public inheriting from zcl_ibmc_service_ext create public
Watson Assistant v2
The IBM Watson™ Assistant service combines machine learning, natural language understanding, and an integrated dialog editor to create conversation flows between your apps and your users.The Assistant v2 API provides runtime methods your client application can use to send user input to an assistant and receive a response.
Visibility and Level | Name | Documentation |
public | t_agent_availability_message (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_assistant_collection (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_assistant_data (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_assistant_skill (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_assistant_state (structured type) | Status information about the skills for the assistant. Included in responses only if **status**=`Available`. |
public | t_audit_properties (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_base_environment (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_base_env_orchestration (structured type) | The search skill orchestration settings for the environment. |
public | t_base_env_release_reference (structured type) | An object describing the release that is currently deployed in the environment. |
public | t_base_message_context_global (structured type) | Session context data that is shared by all skills used by the assistant. |
public | t_base_message_context_skill (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_base_message_input (structured type) | An input object that includes the input text. |
public | t_base_message_input_options (structured type) | Optional properties that control how the assistant responds. |
public | t_base_skill (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_base_skill_reference (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_bulk_classify_input (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_bulk_classify_output (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_bulk_classify_response (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_bulk_classify_utterance (structured type) | The user input utterance to classify. |
public | t_capture_group (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_channel_transfer_info (structured type) | Information used by an integration to transfer the conversation to a different channel. |
public | t_channel_transfer_target (structured type) | An object specifying target channels available for the transfer. Each property of this object represents an available transfer target. Currently, the only supported property is **chat**, representing the web chat integration. |
public | t_channel_transfer_target_chat (structured type) | Information for transferring to the web chat integration. |
public | t_create_session (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_deploy_release_request (structured type) | A request to deploy a release to the specified environment. |
public | t_dialog_log_message (structured type) | Dialog log message details. |
public | t_dialog_node_action (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_dialog_node_visited (structured type) | An objects containing detailed diagnostic information about a dialog node that was visited during processing of the input message. |
public | t_dialog_suggestion (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_dialog_suggestion_value (structured type) | An object defining the message input to be sent to the assistant if the user selects the corresponding disambiguation option.**Note:** This entire message input object must be included in the request body of the next message sent to the assistant. Do not modify or remove any of the included properties. |
public | t_dia_nd_otpt_cnnct_t_agnt_tr1 (structured type) | Routing or other contextual information to be used by target service desk systems. |
public | t_dia_nd_output_opt_elem_value (structured type) | An object defining the message input to be sent to the assistant if the user selects the corresponding option. |
public | t_dia_node_output_opt_element (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_empty_response type jsonobject | No documentation available. |
public | t_environment (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_environment_collection (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_environment_reference (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_environment_skill (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_error_detail (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_error_response (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_integration_reference (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_log (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_log_collection (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_log_message_source type jsonobject | An object that identifies the dialog element that generated the error message. |
public | t_log_message_source_action (structured type) | An object that identifies the dialog element that generated the error message. |
public | t_log_message_source_dia_node (structured type) | An object that identifies the dialog element that generated the error message. |
public | t_log_message_source_handler (structured type) | An object that identifies the dialog element that generated the error message. |
public | t_log_message_source_step (structured type) | An object that identifies the dialog element that generated the error message. |
public | t_log_pagination (structured type) | The pagination data for the returned objects. For more information about using pagination, see [Pagination](#pagination). |
public | t_message_context (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_message_context_global (structured type) | Session context data that is shared by all skills used by the assistant. |
public | t_message_context_skills (structured type) | Context data specific to particular skills used by the assistant. |
public | t_message_context_skill_action (structured type) | Context variables that are used by the action skill. |
public | t_message_context_skill_dialog (structured type) | Context variables that are used by the dialog skill. |
public | t_message_context_skill_system (structured type) | System context data used by the skill. |
public | t_message_context_stateless (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_message_input (structured type) | An input object that includes the input text. |
public | t_message_input_attachment (structured type) | A reference to a media file to be sent as an attachment with the message. |
public | t_message_input_options (structured type) | Optional properties that control how the assistant responds. |
public | t_message_input_opt_auto_learn (structured type) | Autolearning options for the message. For more information about autolearning, see the [documentation](/docs/watson-assistant?topic=watson-assistant-autolearn).**Note:** Autolearning is a beta feature. |
public | t_message_input_opt_spelling (structured type) | Spelling correction options for the message. Any options specified on an individual message override the settings configured for the skill. |
public | t_message_input_opt_stateless (structured type) | Optional properties that control how the assistant responds. |
public | t_message_input_stateless (structured type) | An input object that includes the input text. |
public | t_message_output (structured type) | Assistant output to be rendered or processed by the client. |
public | t_message_output_debug (structured type) | Additional detailed information about a message response and how it was generated. |
public | t_message_output_spelling (structured type) | Properties describing any spelling corrections in the user input that was received. |
public | t_message_request (structured type) | A stateful message request formatted for the Watson Assistant service. |
public | t_message_request_stateless (structured type) | A stateless message request formatted for the Watson Assistant service. |
public | t_message_response (structured type) | A response from the Watson Assistant service. |
public | t_message_response_stateless (structured type) | A stateless response from the Watson Assistant service. |
public | t_mssg_cntxt_global_stateless (structured type) | Session context data that is shared by all skills used by the assistant. |
public | t_mssg_context_global_system (structured type) | Built-in system properties that apply to all skills used by the assistant. |
public | t_mssg_otpt_dbg_trn_evnt_trn_1 (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_mssg_otpt_dbg_trn_evnt_trn_2 (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_mssg_otpt_dbg_trn_evnt_trn_3 (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_mssg_otpt_dbg_trn_evnt_trn_4 (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_mssg_otpt_dbg_trn_evnt_trn_5 (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_mssg_otpt_dbg_trn_evnt_trn_6 (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_mssg_otpt_dbg_trn_evnt_trn_7 (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_mssg_otpt_dbg_trn_evnt_trn_8 (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_mssg_output_debug_turn_event type jsonobject | No documentation available. |
public | t_pagination (structured type) | The pagination data for the returned objects. For more information about using pagination, see [Pagination](#pagination). |
public | t_release (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_release_collection (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_release_content (structured type) | An object identifying the versionable content objects (such as skill snapshots) that are included in the release. |
public | t_release_skill (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_request_analytics (structured type) | An optional object containing analytics data. Currently, this data is used only for events sent to the Segment extension. |
public | t_response_generic_channel (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_entity_interpretation (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_entty_intrprttn_sys_date (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_entty_intrprttn_sys_num (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_entty_intrprttn_sys_time (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_response_type_suggestion (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_resp_gnrc_rt_resp_typ_ad (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_resp_gnrc_rt_resp_typ_ch1 (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_resp_gnrc_rt_resp_typ_cn1 (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_resp_gnrc_rt_resp_typ_dt (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_resp_gnrc_rt_resp_typ_if1 (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_resp_gnrc_rt_resp_typ_img (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_resp_gnrc_rt_resp_typ_opt (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_resp_gnrc_rt_resp_typ_ps (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_resp_gnrc_rt_resp_typ_sg1 (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_resp_gnrc_rt_resp_typ_sr1 (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_resp_gnrc_rt_resp_typ_txt (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_resp_gnrc_rt_resp_typ_us1 (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_resp_gnrc_rt_resp_typ_vd (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_resp_type_channel_trans (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_resp_type_user_defined (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_rt_resp_typ_connect_to_agent (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_runtime_entity (structured type) | The entity value that was recognized in the user input. |
public | t_runtime_entity_alternative (structured type) | An alternative value for the recognized entity. |
public | t_runtime_entity_role (structured type) | An object describing the role played by a system entity that is specifies the beginning or end of a range recognized in the user input. This property is included only if the new system entities are enabled for the skill. |
public | t_runtime_intent (structured type) | An intent identified in the user input. |
public | t_runtime_response_generic type jsonobject | No documentation available. |
public | t_runtime_response_type_audio (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_runtime_response_type_date (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_runtime_response_type_iframe (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_runtime_response_type_image (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_runtime_response_type_option (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_runtime_response_type_pause (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_runtime_response_type_search (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_runtime_response_type_text (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_runtime_response_type_video (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_search_result (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_search_result_answer (structured type) | An object specifing a segment of text that was identified as a direct answer to the search query. |
public | t_search_result_highlight (structured type) | An object containing segments of text from search results with query-matching text highlighted using HTML `<em>` tags. |
public | t_search_result_metadata (structured type) | An object containing search result metadata from the Discovery service. |
public | t_search_settings (structured type) | An object describing the search skill configuration. |
public | t_search_settings_discovery (structured type) | Configuration settings for the Watson Discovery service instance used by the search integration. |
public | t_search_settings_messages (structured type) | The messages included with responses from the search integration. |
public | t_search_skill_warning (structured type) | A warning describing an error in the search skill configuration. |
public | t_session_response (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_skill (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_skills_async_request_status (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_skills_export (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_skills_import (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_skill_import (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_srch_settings_schema_mapping (structured type) | The mapping between fields in the Watson Discovery collection and properties in the search response. |
public | t_srch_sttngs_dscvry_athntctn (structured type) | Authentication information for the Watson Discovery service. For more information, see the [Watson Discovery documentation](**Note:** You must specify either **basic** or **bearer**, but not both. |
public | t_status_error (structured type) | An object describing an error that occurred during processing of an asynchronous operation. |
public | t_turn_event_action_finished (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_turn_event_action_source (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_turn_event_action_visited (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_turn_event_callout (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_turn_event_callout_callout (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_turn_event_callout_error (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_turn_event_handler_visited (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_turn_event_node_source (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_turn_event_node_visited (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_turn_event_search (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_turn_event_search_error (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_turn_event_step_answered (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_turn_event_step_visited (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_update_environment (structured type) | No documentation available. |
public | t_update_skill (structured type) | No documentation available. |
Visibility and Level | Name | Documentation |
public static | c_abapname_dictionary (structured type) | Map ABAP identifiers to service identifiers. |
public static | c_required_fields (structured type) | List of required fields per type. |
Visibility and Level | Name | Documentation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Identify intents and entities in multiple user utterances Send multiple user inputs to a dialog skill in a single request and receive information about the intents and entities recognized in each input. This method is useful for testing and comparing the performance of different skills or skill versions.This method is available only with Enterprise with Data Isolation plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Create an assistant Create a new assistant.This method is available only with Enterprise plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Create release Create a new release using the current content of the dialog and action skills in the draft environment. (In the Watson Assistant user interface, a release is called a *version*.)This method is available only with Enterprise plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Create a session Create a new session. A session is used to send user input to a skill and receive responses. It also maintains the state of the conversation. A session persists until it is deleted, or until it times out because of inactivity. (For more information, see the [documentation]( settings).Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Delete assistant Delete an assistant.This method is available only with Enterprise plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Delete release Delete a release. (In the Watson Assistant user interface, a release is called a *version*.)This method is available only with Enterprise plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Delete session Deletes a session explicitly before it times out. (For more information about the session inactivity timeout, see the [documentation]( settings)).Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Delete labeled data Deletes all data associated with a specified customer ID. The method has no effect if no data is associated with the customer ID.You associate a customer ID with data by passing the `X-Watson-Metadata` header with a request that passes data. For more information about personal data and customer IDs, see [Information security]( rity#information-security). **Note:** This operation is intended only for deleting data associated with a single specific customer, not for deleting data associated with multiple customers or for any other purpose. For more information, see [Labeling and deleting data in Watson Assistant]( urity#information-security-gdpr-wa). Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Deploy release Update the environment with the content of the release. All snapshots saved as part of the release become active in the environment.This method is available only with Enterprise plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Export skills Asynchronously export the action skill and dialog skill (if enabled) for the assistant. Use this method to save all skill data so that you can import it to a different assistant using the **Import skills** method.A successful call to this method only initiates an asynchronous export. The exported JSON data is not available until processing completes. After the initial request is submitted, you can poll the status of the operation by calling the same request again and checking the value of the **status** property. If an error occurs (indicated by a **status** value of `Failed`), the `status_description` property provides more information about the error, and the `status_errors` property contains an array of error messages that caused the failure. When processing has completed, the request returns the exported JSON data. Remember that the usual rate limits apply. This method is available only with Enterprise plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance | get_appname redefinition | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Get environment Get information about an environment. For more information about environments, see [Environments]( nt-publish-overview#environments).This method is available only with Enterprise plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Get release Get information about a release.Release data is not available until publishing of the release completes. If publishing is still in progress, you can continue to poll by calling the same request again and checking the value of the **status** property. When processing has completed, the request returns the release data. This method is available only with Enterprise plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance | get_request_prop redefinition | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance | get_sdk_version_date redefinition | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Get skill Get information about a skill.This method is available only with Enterprise plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Import skills Asynchronously import skills into an existing assistant from a previously exported file.The request body for this method should contain the response data that was received from a previous call to the **Export skills** method, without modification. A successful call to this method initiates an asynchronous import. The updated skills belonging to the assistant are not available until processing completes. To check the status of the asynchronous import operation, use the **Get status of skills import** method. This method is available only with Enterprise plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Get status of skills import Retrieve the status of an asynchronous import operation previously initiated by using the **Import skills** method.This method is available only with Enterprise plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| List assistants List the assistants associated with a Watson Assistant service instance.This method is available only with Enterprise plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| List environments List the environments associated with an assistant.This method is available only with Enterprise plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| List log events for an assistant List the events from the log of an assistant.This method requires Manager access, and is available only with Plus and Enterprise plans. **Note:** If you use the **cursor** parameter to retrieve results one page at a time, subsequent requests must be no more than 5 minutes apart. Any returned value for the **cursor** parameter becomes invalid after 5 minutes. For more information about using pagination, see [Pagination](#pagination). Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| List releases List the releases associated with an assistant. (In the Watson Assistant user interface, a release is called a *version*.)This method is available only with Enterprise plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Send user input to assistant (stateful) Send user input to an assistant and receive a response, with conversation state (including context data) stored by Watson Assistant for the duration of the session.Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Send user input to assistant (stateless) Send user input to an assistant and receive a response, with conversation state (including context data) managed by your application.Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Update environment Update an environment with new or modified data. For more information about environments, see [Environments]( nt-publish-overview#environments).This method is available only with Enterprise plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public instance |
| Update skill Update a skill with new or modified data.**Note:** The update is performed asynchronously; you can see the status of the update by calling the **Get skill** method and checking the value of the **status** property. This method is available only with Enterprise plans. Parameters
Class-based Exceptions