▼NIBM | |
▼NWatsonDeveloperCloud | |
▼NConversation | |
▼Nv1 | |
►NModel | |
CCaptureGroup | CaptureGroup. |
CContext | Context information for the message. Include the context from the previous response to maintain state for the conversation. |
CCounterexample | Counterexample. |
CCounterexampleCollection | CounterexampleCollection. |
CCreateCounterexample | CreateCounterexample. |
CCreateDialogNode | CreateDialogNode. |
CCreateEntity | CreateEntity. |
CCreateExample | CreateExample. |
CCreateIntent | CreateIntent. |
CCreateSynonym | CreateSynonym. |
CCreateValue | CreateValue. |
CCreateWorkspace | CreateWorkspace. |
CDialogNode | DialogNode. |
CDialogNodeAction | DialogNodeAction. |
CDialogNodeCollection | DialogNodeCollection. |
CDialogNodeNextStep | The next step to execute following this dialog node. |
CDialogNodeVisitedDetails | DialogNodeVisitedDetails. |
CEntity | Entity. |
CEntityCollection | An array of entities. |
CEntityExport | EntityExport. |
CExample | Example. |
CExampleCollection | ExampleCollection. |
CInputData | An object defining the user input. |
CIntent | Intent. |
CIntentCollection | IntentCollection. |
CIntentExport | IntentExport. |
CLogCollection | LogCollection. |
CLogExport | LogExport. |
CLogMessage | Log message details. |
CLogPagination | The pagination data for the returned objects. |
CMessageInput | An input object that includes the input text. |
CMessageRequest | A request formatted for the Conversation service. |
CMessageResponse | A response from the Conversation service. |
COutputData | An output object that includes the response to the user, the nodes that were hit, and messages from the log. |
CPagination | The pagination data for the returned objects. |
CRuntimeEntity | A term from the request that was identified as an entity. |
CRuntimeIntent | An intent identified in the user input. |
CSynonym | Synonym. |
CSynonymCollection | SynonymCollection. |
CSystemResponse | For internal use only. |
CUpdateCounterexample | UpdateCounterexample. |
CUpdateDialogNode | UpdateDialogNode. |
CUpdateEntity | UpdateEntity. |
CUpdateExample | UpdateExample. |
CUpdateIntent | UpdateIntent. |
CUpdateSynonym | UpdateSynonym. |
CUpdateValue | UpdateValue. |
CUpdateWorkspace | UpdateWorkspace. |
CValue | Value. |
CValueCollection | ValueCollection. |
CValueExport | ValueExport. |
CWorkspace | Workspace. |
CWorkspaceCollection | WorkspaceCollection. |
CWorkspaceExport | WorkspaceExport. |
CConversationService | |
CIConversationService | |
▼NDiscovery | |
▼Nv1 | |
►NModel | |
CAggregationResult | AggregationResult. |
CCalculation | Calculation. |
CCollection | A collection for storing documents. |
CCollectionDiskUsage | Summary of the disk usage statistics for this collection. |
CCollectionUsage | Summary of the collection usage in the environment. |
CConfiguration | A custom configuration for the environment. |
CConversions | Document conversion settings. |
CCreateCollectionRequest | CreateCollectionRequest. |
CCreateEnvironmentRequest | CreateEnvironmentRequest. |
CDeleteCollectionResponse | DeleteCollectionResponse. |
CDeleteConfigurationResponse | DeleteConfigurationResponse. |
CDeleteDocumentResponse | DeleteDocumentResponse. |
CDeleteEnvironmentResponse | DeleteEnvironmentResponse. |
CDiskUsage | Summary of the disk usage statistics for the environment. |
CDocumentAccepted | DocumentAccepted. |
CDocumentCounts | DocumentCounts. |
CDocumentSnapshot | DocumentSnapshot. |
CDocumentStatus | Status information about a submitted document. |
CEnrichment | Enrichment. |
CEnrichmentOptions | Options which are specific to a particular enrichment. |
CEnvironment | Details about an environment. |
CEnvironmentDocuments | Summary of the document usage statistics for the environment. |
CExpansion | An expansion definition. Each object respresents one set of expandable strings. For example, you could have expansions for the word hot in one object, and expansions for the word cold in another. |
CExpansions | The query expansion definitions for the specified collection. |
CField | Field. |
CFontSetting | FontSetting. |
CHistogram | Histogram. |
CHtmlSettings | A list of HTML conversion settings. |
CIndexCapacity | Details about the resource usage and capacity of the environment. |
CListCollectionFieldsResponse | The list of fetched fields. The fields are returned using a fully qualified name format, however, the format differs slightly from that used by the query operations. * Fields which contain nested JSON objects are assigned a type of "nested". * Fields which belong to a nested object are prefixed with .properties (for example, warnings.properties.severity means that the warnings object has a property called severity ). * Fields returned from the News collection are prefixed with v{N}-fullnews-t3-{YEAR}.mappings (for example, v5-fullnews-t3-2016.mappings.text.properties.author ). |
CListCollectionsResponse | ListCollectionsResponse. |
CListConfigurationsResponse | ListConfigurationsResponse. |
CListEnvironmentsResponse | ListEnvironmentsResponse. |
CMemoryUsage | Deprecated: Summary of the memory usage statistics for this environment. |
CNewTrainingQuery | NewTrainingQuery. |
CNluEnrichmentCategories | An object that indicates the Categories enrichment will be applied to the specified field. |
CNluEnrichmentEmotion | An object specifying the emotion detection enrichment and related parameters. |
CNluEnrichmentEntities | An object speficying the Entities enrichment and related parameters. |
CNluEnrichmentFeatures | NluEnrichmentFeatures. |
CNluEnrichmentKeywords | An object specifying the Keyword enrichment and related parameters. |
CNluEnrichmentRelations | An object specifying the relations enrichment and related parameters. |
CNluEnrichmentSemanticRoles | An object specifiying the semantic roles enrichment and related parameters. |
CNluEnrichmentSentiment | An object specifying the sentiment extraction enrichment and related parameters. |
CNormalizationOperation | NormalizationOperation. |
CNotice | A notice produced for the collection. |
CPdfHeadingDetection | PdfHeadingDetection. |
CPdfSettings | A list of PDF conversion settings. |
CQueryAggregation | An aggregation produced by the Discovery service to analyze the input provided. |
CQueryEntities | QueryEntities. |
CQueryEntitiesContext | Entity text to provide context for the queried entity and rank based on that association. For example, if you wanted to query the city of London in England your query would look for London with the context of England . |
CQueryEntitiesEntity | A text string that appears within the entity text field. |
CQueryEntitiesResponse | An array of entities resulting from the query. |
CQueryFilterType | QueryFilterType. |
CQueryNoticesResponse | QueryNoticesResponse. |
CQueryNoticesResult | QueryNoticesResult. |
CQueryPassages | QueryPassages. |
CQueryRelations | A respresentation of a relationship query. |
CQueryRelationsArgument | QueryRelationsArgument. |
CQueryRelationsEntity | QueryRelationsEntity. |
CQueryRelationsFilter | QueryRelationsFilter. |
CQueryRelationsRelationship | QueryRelationsRelationship. |
CQueryRelationsResponse | QueryRelationsResponse. |
CQueryResponse | A response containing the documents and aggregations for the query. |
CQueryResult | QueryResult. |
CQueryResultResultMetadata | QueryResultResultMetadata. |
CTerm | Term. |
CTestDocument | TestDocument. |
CTrainingDataSet | TrainingDataSet. |
CTrainingExample | TrainingExample. |
CTrainingExampleList | TrainingExampleList. |
CTrainingExamplePatch | TrainingExamplePatch. |
CTrainingQuery | TrainingQuery. |
CTrainingStatus | TrainingStatus. |
CUpdateCollectionRequest | UpdateCollectionRequest. |
CUpdateEnvironmentRequest | UpdateEnvironmentRequest. |
CWordHeadingDetection | WordHeadingDetection. |
CWordSettings | A list of Word conversion settings. |
CWordStyle | WordStyle. |
CXPathPatterns | XPathPatterns. |
CDiscoveryService | |
CIDiscoveryService | |
▼NHttp | |
▼NExceptions | |
CError | |
CErrorConverter | |
CServiceResponseException | |
▼NExtensions | |
CStreamExtension | |
▼NFilters | |
CErrorFilter | |
CIHttpFilter | |
CHttpMediaType | |
CIClient | |
CIRequest | |
CIResponse | |
CRequest | |
CWatsonHttpClient | |
▼NLanguageTranslator | |
▼Nv2 | |
►NModel | |
CDeleteModelResult | DeleteModelResult. |
CIdentifiableLanguage | IdentifiableLanguage. |
CIdentifiableLanguages | IdentifiableLanguages. |
CIdentifiedLanguage | IdentifiedLanguage. |
CIdentifiedLanguages | IdentifiedLanguages. |
CTranslateRequest | TranslateRequest. |
CTranslation | Translation. |
CTranslationModel | Response payload for models. |
CTranslationModels | The response type for listing existing translation models. |
CTranslationResult | TranslationResult. |
CILanguageTranslatorService | |
CLanguageTranslatorService | |
▼NNaturalLanguageClassifier | |
▼Nv1 | |
►NModel | |
CClassification | Response from the classifier for a phrase. |
CClassifiedClass | Class and confidence. |
CClassifier | A classifier for natural language phrases. |
CClassifierList | List of available classifiers. |
CClassifyInput | Request payload to classify. |
CINaturalLanguageClassifierService | |
CNaturalLanguageClassifierService | |
▼NNaturalLanguageUnderstanding | |
▼Nv1 | |
►NModel | |
CAnalysisResults | Results of the analysis, organized by feature. |
CAuthor | The author of the analyzed content. |
CCategoriesOptions | The hierarchical 5-level taxonomy the content is categorized into. |
CCategoriesResult | The hierarchical 5-level taxonomy the content is categorized into. |
CConceptsOptions | Whether or not to analyze content for general concepts that are referenced or alluded to. |
CConceptsResult | The general concepts referenced or alluded to in the specified content. |
CDisambiguationResult | Disambiguation information for the entity. |
CDocumentEmotionResults | An object containing the emotion results of a document. |
CDocumentSentimentResults | DocumentSentimentResults. |
CEmotionOptions | Whether or not to return emotion analysis of the content. |
CEmotionResult | The detected anger, disgust, fear, joy, or sadness that is conveyed by the content. Emotion information can be returned for detected entities, keywords, or user-specified target phrases found in the text. |
CEmotionScores | EmotionScores. |
CEntitiesOptions | Whether or not to return important people, places, geopolitical, and other entities detected in the analyzed content. |
CEntitiesResult | The important people, places, geopolitical entities and other types of entities in your content. |
CEntityMention | EntityMention. |
CFeatures | Analysis features and options. |
CFeatureSentimentResults | FeatureSentimentResults. |
CFeed | RSS or ATOM feed found on the webpage. |
CInlineResponse200 | InlineResponse200. |
CKeywordsOptions | An option indicating whether or not important keywords from the analyzed content should be returned. |
CKeywordsResult | The most important keywords in the content, organized by relevance. |
CListModelsResults | Models available for Relations and Entities features. |
CMetadataOptions | The Authors, Publication Date, and Title of the document. Supports URL and HTML input types. |
CMetadataResult | The Authors, Publication Date, and Title of the document. Supports URL and HTML input types. |
CModel | Model. |
CParameters | An object containing request parameters. |
CRelationArgument | RelationArgument. |
CRelationEntity | An entity that corresponds with an argument in a relation. |
CRelationsOptions | An option specifying if the relationships found between entities in the analyzed content should be returned. |
CRelationsResult | The relations between entities found in the content. |
CSemanticRolesAction | SemanticRolesAction. |
CSemanticRolesEntity | SemanticRolesEntity. |
CSemanticRolesKeyword | SemanticRolesKeyword. |
CSemanticRolesObject | SemanticRolesObject. |
CSemanticRolesOptions | An option specifying whether or not to identify the subjects, actions, and verbs in the analyzed content. |
CSemanticRolesResult | The object containing the actions and the objects the actions act upon. |
CSemanticRolesSubject | SemanticRolesSubject. |
CSemanticRolesVerb | SemanticRolesVerb. |
CSentimentOptions | An option specifying if sentiment of detected entities, keywords, or phrases should be returned. |
CSentimentResult | The sentiment of the content. |
CTargetedEmotionResults | An object containing the emotion results for the target. |
CTargetedSentimentResults | TargetedSentimentResults. |
CUsage | Usage information. |
CINaturalLanguageUnderstandingService | |
CNaturalLanguageUnderstandingService | |
▼NPersonalityInsights | |
▼Nv3 | |
►NModel | |
CBehavior | Behavior. |
CConsumptionPreferences | ConsumptionPreferences. |
CConsumptionPreferencesCategory | ConsumptionPreferencesCategory. |
CContent | Content. |
CContentItem | ContentItem. |
CProfile | Profile. |
CTrait | Trait. |
CWarning | Warning. |
CIPersonalityInsightsService | |
CPersonalityInsightsService | |
▼NService | |
CIWatsonService | |
CWatsonService | |
▼NSockets | |
CAWebSocketClient | |
CServiceState | |
CWebSocketClient | |
▼NSpeechToText | |
▼Nv1 | |
►NModel | |
CAcousticModel | AcousticModel. |
CAcousticModels | AcousticModels. |
CAudioDetails | AudioDetails. |
CAudioListing | AudioListing. |
CAudioResource | AudioResource. |
CAudioResources | AudioResources. |
CCorpora | Corpora. |
CCorpus | Corpus. |
CCreateAcousticModel | CreateAcousticModel. |
CCreateLanguageModel | CreateLanguageModel. |
CCustomWord | CustomWord. |
CCustomWords | CustomWords. |
CKeywordResult | KeywordResult. |
CLanguageModel | LanguageModel. |
CLanguageModels | LanguageModels. |
CRecognitionJob | RecognitionJob. |
CRecognitionJobs | RecognitionJobs. |
CRegisterStatus | RegisterStatus. |
CSpeakerLabelsResult | SpeakerLabelsResult. |
CSpeechModel | SpeechModel. |
CSpeechModels | SpeechModels. |
CSpeechRecognitionAlternative | SpeechRecognitionAlternative. |
CSpeechRecognitionResult | SpeechRecognitionResult. |
CSpeechRecognitionResults | SpeechRecognitionResults. |
CSupportedFeatures | SupportedFeatures. |
CWord | Word. |
CWordAlternativeResult | WordAlternativeResult. |
CWordAlternativeResults | WordAlternativeResults. |
CWordError | WordError. |
CWords | Words. |
►NUtil | |
CMediaTypeUtils | |
CISpeechToTextService | |
CMetadata | |
CSpeechToTextService | |
▼NTextToSpeech | |
▼Nv1 | |
►NModel | |
CCreateVoiceModel | CreateVoiceModel. |
CPronunciation | Pronunciation. |
CSupportedFeatures | SupportedFeatures. |
CText | Text. |
CTranslation | Translation. |
CUpdateVoiceModel | UpdateVoiceModel. |
CVoice | Voice. |
CVoiceModel | VoiceModel. |
CVoiceModels | VoiceModels. |
CVoices | Voices. |
CWord | Word. |
CWords | Words. |
CITextToSpeechService | |
CTextToSpeechService | |
▼NToneAnalyzer | |
▼Nv3 | |
►NModel | |
CDocumentAnalysis | DocumentAnalysis. |
CSentenceAnalysis | SentenceAnalysis. |
CToneAnalysis | ToneAnalysis. |
CToneCategory | ToneCategory. |
CToneChatInput | ToneChatInput. |
CToneChatScore | ToneChatScore. |
CToneInput | ToneInput. |
CToneScore | ToneScore. |
CUtterance | Utterance. |
CUtteranceAnalyses | UtteranceAnalyses. |
CUtteranceAnalysis | UtteranceAnalysis. |
CIToneAnalyzerService | |
CToneAnalyzerService | |
▼NUtil | |
▼NAttributes | |
CDescriptionAttribute | |
▼NExtensions | |
CDescriptionExtension | |
CUtility | Utility classes for the Watson .NET Standard SDK. |
▼NVisualRecognition | |
▼Nv3 | |
►NModel | |
CClassifiedImage | Classifier results for one image. |
CClassifiedImages | Classify results for multiple images. |
CClassifier | Information about a classifier. |
CClassifierResult | Classifier and score combination. |
CClassifiers | Verbose list of classifiers retrieved in the GET v2/classifiers call. |
CClassResult | Result of a class within a classifier. |
CDetectedFaces | DetectedFaces. |
CErrorInfo | Information about what might have caused a failure, such as an image that is too large. Not returned when there is no error. |
CFace | Provides information about the face. |
CFaceAge | Provides age information about a face. If there are more than 10 faces in an image, the response might return the confidence score `0g. |
CFaceGender | Provides information about the gender of the face. If there are more than 10 faces in an image, the response might return the confidence score 0. |
CFaceIdentity | Provides information about a celebrity who is detected in the image. Not returned when a celebrity is not detected. |
CFaceLocation | Defines the location of the bounding box around the face. |
CImageWithFaces | ImageWithFaces. |
CModelClass | A category within a classifier. |
CWarningInfo | Information about something that went wrong. |
CCreateClassifier | Object to create a classifier |
CIVisualRecognitionService | |
CUpdateClassifier | Object to update a classifier |
CVisualRecognitionService | |
CConstants | This class holds constant values for the SDK. |