▼NIBM | |
▼NWatsonDeveloperCloud | |
▼NConversation | |
▼Nv1 | |
►NModel | |
CContext | Context information for the message. Include the context from the previous response to maintain state for the conversation. |
CCounterexampleCollectionResponse | CounterexampleCollectionResponse. |
CCreateDialogNode | An object describing a dialog node. |
CCreateEntity | CreateEntity. |
CCreateExample | CreateExample. |
CCreateIntent | CreateIntent. |
CCreateSynonym | CreateSynonym. |
CCreateValue | CreateValue. |
CCreateWorkspace | CreateWorkspace. |
CDialogNodeResponse | An object describing a dialog node. |
CEntityCollectionResponse | An array of entities. |
CEntityExportResponse | EntityExportResponse. |
CEntityResponse | EntityResponse. |
CExampleCollectionResponse | ExampleCollectionResponse. |
CExampleResponse | ExampleResponse. |
CInputData | An object defining the user input. |
CIntentCollectionResponse | IntentCollectionResponse. |
CIntentExportResponse | IntentExportResponse. |
CIntentResponse | IntentResponse. |
CLogCollectionResponse | LogCollectionResponse. |
CLogExportResponse | LogExportResponse. |
CLogMessageResponse | Log message details. |
CLogPaginationResponse | The pagination data for the returned objects. |
CMessageInput | An input object that includes the input text. |
CMessageRequest | A request formatted for the Conversation service. |
CMessageResponse | A response from the Conversation service. |
COutputData | An output object that includes the response to the user, the nodes that were hit, and messages from the log. |
CPaginationResponse | The pagination data for the returned objects. |
CRuntimeContext | For internal use only. |
CRuntimeEntity | A term from the request that was identified as an entity. |
CRuntimeIntent | An intent identified in the user input. |
CRuntimeLogMessage | RuntimeLogMessage. |
CRuntimeOutput | RuntimeOutput. |
CRuntimeSystemContext | For internal use only. |
CSynonymCollectionResponse | SynonymCollectionResponse. |
CSynonymResponse | SynonymResponse. |
CSystemResponse | For internal use only. |
CUpdateEntity | UpdateEntity. |
CUpdateExample | UpdateExample. |
CUpdateIntent | UpdateIntent. |
CUpdateSynonym | UpdateSynonym. |
CUpdateValue | UpdateValue. |
CUpdateWorkspace | UpdateWorkspace. |
CValueCollectionResponse | ValueCollectionResponse. |
CValueExportResponse | ValueExportResponse. |
CValueResponse | ValueResponse. |
CWorkspaceCollectionResponse | WorkspaceCollectionResponse. |
CWorkspaceExportResponse | WorkspaceExportResponse. |
CWorkspaceResponse | WorkspaceResponse. |
CConversationService | |
CIConversationService | |
▼NDiscovery | |
▼Nv1 | |
►NModel | |
CAggregationResult | AggregationResult. |
CCollection | A collection for storing documents. |
CConfiguration | A custom configuration for the environment. |
CConversions | Document conversion settings. |
CCreateCollectionRequest | CreateCollectionRequest. |
CCreateEnvironmentRequest | CreateEnvironmentRequest. |
CDeleteCollectionResponse | DeleteCollectionResponse. |
CDeleteConfigurationResponse | DeleteConfigurationResponse. |
CDeleteDocumentResponse | DeleteDocumentResponse. |
CDeleteEnvironmentResponse | DeleteEnvironmentResponse. |
CDiskUsage | Summary of the disk usage statistics for this environment. |
CDocumentAccepted | DocumentAccepted. |
CDocumentCounts | DocumentCounts. |
CDocumentSnapshot | DocumentSnapshot. |
CDocumentStatus | Status information about a submitted document. |
CEnrichment | Enrichment. |
CEnrichmentOptions | options which are specific to a particular enrichment. |
CField | Field. |
CFontSetting | FontSetting. |
CHtmlSettings | A list of HTML conversion settings. |
CIndexCapacity | Details about the disk and memory usage of this environment. |
CListCollectionFieldsResponse | The list of fetched fields. The fields are returned using a fully-qualified name format, however, the format differs slightly from that used by the query operations. Specifically: * fields which contain nested JSON objects are assigned a type of "nested". * fields which belong to a nested object are prefixed with .properties (e.g., warnings.properties.severity means that the warnings object has a property called severity ). * fields returned from the News collection are prefixed with v[N]-fullnews-t3-[YEAR].mappings (e.g., v5-fullnews-t3-2016.mappings.text.properties.author ). |
CListCollectionsResponse | ListCollectionsResponse. |
CListConfigurationsResponse | ListConfigurationsResponse. |
CListEnvironmentsResponse | ListEnvironmentsResponse. |
CMemoryUsage | Summary of the memory usage statistics for this environment. |
CModelEnvironment | Details about an environment. |
CNormalizationOperation | NormalizationOperation. |
CNotice | A notice produced by the ingestion process. |
CPdfHeadingDetection | PdfHeadingDetection. |
CPdfSettings | A list of PDF conversion settings. |
CQueryAggregation | An aggregation produced by the Discovery service to analyze the input provided. |
CQueryNoticesResponse | QueryNoticesResponse. |
CQueryNoticesResult | QueryNoticesResult. |
CQueryResponse | A response containing the documents and aggregations for the query. |
CQueryResult | QueryResult. |
CTestDocument | TestDocument. |
CUpdateCollectionRequest | UpdateCollectionRequest. |
CUpdateEnvironmentRequest | UpdateEnvironmentRequest. |
CWordHeadingDetection | WordHeadingDetection. |
CWordSettings | A list of Word conversion settings. |
CWordStyle | WordStyle. |
CXPathPatterns | XPathPatterns. |
CDiscoveryService | |
CIDiscoveryService | |
▼NHttp | |
▼NExceptions | |
CError | |
CErrorConverter | |
CServiceResponseException | |
▼NExtensions | |
CStreamExtension | |
▼NFilters | |
CErrorFilter | |
CIHttpFilter | |
CHttpMediaType | |
CIClient | |
CIRequest | |
CIResponse | |
CRequest | |
CWatsonHttpClient | |
▼NLanguageTranslator | |
▼Nv2 | |
►NModel | |
►CCreateModelOptions | |
CICreateModelOptions | |
CCustomModels | |
CDeleteModels | |
CIdentifiableLanguage | |
CIdentifiableLanguages | |
CIdentifiedLanguage | |
CIdentifiedLanguages | |
CModelPayload | |
CTranslateResponse | |
CTranslationModels | |
CTranslations | |
CILanguageTranslatorService | |
CLanguageTranslatorService | |
▼NNaturalLanguageUnderstanding | |
▼Nv1 | |
►NModel | |
CAnalysisResults | Results of the analysis, organized by feature. |
CAuthor | The author of the analyzed content. |
CCategoriesOptions | The hierarchical 5-level taxonomy the content is categorized into. |
CCategoriesResult | The hierarchical 5-level taxonomy the content is categorized into. |
CConceptsOptions | Whether or not to analyze content for general concepts that are referenced or alluded to. |
CConceptsResult | The general concepts referenced or alluded to in the specified content. |
CCustomModel | CustomModel. |
CDisambiguationResult | Disambiguation information for the entity. |
CDocumentEmotionResults | An object containing the emotion results of a document. |
CDocumentSentimentResults | DocumentSentimentResults. |
CEmotionOptions | Whether or not to return emotion analysis of the content. |
CEmotionResult | The detected anger, disgust, fear, joy, or sadness that is conveyed by the content. Emotion information can be returned for detected entities, keywords, or user-specified target phrases found in the text. |
CEmotionScores | EmotionScores. |
CEntitiesOptions | Whether or not to return important people, places, geopolitical, and other entities detected in the analyzed content. |
CEntitiesResult | The important people, places, geopolitical entities and other types of entities in your content. |
CFeatures | Analysis features and options. |
CFeatureSentimentResults | FeatureSentimentResults. |
CKeywordsOptions | An option indicating whether or not important keywords from the analyzed content should be returned. |
CKeywordsResult | The most important keywords in the content, organized by relevance. |
CListModelsResults | Models available for Relations and Entities features. |
CMetadataOptions | The Authors, Publication Date, and Title of the document. Supports URL and HTML input types. |
CMetadataResult | The Authors, Publication Date, and Title of the document. Supports URL and HTML input types. |
CParameters | An object containing request parameters. |
CRelationArgument | RelationArgument. |
CRelationEntity | The entities extracted from a sentence in a given document. |
CRelationsOptions | An option specifying if the relationships found between entities in the analyzed content should be returned. |
CRelationsResult | The relations between entities found in the content. |
CSemanticRolesAction | SemanticRolesAction. |
CSemanticRolesEntity | SemanticRolesEntity. |
CSemanticRolesKeyword | SemanticRolesKeyword. |
CSemanticRolesObject | SemanticRolesObject. |
CSemanticRolesOptions | An option specifying whether or not to identify the subjects, actions, and verbs in the analyzed content. |
CSemanticRolesResult | The object containing the actions and the objects the actions act upon. |
CSemanticRolesSubject | SemanticRolesSubject. |
CSemanticRolesVerb | SemanticRolesVerb. |
CSentimentOptions | An option specifying if sentiment of detected entities, keywords, or phrases should be returned. |
CSentimentResult | The sentiment of the content. |
CTargetedEmotionResults | An object containing the emotion results for the target. |
CTargetedSentimentResults | TargetedSentimentResults. |
CUsage | Usage information. |
CINaturalLanguageUnderstandingService | |
CNaturalLanguageUnderstandingService | |
▼NPersonalityInsights | |
▼Nv3 | |
►NModel | |
CBehaviorNode | BehaviorNode. |
CConsumptionPreferencesCategoryNode | ConsumptionPreferencesCategoryNode. |
CConsumptionPreferencesNode | ConsumptionPreferencesNode. |
CContentItem | ContentItem. |
CContentListContainer | ContentListContainer. |
CProfile | Profile. |
CTraitTreeNode | TraitTreeNode. |
CWarning | Warning. |
CIPersonalityInsightsService | |
CPersonalityInsightsService | |
▼NService | |
CIWatsonService | |
CWatsonService | |
▼NSockets | |
CAWebSocketClient | |
CServiceState | |
CWebSocketClient | |
▼NSpeechToText | |
▼Nv1 | |
►NModel | |
CCorpora | |
CCorpus | |
CCustomization | |
CCustomizationID | |
CCustomizations | |
CCustomModel | |
CKeywordResult | |
CKeywordResults | |
CMetadata | |
CRecognizeStatus | |
CSession | |
CSessionStatus | |
CSpeakerLabelsResult | |
CSpeechModel | |
CSpeechModelSet | |
CSpeechRecognitionAlternative | |
CSpeechRecognitionEvent | |
CSpeechRecognitionResult | |
CSupportedFeatures | |
CWord | |
CWordAlternativeResult | |
CWordAlternativeResults | |
CWordData | |
CWordDefinition | |
CWordError | |
CWords | |
CWordsList | |
►NUtil | |
CMediaTypeUtils | |
CISpeechToTextService | |
CSpeechToTextService | |
▼NTextToSpeech | |
▼Nv1 | |
►NModel | |
CAudioType | |
CCustomDateFormat | |
CCustomVoiceLanguage | |
CCustomVoiceModel | |
CCustomWordTranslation | |
CPhoneme | |
CPronunciation | |
CVoice | |
CWordPronunciation | |
CITextToSpeechService | |
CTextToSpeechService | |
▼NToneAnalyzer | |
▼Nv3 | |
►NModel | |
CDocumentAnalysis | DocumentAnalysis. |
CSentenceAnalysis | SentenceAnalysis. |
CToneAnalysis | ToneAnalysis. |
CToneCategory | ToneCategory. |
CToneChatInput | ToneChatInput. |
CToneChatScore | ToneChatScore. |
CToneInput | ToneInput. |
CToneScore | ToneScore. |
CUtterance | Utterance. |
CUtteranceAnalyses | UtteranceAnalyses. |
CUtteranceAnalysis | UtteranceAnalysis. |
CIToneAnalyzerService | |
CToneAnalyzerService | |
▼NUtil | |
▼NAttributes | |
CDescriptionAttribute | |
▼NExtensions | |
CDescriptionExtension | |
▼NVisualRecognition | |
▼Nv3 | |
►NModel | |
CClassifiers | Classifiers |
CClassifyParameters | |
CClassifyPerClassifier | Classifier and score combination. |
CClassifyPost | Classify results for multiple images. |
CClassifyTopLevelMultiple | Classify results for multiple images. |
CClassifyTopLevelSingle | Classifier results for one image. |
CClassResult | result of a class within a classifier |
CCollectionImagesConfig | Success |
CCollectionsConfig | Success |
CCreateCollection | success |
CDetectFacesParameters | |
CErrorInfoNoCode | Information about something that went wrong. Omitted if no error. |
CErrorInfoWithCode | Information about something that went wrong. Omitted if no error. |
CErrorTopLevel | ErrorTopLevel |
CFaces | Faces |
CFacesTopLevelSingle | FacesTopLevelSingle |
CGetClassifiersPerClassifierBrief | Name and ID of a classifier. |
CGetClassifiersPerClassifierVerbose | Detailed information about a classifier. |
CGetClassifiersTopLevelBrief | List of classifiers retrieved in the GET v2/classifiers call. |
CGetClassifiersTopLevelVerbose | Verbose list of classifiers retrieved in the GET v2/classifiers call. |
CGetCollectionImages | success |
CGetCollections | success |
CGetCollectionsBrief | success |
CModelClass | A category within a classifier. |
COneFaceResult | OneFaceResult |
COneFaceResultAge | OneFaceResultAge |
COneFaceResultFaceLocation | OneFaceResultFaceLocation |
COneFaceResultGender | OneFaceResultGender |
COneFaceResultIdentity | Only included if identified celebrity, otherwise set to "". |
CSimilarImageConfig | SimilarImageConfig |
CSimilarImagesConfig | List of similar images. Maximum response size 200 kB. |
CWarningInfo | Information about something that went wrong. Omitted if no warning. |
CIVisualRecognitionService | |
CVisualRecognitionService | |
CConstants | This class holds constant values for the SDK. |