AcousticModels |
Information about existing custom acoustic models.
AddAudioOptions |
The addAudio options.
AddAudioOptions.Builder |
AddCorpusOptions |
The addCorpus options.
AddCorpusOptions.Builder |
AddGrammarOptions |
The addGrammar options.
AddGrammarOptions.Builder |
AddWordOptions |
The addWord options.
AddWordOptions.Builder |
AddWordsOptions |
The addWords options.
AddWordsOptions.Builder |
AudioDetails |
Information about an audio resource from a custom acoustic model.
AudioListing |
Information about an audio resource from a custom acoustic model.
AudioMetrics |
If audio metrics are requested, information about the signal characteristics of the input audio.
AudioMetricsDetails |
Detailed information about the signal characteristics of the input audio.
AudioMetricsHistogramBin |
A bin with defined boundaries that indicates the number of values in a range of signal
characteristics for a histogram.
AudioResource |
Information about an audio resource from a custom acoustic model.
AudioResources |
Information about the audio resources from a custom acoustic model.
CheckJobOptions |
The checkJob options.
CheckJobOptions.Builder |
CheckJobsOptions |
The checkJobs options.
CheckJobsOptions.Builder |
Corpora |
Information about the corpora from a custom language model.
Corpus |
Information about a corpus from a custom language model.
CreateAcousticModelOptions |
The createAcousticModel options.
CreateAcousticModelOptions.Builder |
CreateJobOptions |
The createJob options.
CreateJobOptions.Builder |
CreateLanguageModelOptions |
The createLanguageModel options.
CreateLanguageModelOptions.Builder |
CustomWord |
Information about a word that is to be added to a custom language model.
CustomWord.Builder |
DeleteAcousticModelOptions |
The deleteAcousticModel options.
DeleteAcousticModelOptions.Builder |
DeleteAudioOptions |
The deleteAudio options.
DeleteAudioOptions.Builder |
DeleteCorpusOptions |
The deleteCorpus options.
DeleteCorpusOptions.Builder |
DeleteGrammarOptions |
The deleteGrammar options.
DeleteGrammarOptions.Builder |
DeleteJobOptions |
The deleteJob options.
DeleteJobOptions.Builder |
DeleteLanguageModelOptions |
The deleteLanguageModel options.
DeleteLanguageModelOptions.Builder |
DeleteUserDataOptions |
The deleteUserData options.
DeleteUserDataOptions.Builder |
DeleteWordOptions |
The deleteWord options.
DeleteWordOptions.Builder |
GetAcousticModelOptions |
The getAcousticModel options.
GetAcousticModelOptions.Builder |
GetAudioOptions |
The getAudio options.
GetAudioOptions.Builder |
GetCorpusOptions |
The getCorpus options.
GetCorpusOptions.Builder |
GetGrammarOptions |
The getGrammar options.
GetGrammarOptions.Builder |
GetLanguageModelOptions |
The getLanguageModel options.
GetLanguageModelOptions.Builder |
GetModelOptions |
The getModel options.
GetModelOptions.Builder |
GetWordOptions |
The getWord options.
GetWordOptions.Builder |
Grammar |
Information about a grammar from a custom language model.
Grammars |
Information about the grammars from a custom language model.
KeywordResult |
Information about a match for a keyword from speech recognition results.
LanguageModel |
Information about an existing custom language model.
LanguageModels |
Information about existing custom language models.
ListAcousticModelsOptions |
The listAcousticModels options.
ListAcousticModelsOptions.Builder |
ListAudioOptions |
The listAudio options.
ListAudioOptions.Builder |
ListCorporaOptions |
The listCorpora options.
ListCorporaOptions.Builder |
ListGrammarsOptions |
The listGrammars options.
ListGrammarsOptions.Builder |
ListLanguageModelsOptions |
The listLanguageModels options.
ListLanguageModelsOptions.Builder |
ListModelsOptions |
The listModels options.
ListModelsOptions.Builder |
ListWordsOptions |
The listWords options.
ListWordsOptions.Builder |
ProcessedAudio |
Detailed timing information about the service's processing of the input audio.
ProcessingMetrics |
If processing metrics are requested, information about the service's processing of the input
RecognitionJob |
Information about a current asynchronous speech recognition job.
RecognitionJobs |
Information about current asynchronous speech recognition jobs.
RecognizeOptions |
The recognize options.
RecognizeOptions.Builder |
RegisterCallbackOptions |
The registerCallback options.
RegisterCallbackOptions.Builder |
RegisterStatus |
Information about a request to register a callback for asynchronous speech recognition.
ResetAcousticModelOptions |
The resetAcousticModel options.
ResetAcousticModelOptions.Builder |
ResetLanguageModelOptions |
The resetLanguageModel options.
ResetLanguageModelOptions.Builder |
SpeakerLabelsResult |
Information about the speakers from speech recognition results.
SpeechModel |
Information about an available language model.
SpeechModels |
Information about the available language models.
SpeechRecognitionAlternative |
An alternative transcript from speech recognition results.
SpeechRecognitionResult |
Component results for a speech recognition request.
SpeechRecognitionResults |
The complete results for a speech recognition request.
SpeechTimestamp |
Transcription timestamp.
SpeechWordConfidence |
Transcription word confidence.
SupportedFeatures |
Additional service features that are supported with the model.
TrainAcousticModelOptions |
The trainAcousticModel options.
TrainAcousticModelOptions.Builder |
TrainingResponse |
The response from training of a custom language or custom acoustic model.
TrainingWarning |
A warning from training of a custom language or custom acoustic model.
TrainLanguageModelOptions |
The trainLanguageModel options.
TrainLanguageModelOptions.Builder |
UnregisterCallbackOptions |
The unregisterCallback options.
UnregisterCallbackOptions.Builder |
UpgradeAcousticModelOptions |
The upgradeAcousticModel options.
UpgradeAcousticModelOptions.Builder |
UpgradeLanguageModelOptions |
The upgradeLanguageModel options.
UpgradeLanguageModelOptions.Builder |
Word |
Information about a word from a custom language model.
WordAlternativeResult |
An alternative hypothesis for a word from speech recognition results.
WordAlternativeResults |
Information about alternative hypotheses for words from speech recognition results.
WordError |
An error associated with a word from a custom language model.
Words |
Information about the words from a custom language model.