CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.AcousticModel | Information about an existing custom acoustic model. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.AcousticModels | Information about existing custom acoustic models. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.DialogNodeAction.ActionTypeEnumValue | The type of action to invoke. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNodeAction.ActionTypeEnumValue | The type of action to invoke. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Address | A party's address. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.AggregationResult | AggregationResult. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.AlignedElement | AlignedElement. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.AnalysisResults | Results of the analysis, organized by feature. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.AnalysisResultsMetadata | Webpage metadata, such as the author and the title of the page. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.AnalysisResultsUsage | API usage information for the request. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Attribute | List of document attributes. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.AudioDetails | Information about an audio resource from a custom acoustic model. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.AudioListing | Information about an audio resource from a custom acoustic model. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.AudioMetrics | If audio metrics are requested, information about the signal characteristics of the input audio. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.AudioMetricsDetails | Detailed information about the signal characteristics of the input audio. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.AudioMetricsHistogramBin | A bin with defined boundaries that indicates the number of values in a range of signal characteristics for a histogram. The first and last bins of a histogram are the boundary bins. They cover the intervals between negative infinity and the first boundary, and between the last boundary and positive infinity, respectively. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.AudioResource | Information about an audio resource from a custom acoustic model. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.AudioResources | Information about the audio resources from a custom acoustic model. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.Author | The author of the analyzed content. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Batches | The results of a successful List Batches request. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.BatchStatus | The batch-request status. |
CIBM.Watson.PersonalityInsights.v3.Model.Behavior | The temporal behavior for the input content. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNodeNextStep.BehaviorEnumValue | What happens after the dialog node completes. The valid values depend on the node type: |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.BodyCells | Cells that are not table header, column header, or row header cells. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.MessageOutputDebug.BranchExitedReasonEnumValue | When branch_exited is set to true by the Assistant, the branch_exited_reason specifies whether the dialog completed by itself or got interrupted. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Calculation | Calculation. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.CaptureGroup | CaptureGroup. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.CaptureGroup | A recognized capture group for a pattern-based entity. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.CategoriesOptions | Returns a five-level taxonomy of the content. The top three categories are returned |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.CategoriesRelevantText | Relevant text that contributed to the categorization. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.CategoriesResult | A categorization of the analyzed text. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.CategoriesResultExplanation | Information that helps to explain what contributed to the categories result. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Category | Information defining an element's subject matter. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.CategoryComparison | Information defining an element's subject matter. |
CIBM.Watson.PersonalityInsights.v3.Model.Trait.CategoryEnumValue | The category of the characteristic: personality for Big Five personality characteristics, needs for Needs, and values for Values. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageClassifier.v1.Model.Classification | Response from the classifier for a phrase. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageClassifier.v1.Model.ClassificationCollection | Response from the classifier for multiple phrases. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageClassifier.v1.Model.ClassifiedClass | Class and confidence. |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.Model.ClassifiedImage | Results for one image. |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.Model.ClassifiedImages | Results for all images. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageClassifier.v1.Model.Classifier | A classifier for natural language phrases. |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.Model.Classifier | Information about a classifier. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageClassifier.v1.Model.ClassifierList | List of available classifiers. |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.Model.ClassifierResult | Classifier and score combination. |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.Model.Classifiers | A container for the list of classifiers. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageClassifier.v1.Model.ClassifyInput | Request payload to classify. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.ClassifyReturn | The analysis of objects returned by the Element classification method. |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.Model.ClassResult | Result of a class within a classifier. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Collection | A collection for storing documents. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.CollectionCrawlStatus | Object containing information about the crawl status of this collection. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.CollectionDiskUsage | Summary of the disk usage statistics for this collection. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageClassifier.v1.Model.CollectionItem | Response from the classifier for a phrase in a collection. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.CollectionUsage | Summary of the collection usage in the environment. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.ColumnHeaderIds | An array of values, each being the id value of a column header that is applicable to the current cell. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.ColumnHeaders | Column-level cells, each applicable as a header to other cells in the same column as itself, of the current table. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.ColumnHeaderTexts | An array of values, each being the text value of a column header that is applicable to the current cell. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.ColumnHeaderTextsNormalized | If you provide customization input, the normalized version of the column header texts according to the customization; otherwise, the same value as column_header_texts . |
CIBM.Watson.Common | |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.CompareReturn | The comparison of the two submitted documents. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.AudioDetails.CompressionEnumValue | For an archive-type resource, the format of the compressed archive: |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.ConceptsOptions | Returns high-level concepts in the content. For example, a research paper about deep learning might return the concept, "Artificial Intelligence" although the term is not mentioned |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.ConceptsResult | The general concepts referenced or alluded to in the analyzed text. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.ContractType.ConfidenceLevelEnumValue | The confidence level in the identification of the termination date. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.EffectiveDates.ConfidenceLevelEnumValue | The confidence level in the identification of the effective date. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.TerminationDates.ConfidenceLevelEnumValue | The confidence level in the identification of the termination date. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.ContractAmts.ConfidenceLevelEnumValue | The confidence level in the identification of the contract amount. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Configuration | A custom configuration for the environment. |
CIBM.Watson.PersonalityInsights.v3.Model.ConsumptionPreferences | A consumption preference that the service inferred from the input content. |
CIBM.Watson.PersonalityInsights.v3.Model.ConsumptionPreferencesCategory | The consumption preferences that the service inferred from the input content. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Contact | A contact. |
CIBM.Watson.PersonalityInsights.v3.Model.Content | The full input content that the service is to analyze. |
CIBM.Watson.PersonalityInsights.v3.Model.ContentItem | An input content item that the service is to analyze. |
CIBM.Watson.PersonalityInsights.v3.Model.ContentItem.ContenttypeEnumValue | The MIME type of the content. The default is plain text. The tags are stripped from HTML content before it is analyzed; plain text is processed as submitted. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.ContractAmts | A monetary amount identified in the input document. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.ContractType | The contract type identified in the input document. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Conversions | Document conversion settings. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.Corpora | Information about the corpora from a custom language model. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.Corpus | Information about a corpus from a custom language model. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.Counterexample | Counterexample. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.CounterexampleCollection | CounterexampleCollection. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.SourceOptionsWebCrawl.CrawlSpeedEnumValue | The number of concurrent URLs to fetch. gentle means one URL is fetched at a time with a delay between each call. normal means as many as two URLs are fectched concurrently with a short delay between fetch calls. aggressive means that up to ten URLs are fetched concurrently with a short delay between fetch calls. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.CreateEntity | CreateEntity. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.CreateEventResponse | An object defining the event being created. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.CreateIntent | CreateIntent. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.CreateValue | CreateValue. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.CredentialDetails | Object containing details of the stored credentials |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Credentials | Object containing credential information. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.CredentialsList | CredentialsList. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.CredentialDetails.CredentialTypeEnumValue | The authentication method for this credentials definition. The credential_type specified must be supported by the source_type. The following combinations are possible: |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.CustomWord | Information about a word that is to be added to a custom language model. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DeleteCollectionResponse | DeleteCollectionResponse. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DeleteConfigurationResponse | DeleteConfigurationResponse. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DeleteCredentials | Object returned after credentials are deleted. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DeleteDocumentResponse | DeleteDocumentResponse. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DeleteEnvironmentResponse | DeleteEnvironmentResponse. |
CIBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.Model.DeleteModelResult | DeleteModelResult. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.DeleteModelResults | Delete model results. |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.Model.DetectedFaces | Results for all faces. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.DialogLogMessage | Dialog log message details. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNode | DialogNode. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNodeAction | DialogNodeAction. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.DialogNodeAction | DialogNodeAction. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNodeCollection | An array of dialog nodes. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNodeNextStep | The next step to execute following this dialog node. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNodeOutputGeneric | DialogNodeOutputGeneric. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNodeOutputModifiers | Options that modify how specified output is handled. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.DialogNodeOutputOptionsElement | DialogNodeOutputOptionsElement. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNodeOutputOptionsElement | DialogNodeOutputOptionsElement. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.DialogNodeOutputOptionsElementValue | An object defining the message input to be sent to the assistant if the user selects the corresponding option. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNodeOutputOptionsElementValue | An object defining the message input to be sent to the Watson Assistant service if the user selects the corresponding option. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNodeOutputTextValuesElement | DialogNodeOutputTextValuesElement. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.DialogNodesVisited | DialogNodesVisited. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNodeVisitedDetails | DialogNodeVisitedDetails. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogRuntimeResponseGeneric | DialogRuntimeResponseGeneric. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.DialogRuntimeResponseGeneric | DialogRuntimeResponseGeneric. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogSuggestion | DialogSuggestion. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.DialogSuggestion | DialogSuggestion. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogSuggestionValue | An object defining the message input, intents, and entities to be sent to the Watson Assistant service if the user selects the corresponding disambiguation option. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.DialogSuggestionValue | An object defining the message input to be sent to the assistant if the user selects the corresponding disambiguation option. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNode.DigressInEnumValue | Whether this top-level dialog node can be digressed into. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNode.DigressOutEnumValue | Whether this dialog node can be returned to after a digression. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNode.DigressOutSlotsEnumValue | Whether the user can digress to top-level nodes while filling out slots. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.DisambiguationResult | Disambiguation information for the entity. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DiskUsage | Summary of the disk usage statistics for the environment. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.DocCounts | Document counts. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.DocInfo | Information about the parsed input document. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.DocStructure | The structure of the input document. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Document | Basic information about the input document. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DocumentAccepted | DocumentAccepted. |
CIBM.Watson.ToneAnalyzer.v3.Model.DocumentAnalysis | The results of the analysis for the full input content. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DocumentCounts | DocumentCounts. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.DocumentEmotionResults | Emotion results for the document as a whole. |
CIBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.Model.DocumentList | DocumentList. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.RetrievalDetails.DocumentRetrievalStrategyEnumValue | Indentifies the document retrieval strategy used for this query. relevancy_training indicates that the results were returned using a relevancy trained model. continuous_relevancy_training indicates that the results were returned using the continuous relevancy training model created by result feedback analysis. untrained means the results were returned using the standard untrained model |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.DocumentSentimentResults | DocumentSentimentResults. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DocumentSnapshot | DocumentSnapshot. |
CIBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.Model.DocumentStatus | Document information, including translation status. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DocumentStatus | Status information about a submitted document. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.LogQueryResponseResult.DocumentTypeEnumValue | The type of log entry returned |
▶CDynamicModel | |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.Context | State information for the conversation. To maintain state, include the context from the previous response. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNodeOutput | The output of the dialog node. For more information about how to specify dialog node output, see the documentation. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.LogMessage | Log message details. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.MessageInput | An input object that includes the input text. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.OutputData | An output object that includes the response to the user, the dialog nodes that were triggered, and messages from the log. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.RuntimeEntity | A term from the request that was identified as an entity. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.RuntimeIntent | An intent identified in the user input. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.SystemResponse | For internal use only. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.MessageContextSkills | Information specific to particular skills used by the Assistant |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.NluEnrichmentCategories | An object that indicates the Categories enrichment will be applied to the specified field. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryNoticesResult | QueryNoticesResult. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryResult | QueryResult. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.EffectiveDates | An effective date. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Element | A component part of the document. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.ElementLocations | A list of begin and end indexes that indicate the locations of the elements in the input document. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.ElementPair | Details of semantically aligned elements. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.EmotionOptions | Detects anger, disgust, fear, joy, or sadness that is conveyed in the content or by the context around target phrases specified in the targets parameter. You can analyze emotion for detected entities with entities.emotion and for keywords with keywords.emotion |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.EmotionResult | The detected anger, disgust, fear, joy, or sadness that is conveyed by the content. Emotion information can be returned for detected entities, keywords, or user-specified target phrases found in the text. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.EmotionScores | EmotionScores. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Enrichment | Enrichment. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.EnrichmentOptions | Options which are specific to a particular enrichment. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.EntitiesOptions | Identifies people, cities, organizations, and other entities in the content. See Entity types and subtypes |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.EntitiesResult | The important people, places, geopolitical entities and other types of entities in your content. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.Entity | Entity. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.EntityCollection | An array of objects describing the entities for the workspace. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.EntityMention | An object describing a contextual entity mention. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.EntityMention | EntityMention. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.EntityMentionCollection | EntityMentionCollection. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Environment | Details about an environment. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.EnvironmentDocuments | Summary of the document usage statistics for the environment. |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.Model.ErrorInfo | Information about what might have caused a failure, such as an image that is too large. Not returned when there is no error. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.EventData | Query event data object. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNode.EventNameEnumValue | How an event_handler node is processed. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.LogQueryResponseResult.EventTypeEnumValue | The type of event that this object respresents. Possible values are |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.Example | Example. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.ExampleCollection | ExampleCollection. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Expansion | An expansion definition. Each object respresents one set of expandable strings. For example, you could have expansions for the word hot in one object, and expansions for the word cold in another. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Expansions | The query expansion definitions for the specified collection. |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.Model.Face | Information about the face. |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.Model.FaceAge | Age information about a face. |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.Model.FaceGender | Information about the gender of the face. |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.Model.FaceLocation | The location of the bounding box around the face. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.Features | Analysis features and options. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.FeatureSentimentResults | FeatureSentimentResults. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.Feed | RSS or ATOM feed found on the webpage. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.FeedbackDataInput | Feedback data for submission. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.FeedbackDataOutput | Information returned from the Add Feedback method. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.FeedbackDeleted | The status and message of the deletion request. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.FeedbackList | The results of a successful List Feedback request for all feedback. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.FeedbackReturn | Information about the document and the submitted feedback. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Field | Field. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Field.FieldTypeEnumValue | The type of the field. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryNoticesResult.FileTypeEnumValue | The type of the original source file. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DocumentStatus.FileTypeEnumValue | The type of the original source file. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Filter | Filter. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.FontSetting | FontSetting. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.SourceSchedule.FrequencyEnumValue | The crawl schedule in the specified time_zone |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.BatchStatus.FunctionEnumValue | The method to be run against the documents. Possible values are html_conversion , element_classification , and tables . |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Gateway | Object describing a specific gateway. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.GatewayDelete | Gatway deletion confirmation. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.GatewayList | Object containing gateways array. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.GetFeedback | The results of a successful Get Feedback request for a single feedback entry. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.Grammar | Information about a grammar from a custom language model. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.Grammars | Information about the grammars from a custom language model. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Histogram | Histogram. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.HTMLReturn | The HTML converted from an input document. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.HtmlSettings | A list of HTML conversion settings. |
▶CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.IAssistantService | |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.AssistantService | |
▶CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.IAssistantService | |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.AssistantService | |
▶CIBMService | |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.AssistantService | |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.AssistantService | |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.CompareComplyService | |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.DiscoveryService | |
CIBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.LanguageTranslatorService | |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageClassifier.v1.NaturalLanguageClassifierService | |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.NaturalLanguageUnderstandingService | |
CIBM.Watson.PersonalityInsights.v3.PersonalityInsightsService | |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.SpeechToTextService | |
CIBM.Watson.TextToSpeech.v1.TextToSpeechService | |
CIBM.Watson.ToneAnalyzer.v3.ToneAnalyzerService | |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.VisualRecognitionService | |
▶CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.ICompareComplyService | |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.CompareComplyService | |
CIBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.Model.IdentifiableLanguage | IdentifiableLanguage. |
CIBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.Model.IdentifiableLanguages | IdentifiableLanguages. |
CIBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.Model.IdentifiedLanguage | IdentifiedLanguage. |
CIBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.Model.IdentifiedLanguages | IdentifiedLanguages. |
▶CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.IDiscoveryService | |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.DiscoveryService | |
▶CIBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.ILanguageTranslatorService | |
CIBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.LanguageTranslatorService | |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.Model.ImageWithFaces | Information about faces in the image. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Parties.ImportanceEnumValue | A string that identifies the importance of the party. |
▶CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageClassifier.v1.INaturalLanguageClassifierService | |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageClassifier.v1.NaturalLanguageClassifierService | |
▶CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.INaturalLanguageUnderstandingService | |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.NaturalLanguageUnderstandingService | |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.IndexCapacity | Details about the resource usage and capacity of the environment. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.Intent | Intent. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.IntentCollection | IntentCollection. |
▶CIBM.Watson.PersonalityInsights.v3.IPersonalityInsightsService | |
CIBM.Watson.PersonalityInsights.v3.PersonalityInsightsService | |
▶CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.ISpeechToTextService | |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.SpeechToTextService | |
▶CIBM.Watson.TextToSpeech.v1.ITextToSpeechService | |
CIBM.Watson.TextToSpeech.v1.TextToSpeechService | |
▶CIBM.Watson.ToneAnalyzer.v3.IToneAnalyzerService | |
CIBM.Watson.ToneAnalyzer.v3.ToneAnalyzerService | |
▶CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.IVisualRecognitionService | |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.VisualRecognitionService | |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Key | A key in a key-value pair. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.KeyValuePair | Key-value pairs detected across cell boundaries. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.KeywordResult | Information about a match for a keyword from speech recognition results. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.KeywordsOptions | Returns important keywords in the content |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.KeywordsResult | The important keywords in the content, organized by relevance. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Label | A pair of nature and party objects. The nature object identifies the effect of the element on the identified party , and the party object identifies the affected party. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Category.LabelEnumValue | The category of the associated element. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.CategoryComparison.LabelEnumValue | The category of the associated element. |
CIBM.Watson.PersonalityInsights.v3.Model.ContentItem.LanguageEnumValue | The language identifier (two-letter ISO 639-1 identifier) for the language of the content item. The default is en (English). Regional variants are treated as their parent language; for example, en-US is interpreted as en . A language specified with the Content-Type parameter overrides the value of this parameter; any content items that specify a different language are ignored. Omit the Content-Type parameter to base the language on the most prevalent specification among the content items; again, content items that specify a different language are ignored. You can specify any combination of languages for the input and response content. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.EnrichmentOptions.LanguageEnumValue | ISO 639-1 code indicating the language to use for the analysis. This code overrides the automatic language detection performed by the service. Valid codes are ar (Arabic), en (English), fr (French), de (German), it (Italian), pt (Portuguese), ru (Russian), es (Spanish), and sv (Swedish). Note: Not all features support all languages, automatic detection is recommended. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.LanguageModel | Information about an existing custom language model. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.LanguageModels | Information about existing custom language models. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.LeadingSentence | The leading sentences in a section or subsection of the input document. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.DialogLogMessage.LevelEnumValue | The severity of the log message. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.LogMessage.LevelEnumValue | The severity of the log message. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.ListCollectionFieldsResponse | The list of fetched fields |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.ListCollectionsResponse | ListCollectionsResponse. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.ListConfigurationsResponse | ListConfigurationsResponse. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.ListEnvironmentsResponse | ListEnvironmentsResponse. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.ListModelsResults | Custom models that are available for entities and relations. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Location | The numeric location of the identified element in the document, represented with two integers labeled begin and end . |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.Log | Log. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.LogCollection | LogCollection. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.LogPagination | The pagination data for the returned objects. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.LogQueryResponse | Object containing results that match the requested logs query. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.LogQueryResponseResult | Individual result object for a logs query. Each object represents either a query to a Discovery collection or an event that is associated with a query. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.LogQueryResponseResultDocuments | Object containing result information that was returned by the query used to create this log entry. Only returned with logs of type query . |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.LogQueryResponseResultDocumentsResult | Each object in the results array corresponds to an individual document returned by the original query. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Util.MediaTypeUtils | |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.Mention | A mention of a contextual entity. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.MessageContext | MessageContext. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.MessageContextGlobal | Information that is shared by all skills used by the Assistant. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.MessageContextGlobalSystem | Built-in system properties that apply to all skills used by the assistant. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.MessageContextMetadata | Metadata related to the message. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.MessageContextSkill | Contains information specific to a particular skill used by the Assistant. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.MessageInput | An input object that includes the input text. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.MessageInputOptions | Optional properties that control how the assistant responds. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.MessageOutput | Assistant output to be rendered or processed by the client. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.MessageOutputDebug | Additional detailed information about a message response and how it was generated. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.MessageRequest | A request sent to the workspace, including the user input and context. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.MessageResponse | A response from the Watson Assistant service. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.MessageResponse | The response sent by the workspace, including the output text, detected intents and entities, and context. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.MessageInput.MessageTypeEnumValue | The type of user input. Currently, only text input is supported. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.MetadataOptions | Returns information from the document, including author name, title, RSS/ATOM feeds, prominent page image, and publication date. Supports URL and HTML input types only. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.MetricAggregation | An aggregation analyzing log information for queries and events. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.MetricAggregationResult | Aggregation result data for the requested metric. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.MetricResponse | The response generated from a call to a metrics method. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.MetricTokenAggregation | An aggregation analyzing log information for queries and events. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.MetricTokenAggregationResult | Aggregation result data for the requested metric. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.MetricTokenResponse | The response generated from a call to a metrics method that evaluates tokens. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.Model | Model. |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.Model.ModelClass | A category within a classifier. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.OriginalLabelsOut.ModificationEnumValue | A string identifying the type of modification the feedback entry in the updated_labels array. Possible values are added , not_changed , and removed . |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.UpdatedLabelsOut.ModificationEnumValue | The type of modification the feedback entry in the updated_labels array. Possible values are added , not_changed , and removed . |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Nested | Nested. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.NluEnrichmentConcepts | An object specifiying the concepts enrichment and related parameters. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.NluEnrichmentEmotion | An object specifying the emotion detection enrichment and related parameters. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.NluEnrichmentEntities | An object speficying the Entities enrichment and related parameters. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.NluEnrichmentFeatures | NluEnrichmentFeatures. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.NluEnrichmentKeywords | An object specifying the Keyword enrichment and related parameters. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.NluEnrichmentRelations | An object specifying the relations enrichment and related parameters. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.NluEnrichmentSemanticRoles | An object specifiying the semantic roles enrichment and related parameters. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.NluEnrichmentSentiment | An object specifying the sentiment extraction enrichment and related parameters. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNode.NodeTypeEnumValue | How the dialog node is processed. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.NormalizationOperation | NormalizationOperation. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Notice | A notice produced for the collection. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.NormalizationOperation.OperationEnumValue | Identifies what type of operation to perform |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.OriginalLabelsIn | The original labeling from the input document, without the submitted feedback. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.OriginalLabelsOut | The original labeling from the input document, without the submitted feedback. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Pagination | Pagination details, if required by the length of the output. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.Pagination | The pagination data for the returned objects. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Parties | A party and its corresponding role, including address and contact information if identified. |
CIBM.Watson.TextToSpeech.v1.Model.Translation.PartOfSpeechEnumValue | Japanese only. The part of speech for the word. The service uses the value to produce the correct intonation for the word. You can create only a single entry, with or without a single part of speech, for any word; you cannot create multiple entries with different parts of speech for the same word. For more information, see Working with Japanese entries. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.TokenResult.PartOfSpeechEnumValue | The part of speech of the token. For descriptions of the values, see Universal Dependencies POS tags. |
CIBM.Watson.TextToSpeech.v1.Model.Word.PartOfSpeechEnumValue | Japanese only. The part of speech for the word. The service uses the value to produce the correct intonation for the word. You can create only a single entry, with or without a single part of speech, for any word; you cannot create multiple entries with different parts of speech for the same word. For more information, see Working with Japanese entries. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.PdfHeadingDetection | PdfHeadingDetection. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.PdfSettings | A list of PDF conversion settings. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogRuntimeResponseGeneric.PreferenceEnumValue | The preferred type of control to display. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.DialogRuntimeResponseGeneric.PreferenceEnumValue | The preferred type of control to display. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNodeOutputGeneric.PreferenceEnumValue | The preferred type of control to display, if supported by the channel. Valid only when response_type=option . |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.ProcessedAudio | Detailed timing information about the service's processing of the input audio. |
CIBM.Watson.PersonalityInsights.v3.Model.Profile.ProcessedLanguageEnumValue | The language model that was used to process the input. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.ProcessingMetrics | If processing metrics are requested, information about the service's processing of the input audio. |
CIBM.Watson.PersonalityInsights.v3.Model.Profile | The personality profile that the service generated for the input content. |
CIBM.Watson.TextToSpeech.v1.Model.Pronunciation | The pronunciation of the specified text. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryAggregation | An aggregation produced by Discovery to analyze the input provided. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryEntitiesContext | Entity text to provide context for the queried entity and rank based on that association. For example, if you wanted to query the city of London in England your query would look for London with the context of England . |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryEntitiesEntity | A text string that appears within the entity text field. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryEntitiesResponse | An object that contains an array of entities resulting from the query. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryEntitiesResponseItem | Object containing Entity query response information. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryEvidence | Description of evidence location supporting Knoweldge Graph query result. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryEvidenceEntity | Entity description and location within evidence field. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryFilterType | QueryFilterType. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryNoticesResponse | QueryNoticesResponse. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryPassages | QueryPassages. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryRelationsArgument | QueryRelationsArgument. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryRelationsEntity | QueryRelationsEntity. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryRelationsFilter | QueryRelationsFilter. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryRelationsRelationship | QueryRelationsRelationship. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryRelationsResponse | QueryRelationsResponse. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryResponse | A response containing the documents and aggregations for the query. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.QueryResultMetadata | Metadata of a query result. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.RecognitionJob | Information about a current asynchronous speech recognition job. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.RecognitionJobs | Information about current asynchronous speech recognition jobs. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.RegisterStatus | Information about a request to register a callback for asynchronous speech recognition. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.RelationArgument | RelationArgument. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.RelationEntity | An entity that corresponds with an argument in a relation. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.RelationsOptions | Recognizes when two entities are related and identifies the type of relation. For example, an awardedTo relation might connect the entities "Nobel Prize" and "Albert Einstein". See Relation types |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.RelationsResult | The relations between entities found in the content. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.DialogRuntimeResponseGeneric.ResponseTypeEnumValue | The type of response returned by the dialog node. The specified response type must be supported by the client application or channel |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNodeOutputGeneric.ResponseTypeEnumValue | The type of response returned by the dialog node. The specified response type must be supported by the client application or channel. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogRuntimeResponseGeneric.ResponseTypeEnumValue | The type of response returned by the dialog node. The specified response type must be supported by the client application or channel |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.LogQueryResponseResult.ResultTypeEnumValue | The type of result that this event is associated with. Only returned with logs of type event . |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.RetrievalDetails | An object contain retrieval type information. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.RowHeaderIds | An array of values, each being the id value of a row header that is applicable to this body cell. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.RowHeaders | Row-level cells, each applicable as a header to other cells in the same row as itself, of the current table. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.RowHeaderTexts | An array of values, each being the text value of a row header that is applicable to this body cell. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.RowHeaderTextsNormalized | If you provide customization input, the normalized version of the row header texts according to the customization; otherwise, the same value as row_header_texts . |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.RuntimeEntity | A term from the request that was identified as an entity. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.RuntimeIntent | An intent identified in the user input. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.SduStatus | Object containing smart document understanding information for this collection. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.SduStatusCustomFields | Information about custom smart document understanding fields that exist in this collection. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.SearchStatus | Information about the Continuous Relevancy Training for this environment. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.SectionTitle | The table's section title, if identified. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.SectionTitles | An array containing one object per section or subsection detected in the input document. Sections and subsections are not nested; instead, they are flattened out and can be placed back in order by using the begin and end values of the element and the level value of the section. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.SegmentSettings | A list of Document Segmentation settings. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNodeOutputGeneric.SelectionPolicyEnumValue | How a response is selected from the list, if more than one response is specified. Valid only when response_type=text . |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.DialogNodeNextStep.SelectorEnumValue | Which part of the dialog node to process next. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.SemanticRolesEntity | SemanticRolesEntity. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.SemanticRolesKeyword | SemanticRolesKeyword. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.SemanticRolesOptions | Parses sentences into subject, action, and object form |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.SemanticRolesResult | The object containing the actions and the objects the actions act upon. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.SemanticRolesResultAction | The extracted action from the sentence. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.SemanticRolesResultObject | The extracted object from the sentence. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.SemanticRolesResultSubject | The extracted subject from the sentence. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.SemanticRolesVerb | SemanticRolesVerb. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.WorkspaceSystemSettingsDisambiguation.SensitivityEnumValue | The sensitivity of the disambiguation feature to intent detection conflicts. Set to high if you want the disambiguation feature to be triggered more often. This can be useful for testing or demonstration purposes. |
CIBM.Watson.ToneAnalyzer.v3.Model.SentenceAnalysis | The results of the analysis for the individual sentences of the input content. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.SentenceResult | SentenceResult. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.SentimentOptions | Analyzes the general sentiment of your content or the sentiment toward specific target phrases. You can analyze sentiment for detected entities with entities.sentiment and for keywords with keywords.sentiment |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.SentimentResult | The sentiment of the content. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v2.Model.SessionResponse | SessionResponse. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Notice.SeverityEnumValue | Severity level of the notice. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.ShortDoc | Brief information about the input document. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Environment.SizeEnumValue | Current size of the environment. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Source | Object containing source parameters for the configuration. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.SourceOptions | The options object defines which items to crawl from the source system. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.SourceOptionsBuckets | Object defining a cloud object store bucket to crawl. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.SourceOptionsFolder | Object that defines a box folder to crawl with this configuration. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.SourceOptionsObject | Object that defines a Salesforce document object type crawl with this configuration. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.SourceOptionsSiteColl | Object that defines a Microsoft SharePoint site collection to crawl with this configuration. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.SourceOptionsWebCrawl | Object defining which URL to crawl and how to crawl it. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.SourceSchedule | Object containing the schedule information for the source. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.SourceStatus | Object containing source crawl status information. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Credentials.SourceTypeEnumValue | The source that this credentials object connects to |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.CredentialDetails.SourceVersionEnumValue | The type of Sharepoint repository to connect to. Only valid, and required, with a source_type of sharepoint . |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.SpeakerLabelsResult | Information about the speakers from speech recognition results. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.SpeechModel | Information about an available language model. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.SpeechModels | Information about the available language models. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.SpeechRecognitionAlternative | An alternative transcript from speech recognition results. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.SpeechRecognitionResult | Component results for a speech recognition request. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.SpeechRecognitionResults | The complete results for a speech recognition request. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DeleteDocumentResponse.StatusEnumValue | Status of the document. A deleted document has the status deleted. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Environment.StatusEnumValue | Current status of the environment. resizing is displayed when a request to increase the environment size has been made, but is still in the process of being completed. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Collection.StatusEnumValue | The status of the collection. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.SearchStatus.StatusEnumValue | The current status of Continuous Relevancy Training for this environment. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.AudioListing.StatusEnumValue | For an audio-type resource, the status of the resource: |
CIBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.Model.DocumentStatus.StatusEnumValue | The status of the translation job associated with a submitted document. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Credentials.StatusEnumValue | The current status of this set of credentials. connected indicates that the credentials are available to use with the source configuration of a collection. invalid refers to the credentials (for example, the password provided has expired) and must be corrected before they can be used with a collection. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.TokenDictStatusResponse.StatusEnumValue | Current wordlist status for the specified collection. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.SourceStatus.StatusEnumValue | The current status of the source crawl for this collection. This field returns not_configured if the default configuration for this source does not have a source object defined |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.Grammar.StatusEnumValue | The status of the grammar: |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Gateway.StatusEnumValue | The current status of the gateway. connected means the gateway is connected to the remotly installed gateway. idle means this gateway is not currently in use. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageClassifier.v1.Model.Classifier.StatusEnumValue | The state of the classifier. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DocumentStatus.StatusEnumValue | Status of the document in the ingestion process. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.RecognitionJob.StatusEnumValue | The current status of the job: |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.RegisterStatus.StatusEnumValue | The current status of the job: |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DeleteConfigurationResponse.StatusEnumValue | Status of the configuration. A deleted configuration has the status deleted. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.Workspace.StatusEnumValue | The current status of the workspace. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DocumentAccepted.StatusEnumValue | Status of the document in the ingestion process. A status of processing is returned for documents that are ingested with a version date before 2019-01-01 . The pending status is returned for all others. |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.Model.Classifier.StatusEnumValue | Training status of classifier. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DeleteCollectionResponse.StatusEnumValue | The status of the collection. The status of a successful deletion operation is deleted . |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DeleteCredentials.StatusEnumValue | The status of the deletion request. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.Corpus.StatusEnumValue | The status of the corpus: |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.AcousticModel.StatusEnumValue | The current status of the custom acoustic model: |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.AudioResource.StatusEnumValue | The status of the audio resource: |
CIBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.Model.TranslationModel.StatusEnumValue | Availability of a model. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.LanguageModel.StatusEnumValue | The current status of the custom language model: |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DeleteEnvironmentResponse.StatusEnumValue | Status of the environment. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.DocumentSnapshot.StepEnumValue | The step in the document conversion process that the snapshot object represents. |
CIBM.Watson.TextToSpeech.v1.Model.SupportedFeatures | Additional service features that are supported with the voice. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.SupportedFeatures | Additional service features that are supported with the model. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.Synonym | Synonym. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.SynonymCollection | SynonymCollection. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.SyntaxOptions | Returns tokens and sentences from the input text. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.SyntaxOptionsTokens | Tokenization options. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.SyntaxResult | Tokens and sentences returned from syntax analysis. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.TableHeaders | The contents of the current table's header. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.TableReturn | The analysis of the document's tables. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Tables | The contents of the tables extracted from a document. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.TargetedEmotionResults | Emotion results for a specified target. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.TargetedSentimentResults | TargetedSentimentResults. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Term | Term. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.TerminationDates | Termination dates identified in the input document. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.TestDocument | TestDocument. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Timeslice | Timeslice. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.TokenDictRule | An object defining a single tokenizaion rule. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.TokenDictStatusResponse | Object describing the current status of the wordlist. |
CIBM.Watson.NaturalLanguageUnderstanding.v1.Model.TokenResult | TokenResult. |
CIBM.Watson.ToneAnalyzer.v3.Model.ToneAnalysis | The tone analysis results for the input from the general-purpose endpoint. |
CIBM.Watson.ToneAnalyzer.v3.Model.ToneCategory | The category for a tone from the input content. |
CIBM.Watson.ToneAnalyzer.v3.Model.ToneChatScore | The score for an utterance from the input content. |
CIBM.Watson.ToneAnalyzer.v3.Model.ToneChatScore.ToneIdEnumValue | The unique, non-localized identifier of the tone for the results. The service returns results only for tones whose scores meet a minimum threshold of 0.5. |
CIBM.Watson.ToneAnalyzer.v3.Model.ToneInput | Input for the general-purpose endpoint. |
CIBM.Watson.ToneAnalyzer.v3.Model.ToneScore | The score for a tone from the input content. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.TopHits | TopHits. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.TopHitsResults | TopHitsResults. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.TrainingDataSet | TrainingDataSet. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.TrainingExample | TrainingExample. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.TrainingExampleList | TrainingExampleList. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.TrainingQuery | TrainingQuery. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.TrainingResponse | The response from training of a custom language or custom acoustic model. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.TrainingStatus | TrainingStatus. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.TrainingWarning | A warning from training of a custom language or custom acoustic model. |
CIBM.Watson.PersonalityInsights.v3.Model.Trait | The characteristics that the service inferred from the input content. |
CIBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.Model.Translation | Translation. |
CIBM.Watson.TextToSpeech.v1.Model.Translation | Information about the translation for the specified text. |
CIBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.Model.TranslationModel | Response payload for models. |
CIBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.Model.TranslationModels | The response type for listing existing translation models. |
CIBM.Watson.LanguageTranslator.v3.Model.TranslationResult | TranslationResult. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.CreateEventResponse.TypeEnumValue | The event type that was created. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Attribute.TypeEnumValue | The type of attribute. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.Source.TypeEnumValue | The type of source to connect to |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.AudioDetails.TypeEnumValue | The type of the audio resource: |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.TypeLabel | Identification of a specific type. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.TypeLabelComparison | Identification of a specific type. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.UnalignedElement | Element that does not align semantically between two compared documents. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.UpdatedLabelsIn | The updated labeling from the input document, accounting for the submitted feedback. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.UpdatedLabelsOut | The updated labeling from the input document, accounting for the submitted feedback. |
CIBM.Watson.ToneAnalyzer.v3.Model.Utterance | An utterance for the input of the general-purpose endpoint. |
CIBM.Watson.ToneAnalyzer.v3.Model.UtteranceAnalyses | The results of the analysis for the utterances of the input content. |
CIBM.Watson.ToneAnalyzer.v3.Model.UtteranceAnalysis | The results of the analysis for an utterance of the input content. |
CIBM.Watson.CompareComply.v1.Model.Value | A value in a key-value pair. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.Value | Value. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.ValueCollection | ValueCollection. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.CreateValue.ValueTypeEnumValue | Specifies the type of entity value. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.Value.ValueTypeEnumValue | Specifies the type of entity value. |
CIBM.Watson.TextToSpeech.v1.Model.Voice | Information about an available voice model. |
CIBM.Watson.TextToSpeech.v1.Model.VoiceModel | Information about an existing custom voice model. |
CIBM.Watson.TextToSpeech.v1.Model.VoiceModels | Information about existing custom voice models. |
CIBM.Watson.TextToSpeech.v1.Model.Voices | Information about all available voice models. |
CIBM.Watson.PersonalityInsights.v3.Model.Warning | A warning message that is associated with the input content. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.TrainingWarning.WarningIdEnumValue | An identifier for the type of invalid resources listed in the description field. |
CIBM.Watson.PersonalityInsights.v3.Model.Warning.WarningIdEnumValue | The identifier of the warning message. |
CIBM.Watson.VisualRecognition.v3.Model.WarningInfo | Information about something that went wrong. |
CIBM.Watson.TextToSpeech.v1.Model.Word | Information about a word for the custom voice model. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.Word | Information about a word from a custom language model. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.WordAlternativeResult | An alternative hypothesis for a word from speech recognition results. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.WordAlternativeResults | Information about alternative hypotheses for words from speech recognition results. |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.WordError | An error associated with a word from a custom language model. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.WordHeadingDetection | WordHeadingDetection. |
CIBM.Watson.TextToSpeech.v1.Model.Words | For the Add custom words method, one or more words that are to be added or updated for the custom voice model and the translation for each specified word |
CIBM.Watson.SpeechToText.v1.Model.Words | Information about the words from a custom language model. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.WordSettings | A list of Word conversion settings. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.WordStyle | WordStyle. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.Workspace | Workspace. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.WorkspaceCollection | WorkspaceCollection. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.WorkspaceSystemSettings | Global settings for the workspace. |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.WorkspaceSystemSettingsDisambiguation | Workspace settings related to the disambiguation feature |
CIBM.Watson.Assistant.v1.Model.WorkspaceSystemSettingsTooling | Workspace settings related to the Watson Assistant user interface. |
CIBM.Watson.Discovery.v1.Model.XPathPatterns | XPathPatterns. |