Class | Description |
AlchemyGenericModel |
Alchemy generic model with the number of transactions of each operation.
AlchemyLanguageGenericModel |
Abstract model class for Alchemy Language models.
Article |
Article returned by the
AlchemyDataNews service. |
Article.EnrichedTitle |
EnrichedTitle returned from
AlchemyDataNews.getNewsDocuments(java.util.Map) . |
CombinedResults |
Combined returned by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
Concept |
Concept returned by the AlchemyLanguage service.
Concepts |
Concepts returned by
AlchemyLanguage.getConcepts(java.util.Map) . |
Dates |
Extracted dates by the
AlchemyLanguage.getDates(java.util.Map) method. |
Dates.ExtractedDate |
The date along with the text from where the date was extracted.
DisambiguatedLinks |
Disambiguated returned by Alchemy services.
Document |
Doc returned by the
AlchemyDataNews service. |
DocumentAuthors |
Author returned by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
DocumentAuthors.Authors |
Authors returned by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
DocumentEmotion |
The document emotion from
AlchemyLanguage.getEmotion(java.util.Map) . |
DocumentEmotion.Emotion |
The extracted emotion from
AlchemyLanguage.getEmotion(java.util.Map) . |
DocumentPublicationDate |
Publication date returned by
AlchemyLanguage.getPublicationDate(java.util.Map) . |
Documents |
Documents by the
AlchemyDataNews service. |
DocumentSentiment |
DocSentiment returned by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
DocumentsResult |
Result by the
AlchemyDataNews service. |
DocumentText |
Text extracted from an html or url page and returned by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
DocumentTitle |
Title returned by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
Entities |
Entities returned by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
Entity |
Entity returned by the AlchemyDataNews and AlchemyLanguage service.
Feed |
Feed returned by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
Feeds |
Feeds returned by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
Identity |
Identity by the
AlchemyVision service. |
ImageFace |
ImageFace returned by
AlchemyVision.recognizeFaces(, Boolean) . |
ImageFace.AgeRange |
Face Age range.
ImageFace.Gender |
Face gender.
ImageFaces |
FaceTag by the
AlchemyVision service. |
ImageKeyword |
ImageKeyword by the
AlchemyVision service. |
ImageKeywords |
Image by the
AlchemyVision service. |
ImageLink |
ImageLink by the
AlchemyVision service. |
ImageSceneText |
SceneText by the
AlchemyVision service. |
ImageSceneTextLine |
ImageSceneTextLine returned by
AlchemyVision.getImageSceneText( . |
ImageSceneTextLine.Region |
ImageSceneTextLine.Word |
A word within a line of text.
Keyword |
Keyword returned by the AlchemyLanguage service.
Keywords |
Keywords returned by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
KnowledgeGraph |
Entity returned by the AlchemyDataNews service.
Language |
Language returned by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
Microformat |
Microformat returned by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
Microformats |
Microformats returned by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
PublicationDate |
PublicationDate returned by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
Quotation |
The Class Quotation.
SAORelation |
Subject-Action-Object(SAO) relation returned by the AlchemyLanguage service.
SAORelation.Action |
The Class Action.
SAORelation.Action.Verb |
The Class Verb.
SAORelation.RelationObject |
The Class RelationObject.
SAORelation.Subject |
The Subject relation.
SAORelations |
Subject-Action-Object(SAO) relations returned by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
Sentiment |
Sentiment returned by the AlchemyLanguage service.
Source |
Source by the
AlchemyDataNews service. |
Taxonomies |
Taxonomies returned by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
Taxonomy | |
TypedArguments |
Argument of a typed relation.
TypedEntity |
Recognized entity from
AlchemyLanguage.getTypedRelations(java.util.Map) . |
TypedRelation |
Typed relation between
TypedArguments . |
TypedRelations |
Typed relation between
TypedEntity . |
Url |
Enriched returned by the
AlchemyDataNews service. |
VolumeResult |
VolumeResult by the
AlchemyDataNews.getVolume(String, String, String) service. |
VolumeResult.Volume |
The Class Volume.
Enum | Description |
LanguageSelection |
Supported Language by the
AlchemyLanguage service. |
Sentiment.SentimentType |
Sentiment type enumeration.
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