Source code for watson_developer_cloud.conversation_v1

# coding: utf-8

# Copyright 2017 IBM All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
The IBM Watson Conversation service combines machine learning, natural language
understanding, and integrated dialog tools to create conversation flows between your apps
and your users.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import json
from .watson_service import datetime_to_string, string_to_datetime
from .watson_service import WatsonService

# Service

[docs]class ConversationV1(WatsonService): """The Conversation V1 service.""" default_url = '' VERSION_DATE_2017_05_26 = '2017-05-26' VERSION_DATE_2017_04_21 = '2017-04-21' VERSION_DATE_2017_02_03 = '2017-02-03' VERSION_DATE_2016_09_20 = '2016-09-20' VERSION_DATE_2016_07_11 = '2016-07-11' def __init__(self, version, url=default_url, username=None, password=None): """ Construct a new client for the Conversation service. :param str version: The API version date to use with the service, in "YYYY-MM-DD" format. Whenever the API is changed in a backwards incompatible way, a new minor version of the API is released. The service uses the API version for the date you specify, or the most recent version before that date. Note that you should not programmatically specify the current date at runtime, in case the API has been updated since your application's release. Instead, specify a version date that is compatible with your application, and don't change it until your application is ready for a later version. :param str url: The base url to use when contacting the service (e.g. ""). The base url may differ between Bluemix regions. :param str username: The username used to authenticate with the service. Username and password credentials are only required to run your application locally or outside of Bluemix. When running on Bluemix, the credentials will be automatically loaded from the `VCAP_SERVICES` environment variable. :param str password: The password used to authenticate with the service. Username and password credentials are only required to run your application locally or outside of Bluemix. When running on Bluemix, the credentials will be automatically loaded from the `VCAP_SERVICES` environment variable. """ WatsonService.__init__( self, vcap_services_name='conversation', url=url, username=username, password=password, use_vcap_services=True) self.version = version ######################### # workspaces #########################
[docs] def create_workspace(self, name=None, description=None, language=None, intents=None, entities=None, dialog_nodes=None, counterexamples=None, metadata=None, learning_opt_out=None): """ Create workspace. Create a workspace based on component objects. You must provide workspace components defining the content of the new workspace. :param str name: The name of the workspace. :param str description: The description of the workspace. :param str language: The language of the workspace. :param list[CreateIntent] intents: An array of objects defining the intents for the workspace. :param list[CreateEntity] entities: An array of objects defining the entities for the workspace. :param list[CreateDialogNode] dialog_nodes: An array of objects defining the nodes in the workspace dialog. :param list[CreateCounterexample] counterexamples: An array of objects defining input examples that have been marked as irrelevant input. :param object metadata: Any metadata related to the workspace. :param bool learning_opt_out: Whether training data from the workspace can be used by IBM for general service improvements. `true` indicates that workspace training data is not to be used. :return: A `dict` containing the `Workspace` response. :rtype: dict """ if intents is not None: intents = [self._convert_model(x) for x in intents] if entities is not None: entities = [self._convert_model(x) for x in entities] if dialog_nodes is not None: dialog_nodes = [self._convert_model(x) for x in dialog_nodes] if counterexamples is not None: counterexamples = [self._convert_model(x) for x in counterexamples] params = {'version': self.version} data = { 'name': name, 'description': description, 'language': language, 'intents': intents, 'entities': entities, 'dialog_nodes': dialog_nodes, 'counterexamples': counterexamples, 'metadata': metadata, 'learning_opt_out': learning_opt_out } url = '/v1/workspaces' response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def delete_workspace(self, workspace_id): """ Delete workspace. Delete a workspace from the service instance. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :rtype: None """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}'.format(*self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id)) self.request(method='DELETE', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return None
[docs] def get_workspace(self, workspace_id, export=None): """ Get information about a workspace. Get information about a workspace, optionally including all workspace content. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param bool export: Whether to include all element content in the returned data. If export=`false`, the returned data includes only information about the element itself. If export=`true`, all content, including subelements, is included. The default value is `false`. :return: A `dict` containing the `WorkspaceExport` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') params = {'version': self.version, 'export': export} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}'.format(*self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id)) response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def list_workspaces(self, page_limit=None, include_count=None, sort=None, cursor=None): """ List workspaces. List the workspaces associated with a Conversation service instance. :param int page_limit: The number of records to return in each page of results. The default page limit is 100. :param bool include_count: Whether to include information about the number of records returned. :param str sort: Sorts the response according to the value of the specified property, in ascending or descending order. :param str cursor: A token identifying the last value from the previous page of results. :return: A `dict` containing the `WorkspaceCollection` response. :rtype: dict """ params = { 'version': self.version, 'page_limit': page_limit, 'include_count': include_count, 'sort': sort, 'cursor': cursor } url = '/v1/workspaces' response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def update_workspace(self, workspace_id, name=None, description=None, language=None, intents=None, entities=None, dialog_nodes=None, counterexamples=None, metadata=None, learning_opt_out=None): """ Update workspace. Update an existing workspace with new or modified data. You must provide component objects defining the content of the updated workspace. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str name: The name of the workspace. :param str description: The description of the workspace. :param str language: The language of the workspace. :param list[CreateIntent] intents: An array of objects defining the intents for the workspace. :param list[CreateEntity] entities: An array of objects defining the entities for the workspace. :param list[CreateDialogNode] dialog_nodes: An array of objects defining the nodes in the workspace dialog. :param list[CreateCounterexample] counterexamples: An array of objects defining input examples that have been marked as irrelevant input. :param object metadata: Any metadata related to the workspace. :param bool learning_opt_out: Whether training data from the workspace can be used by IBM for general service improvements. `true` indicates that workspace training data is not to be used. :return: A `dict` containing the `Workspace` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if intents is not None: intents = [self._convert_model(x) for x in intents] if entities is not None: entities = [self._convert_model(x) for x in entities] if dialog_nodes is not None: dialog_nodes = [self._convert_model(x) for x in dialog_nodes] if counterexamples is not None: counterexamples = [self._convert_model(x) for x in counterexamples] params = {'version': self.version} data = { 'name': name, 'description': description, 'language': language, 'intents': intents, 'entities': entities, 'dialog_nodes': dialog_nodes, 'counterexamples': counterexamples, 'metadata': metadata, 'learning_opt_out': learning_opt_out } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}'.format(*self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
######################### # message #########################
[docs] def message(self, workspace_id, input=None, alternate_intents=None, context=None, entities=None, intents=None, output=None): """ Get a response to a user's input. :param str workspace_id: Unique identifier of the workspace. :param JSON input: A JSON object that includes the input text in the field 'text' (for example: {"text": "Hi!"}) :param bool alternate_intents: Whether to return more than one intent. Set to `true` to return all matching intents. :param Context context: State information for the conversation. Continue a conversation by including the context object from the previous response. :param list[RuntimeEntity] entities: Include the entities from the previous response when they do not need to change and to prevent Watson from trying to identify them. :param list[RuntimeIntent] intents: An array of name-confidence pairs for the user input. Include the intents from the previous response when they do not need to change and to prevent Watson from trying to identify them. :param OutputData output: System output. Include the output from the request when you have several requests within the same Dialog turn to pass back in the intermediate information. :return: A `dict` containing the `MessageResponse` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if input is not None: input = self._convert_model(input) if context is not None: context = self._convert_model(context) if entities is not None: entities = [self._convert_model(x) for x in entities] if intents is not None: intents = [self._convert_model(x) for x in intents] if output is not None: output = self._convert_model(output) params = {'version': self.version} data = { 'input': input, 'alternate_intents': alternate_intents, 'context': context, 'entities': entities, 'intents': intents, 'output': output } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/message'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
######################### # intents #########################
[docs] def create_intent(self, workspace_id, intent, description=None, examples=None): """ Create intent. Create a new intent. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str intent: The name of the intent. :param str description: The description of the intent. :param list[CreateExample] examples: An array of user input examples. :return: A `dict` containing the `Intent` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if intent is None: raise ValueError('intent must be provided') if examples is not None: examples = [self._convert_model(x) for x in examples] params = {'version': self.version} data = { 'intent': intent, 'description': description, 'examples': examples } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/intents'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def delete_intent(self, workspace_id, intent): """ Delete intent. Delete an intent from a workspace. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str intent: The intent name (for example, `pizza_order`). :rtype: None """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if intent is None: raise ValueError('intent must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/intents/{1}'.format(*self._encode_path_vars( workspace_id, intent)) self.request(method='DELETE', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return None
[docs] def get_intent(self, workspace_id, intent, export=None): """ Get intent. Get information about an intent, optionally including all intent content. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str intent: The intent name (for example, `pizza_order`). :param bool export: Whether to include all element content in the returned data. If export=`false`, the returned data includes only information about the element itself. If export=`true`, all content, including subelements, is included. The default value is `false`. :return: A `dict` containing the `IntentExport` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if intent is None: raise ValueError('intent must be provided') params = {'version': self.version, 'export': export} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/intents/{1}'.format(*self._encode_path_vars( workspace_id, intent)) response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def list_intents(self, workspace_id, export=None, page_limit=None, include_count=None, sort=None, cursor=None): """ List intents. List the intents for a workspace. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param bool export: Whether to include all element content in the returned data. If export=`false`, the returned data includes only information about the element itself. If export=`true`, all content, including subelements, is included. The default value is `false`. :param int page_limit: The number of records to return in each page of results. The default page limit is 100. :param bool include_count: Whether to include information about the number of records returned. :param str sort: Sorts the response according to the value of the specified property, in ascending or descending order. :param str cursor: A token identifying the last value from the previous page of results. :return: A `dict` containing the `IntentCollection` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') params = { 'version': self.version, 'export': export, 'page_limit': page_limit, 'include_count': include_count, 'sort': sort, 'cursor': cursor } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/intents'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id)) response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def update_intent(self, workspace_id, intent, new_intent=None, new_description=None, new_examples=None): """ Update intent. Update an existing intent with new or modified data. You must provide data defining the content of the updated intent. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str intent: The intent name (for example, `pizza_order`). :param str new_intent: The name of the intent. :param str new_description: The description of the intent. :param list[CreateExample] new_examples: An array of user input examples for the intent. :return: A `dict` containing the `Intent` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if intent is None: raise ValueError('intent must be provided') if new_examples is not None: new_examples = [self._convert_model(x) for x in new_examples] params = {'version': self.version} data = { 'intent': new_intent, 'description': new_description, 'examples': new_examples } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/intents/{1}'.format(*self._encode_path_vars( workspace_id, intent)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
######################### # examples #########################
[docs] def create_example(self, workspace_id, intent, text): """ Create user input example. Add a new user input example to an intent. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str intent: The intent name (for example, `pizza_order`). :param str text: The text of a user input example. :return: A `dict` containing the `Example` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if intent is None: raise ValueError('intent must be provided') if text is None: raise ValueError('text must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} data = {'text': text} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/intents/{1}/examples'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, intent)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def delete_example(self, workspace_id, intent, text): """ Delete user input example. Delete a user input example from an intent. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str intent: The intent name (for example, `pizza_order`). :param str text: The text of the user input example. :rtype: None """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if intent is None: raise ValueError('intent must be provided') if text is None: raise ValueError('text must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/intents/{1}/examples/{2}'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, intent, text)) self.request(method='DELETE', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return None
[docs] def get_example(self, workspace_id, intent, text): """ Get user input example. Get information about a user input example. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str intent: The intent name (for example, `pizza_order`). :param str text: The text of the user input example. :return: A `dict` containing the `Example` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if intent is None: raise ValueError('intent must be provided') if text is None: raise ValueError('text must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/intents/{1}/examples/{2}'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, intent, text)) response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def list_examples(self, workspace_id, intent, page_limit=None, include_count=None, sort=None, cursor=None): """ List user input examples. List the user input examples for an intent. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str intent: The intent name (for example, `pizza_order`). :param int page_limit: The number of records to return in each page of results. The default page limit is 100. :param bool include_count: Whether to include information about the number of records returned. :param str sort: Sorts the response according to the value of the specified property, in ascending or descending order. :param str cursor: A token identifying the last value from the previous page of results. :return: A `dict` containing the `ExampleCollection` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if intent is None: raise ValueError('intent must be provided') params = { 'version': self.version, 'page_limit': page_limit, 'include_count': include_count, 'sort': sort, 'cursor': cursor } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/intents/{1}/examples'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, intent)) response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def update_example(self, workspace_id, intent, text, new_text=None): """ Update user input example. Update the text of a user input example. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str intent: The intent name (for example, `pizza_order`). :param str text: The text of the user input example. :param str new_text: The text of the user input example. :return: A `dict` containing the `Example` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if intent is None: raise ValueError('intent must be provided') if text is None: raise ValueError('text must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} data = {'text': new_text} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/intents/{1}/examples/{2}'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, intent, text)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
######################### # entities #########################
[docs] def create_entity(self, workspace_id, entity, description=None, metadata=None, values=None, fuzzy_match=None): """ Create entity. Create a new entity. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str entity: The name of the entity. :param str description: The description of the entity. :param object metadata: Any metadata related to the value. :param list[CreateValue] values: An array of entity values. :param bool fuzzy_match: Whether to use fuzzy matching for the entity. :return: A `dict` containing the `Entity` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if entity is None: raise ValueError('entity must be provided') if values is not None: values = [self._convert_model(x) for x in values] params = {'version': self.version} data = { 'entity': entity, 'description': description, 'metadata': metadata, 'values': values, 'fuzzy_match': fuzzy_match } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/entities'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def delete_entity(self, workspace_id, entity): """ Delete entity. Delete an entity from a workspace. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str entity: The name of the entity. :rtype: None """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if entity is None: raise ValueError('entity must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/entities/{1}'.format(*self._encode_path_vars( workspace_id, entity)) self.request(method='DELETE', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return None
[docs] def get_entity(self, workspace_id, entity, export=None): """ Get entity. Get information about an entity, optionally including all entity content. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str entity: The name of the entity. :param bool export: Whether to include all element content in the returned data. If export=`false`, the returned data includes only information about the element itself. If export=`true`, all content, including subelements, is included. The default value is `false`. :return: A `dict` containing the `EntityExport` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if entity is None: raise ValueError('entity must be provided') params = {'version': self.version, 'export': export} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/entities/{1}'.format(*self._encode_path_vars( workspace_id, entity)) response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def list_entities(self, workspace_id, export=None, page_limit=None, include_count=None, sort=None, cursor=None): """ List entities. List the entities for a workspace. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param bool export: Whether to include all element content in the returned data. If export=`false`, the returned data includes only information about the element itself. If export=`true`, all content, including subelements, is included. The default value is `false`. :param int page_limit: The number of records to return in each page of results. The default page limit is 100. :param bool include_count: Whether to include information about the number of records returned. :param str sort: Sorts the response according to the value of the specified property, in ascending or descending order. :param str cursor: A token identifying the last value from the previous page of results. :return: A `dict` containing the `EntityCollection` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') params = { 'version': self.version, 'export': export, 'page_limit': page_limit, 'include_count': include_count, 'sort': sort, 'cursor': cursor } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/entities'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id)) response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def update_entity(self, workspace_id, entity, new_entity=None, new_description=None, new_metadata=None, new_fuzzy_match=None, new_values=None): """ Update entity. Update an existing entity with new or modified data. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str entity: The name of the entity. :param str new_entity: The name of the entity. :param str new_description: The description of the entity. :param object new_metadata: Any metadata related to the entity. :param bool new_fuzzy_match: Whether to use fuzzy matching for the entity. :param list[CreateValue] new_values: An array of entity values. :return: A `dict` containing the `Entity` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if entity is None: raise ValueError('entity must be provided') if new_values is not None: new_values = [self._convert_model(x) for x in new_values] params = {'version': self.version} data = { 'entity': new_entity, 'description': new_description, 'metadata': new_metadata, 'fuzzy_match': new_fuzzy_match, 'values': new_values } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/entities/{1}'.format(*self._encode_path_vars( workspace_id, entity)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
######################### # values #########################
[docs] def create_value(self, workspace_id, entity, value, metadata=None, synonyms=None, patterns=None, value_type=None): """ Add entity value. Create a new value for an entity. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str entity: The name of the entity. :param str value: The text of the entity value. :param object metadata: Any metadata related to the entity value. :param list[str] synonyms: An array of synonyms for the entity value. :param list[str] patterns: An array of patterns for the entity value. A pattern is specified as a regular expression. :param str value_type: Specifies the type of value (`synonyms` or `patterns`). The default value is `synonyms`. :return: A `dict` containing the `Value` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if entity is None: raise ValueError('entity must be provided') if value is None: raise ValueError('value must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} data = { 'value': value, 'metadata': metadata, 'synonyms': synonyms, 'patterns': patterns, 'type': value_type } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/entities/{1}/values'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, entity)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def delete_value(self, workspace_id, entity, value): """ Delete entity value. Delete a value for an entity. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str entity: The name of the entity. :param str value: The text of the entity value. :rtype: None """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if entity is None: raise ValueError('entity must be provided') if value is None: raise ValueError('value must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/entities/{1}/values/{2}'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, entity, value)) self.request(method='DELETE', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return None
[docs] def get_value(self, workspace_id, entity, value, export=None): """ Get entity value. Get information about an entity value. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str entity: The name of the entity. :param str value: The text of the entity value. :param bool export: Whether to include all element content in the returned data. If export=`false`, the returned data includes only information about the element itself. If export=`true`, all content, including subelements, is included. The default value is `false`. :return: A `dict` containing the `ValueExport` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if entity is None: raise ValueError('entity must be provided') if value is None: raise ValueError('value must be provided') params = {'version': self.version, 'export': export} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/entities/{1}/values/{2}'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, entity, value)) response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def list_values(self, workspace_id, entity, export=None, page_limit=None, include_count=None, sort=None, cursor=None): """ List entity values. List the values for an entity. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str entity: The name of the entity. :param bool export: Whether to include all element content in the returned data. If export=`false`, the returned data includes only information about the element itself. If export=`true`, all content, including subelements, is included. The default value is `false`. :param int page_limit: The number of records to return in each page of results. The default page limit is 100. :param bool include_count: Whether to include information about the number of records returned. :param str sort: Sorts the response according to the value of the specified property, in ascending or descending order. :param str cursor: A token identifying the last value from the previous page of results. :return: A `dict` containing the `ValueCollection` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if entity is None: raise ValueError('entity must be provided') params = { 'version': self.version, 'export': export, 'page_limit': page_limit, 'include_count': include_count, 'sort': sort, 'cursor': cursor } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/entities/{1}/values'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, entity)) response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def update_value(self, workspace_id, entity, value, new_value=None, new_metadata=None, new_type=None, new_synonyms=None, new_patterns=None): """ Update entity value. Update the content of a value for an entity. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str entity: The name of the entity. :param str value: The text of the entity value. :param str new_value: The text of the entity value. :param object new_metadata: Any metadata related to the entity value. :param str new_type: Specifies the type of value (`synonyms` or `patterns`). The default value is `synonyms`. :param list[str] new_synonyms: An array of synonyms for the entity value. :param list[str] new_patterns: An array of patterns for the entity value. A pattern is specified as a regular expression. :return: A `dict` containing the `Value` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if entity is None: raise ValueError('entity must be provided') if value is None: raise ValueError('value must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} data = { 'value': new_value, 'metadata': new_metadata, 'type': new_type, 'synonyms': new_synonyms, 'patterns': new_patterns } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/entities/{1}/values/{2}'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, entity, value)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
######################### # synonyms #########################
[docs] def create_synonym(self, workspace_id, entity, value, synonym): """ Add entity value synonym. Add a new synonym to an entity value. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str entity: The name of the entity. :param str value: The text of the entity value. :param str synonym: The text of the synonym. :return: A `dict` containing the `Synonym` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if entity is None: raise ValueError('entity must be provided') if value is None: raise ValueError('value must be provided') if synonym is None: raise ValueError('synonym must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} data = {'synonym': synonym} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/entities/{1}/values/{2}/synonyms'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, entity, value)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def delete_synonym(self, workspace_id, entity, value, synonym): """ Delete entity value synonym. Delete a synonym for an entity value. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str entity: The name of the entity. :param str value: The text of the entity value. :param str synonym: The text of the synonym. :rtype: None """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if entity is None: raise ValueError('entity must be provided') if value is None: raise ValueError('value must be provided') if synonym is None: raise ValueError('synonym must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/entities/{1}/values/{2}/synonyms/{3}'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, entity, value, synonym)) self.request(method='DELETE', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return None
[docs] def get_synonym(self, workspace_id, entity, value, synonym): """ Get entity value synonym. Get information about a synonym for an entity value. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str entity: The name of the entity. :param str value: The text of the entity value. :param str synonym: The text of the synonym. :return: A `dict` containing the `Synonym` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if entity is None: raise ValueError('entity must be provided') if value is None: raise ValueError('value must be provided') if synonym is None: raise ValueError('synonym must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/entities/{1}/values/{2}/synonyms/{3}'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, entity, value, synonym)) response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def list_synonyms(self, workspace_id, entity, value, page_limit=None, include_count=None, sort=None, cursor=None): """ List entity value synonyms. List the synonyms for an entity value. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str entity: The name of the entity. :param str value: The text of the entity value. :param int page_limit: The number of records to return in each page of results. The default page limit is 100. :param bool include_count: Whether to include information about the number of records returned. :param str sort: Sorts the response according to the value of the specified property, in ascending or descending order. :param str cursor: A token identifying the last value from the previous page of results. :return: A `dict` containing the `SynonymCollection` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if entity is None: raise ValueError('entity must be provided') if value is None: raise ValueError('value must be provided') params = { 'version': self.version, 'page_limit': page_limit, 'include_count': include_count, 'sort': sort, 'cursor': cursor } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/entities/{1}/values/{2}/synonyms'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, entity, value)) response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def update_synonym(self, workspace_id, entity, value, synonym, new_synonym=None): """ Update entity value synonym. Update the information about a synonym for an entity value. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str entity: The name of the entity. :param str value: The text of the entity value. :param str synonym: The text of the synonym. :param str new_synonym: The text of the synonym. :return: A `dict` containing the `Synonym` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if entity is None: raise ValueError('entity must be provided') if value is None: raise ValueError('value must be provided') if synonym is None: raise ValueError('synonym must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} data = {'synonym': new_synonym} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/entities/{1}/values/{2}/synonyms/{3}'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, entity, value, synonym)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
######################### # dialogNodes #########################
[docs] def create_dialog_node(self, workspace_id, dialog_node, description=None, conditions=None, parent=None, previous_sibling=None, output=None, context=None, metadata=None, next_step=None, actions=None, title=None, node_type=None, event_name=None, variable=None): """ Create dialog node. Create a dialog node. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str dialog_node: The dialog node ID. :param str description: The description of the dialog node. :param str conditions: The condition that will trigger the dialog node. :param str parent: The ID of the parent dialog node (if any). :param str previous_sibling: The previous dialog node. :param object output: The output of the dialog node. :param object context: The context for the dialog node. :param object metadata: The metadata for the dialog node. :param DialogNodeNextStep next_step: The next step to execute following this dialog node. :param list[DialogNodeAction] actions: The actions for the dialog node. :param str title: The alias used to identify the dialog node. :param str node_type: How the dialog node is processed. :param str event_name: How an `event_handler` node is processed. :param str variable: The location in the dialog context where output is stored. :return: A `dict` containing the `DialogNode` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if dialog_node is None: raise ValueError('dialog_node must be provided') if next_step is not None: next_step = self._convert_model(next_step) if actions is not None: actions = [self._convert_model(x) for x in actions] params = {'version': self.version} data = { 'dialog_node': dialog_node, 'description': description, 'conditions': conditions, 'parent': parent, 'previous_sibling': previous_sibling, 'output': output, 'context': context, 'metadata': metadata, 'next_step': next_step, 'actions': actions, 'title': title, 'type': node_type, 'event_name': event_name, 'variable': variable } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/dialog_nodes'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def delete_dialog_node(self, workspace_id, dialog_node): """ Delete dialog node. Delete a dialog node from the workspace. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str dialog_node: The dialog node ID (for example, `get_order`). :rtype: None """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if dialog_node is None: raise ValueError('dialog_node must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/dialog_nodes/{1}'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, dialog_node)) self.request(method='DELETE', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return None
[docs] def get_dialog_node(self, workspace_id, dialog_node): """ Get dialog node. Get information about a dialog node. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str dialog_node: The dialog node ID (for example, `get_order`). :return: A `dict` containing the `DialogNode` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if dialog_node is None: raise ValueError('dialog_node must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/dialog_nodes/{1}'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, dialog_node)) response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def list_dialog_nodes(self, workspace_id, page_limit=None, include_count=None, sort=None, cursor=None): """ List dialog nodes. List the dialog nodes in the workspace. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param int page_limit: The number of records to return in each page of results. The default page limit is 100. :param bool include_count: Whether to include information about the number of records returned. :param str sort: Sorts the response according to the value of the specified property, in ascending or descending order. :param str cursor: A token identifying the last value from the previous page of results. :return: A `dict` containing the `DialogNodeCollection` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') params = { 'version': self.version, 'page_limit': page_limit, 'include_count': include_count, 'sort': sort, 'cursor': cursor } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/dialog_nodes'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id)) response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def update_dialog_node(self, workspace_id, dialog_node, new_dialog_node, new_description=None, new_conditions=None, new_parent=None, new_previous_sibling=None, new_output=None, new_context=None, new_metadata=None, new_next_step=None, new_title=None, new_type=None, new_event_name=None, new_variable=None, new_actions=None): """ Update dialog node. Update information for a dialog node. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str dialog_node: The dialog node ID (for example, `get_order`). :param str new_dialog_node: The dialog node ID. :param str new_description: The description of the dialog node. :param str new_conditions: The condition that will trigger the dialog node. :param str new_parent: The ID of the parent dialog node (if any). :param str new_previous_sibling: The previous dialog node. :param object new_output: The output of the dialog node. :param object new_context: The context for the dialog node. :param object new_metadata: The metadata for the dialog node. :param DialogNodeNextStep new_next_step: The next step to execute following this dialog node. :param str new_title: The alias used to identify the dialog node. :param str new_type: How the node is processed. :param str new_event_name: How an `event_handler` node is processed. :param str new_variable: The location in the dialog context where output is stored. :param list[DialogNodeAction] new_actions: The actions for the dialog node. :return: A `dict` containing the `DialogNode` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if dialog_node is None: raise ValueError('dialog_node must be provided') if new_dialog_node is None: raise ValueError('new_dialog_node must be provided') if new_next_step is not None: new_next_step = self._convert_model(new_next_step) if new_actions is not None: new_actions = [self._convert_model(x) for x in new_actions] params = {'version': self.version} data = { 'dialog_node': new_dialog_node, 'description': new_description, 'conditions': new_conditions, 'parent': new_parent, 'previous_sibling': new_previous_sibling, 'output': new_output, 'context': new_context, 'metadata': new_metadata, 'next_step': new_next_step, 'title': new_title, 'type': new_type, 'event_name': new_event_name, 'variable': new_variable, 'actions': new_actions } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/dialog_nodes/{1}'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, dialog_node)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
######################### # logs #########################
[docs] def list_logs(self, workspace_id, sort=None, filter=None, page_limit=None, cursor=None): """ List log events in a workspace. List log events in a specific workspace. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str sort: Sorts the response according to the value of the specified property, in ascending or descending order. :param str filter: A cacheable parameter that limits the results to those matching the specified filter. For more information, see the [documentation]( :param int page_limit: The number of records to return in each page of results. The default page limit is 100. :param str cursor: A token identifying the last value from the previous page of results. :return: A `dict` containing the `LogCollection` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') params = { 'version': self.version, 'sort': sort, 'filter': filter, 'page_limit': page_limit, 'cursor': cursor } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/logs'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id)) response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
######################### # counterexamples #########################
[docs] def create_counterexample(self, workspace_id, text): """ Create counterexample. Add a new counterexample to a workspace. Counterexamples are examples that have been marked as irrelevant input. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str text: The text of a user input marked as irrelevant input. :return: A `dict` containing the `Counterexample` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if text is None: raise ValueError('text must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} data = {'text': text} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/counterexamples'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def delete_counterexample(self, workspace_id, text): """ Delete counterexample. Delete a counterexample from a workspace. Counterexamples are examples that have been marked as irrelevant input. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str text: The text of a user input counterexample (for example, `What are you wearing?`). :rtype: None """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if text is None: raise ValueError('text must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/counterexamples/{1}'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, text)) self.request(method='DELETE', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return None
[docs] def get_counterexample(self, workspace_id, text): """ Get counterexample. Get information about a counterexample. Counterexamples are examples that have been marked as irrelevant input. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str text: The text of a user input counterexample (for example, `What are you wearing?`). :return: A `dict` containing the `Counterexample` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if text is None: raise ValueError('text must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/counterexamples/{1}'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, text)) response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def list_counterexamples(self, workspace_id, page_limit=None, include_count=None, sort=None, cursor=None): """ List counterexamples. List the counterexamples for a workspace. Counterexamples are examples that have been marked as irrelevant input. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param int page_limit: The number of records to return in each page of results. The default page limit is 100. :param bool include_count: Whether to include information about the number of records returned. :param str sort: Sorts the response according to the value of the specified property, in ascending or descending order. :param str cursor: A token identifying the last value from the previous page of results. :return: A `dict` containing the `CounterexampleCollection` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') params = { 'version': self.version, 'page_limit': page_limit, 'include_count': include_count, 'sort': sort, 'cursor': cursor } url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/counterexamples'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id)) response = self.request( method='GET', url=url, params=params, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def update_counterexample(self, workspace_id, text, new_text=None): """ Update counterexample. Update the text of a counterexample. Counterexamples are examples that have been marked as irrelevant input. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str text: The text of a user input counterexample (for example, `What are you wearing?`). :param str new_text: The text of the example to be marked as irrelevant input. :return: A `dict` containing the `Counterexample` response. :rtype: dict """ if workspace_id is None: raise ValueError('workspace_id must be provided') if text is None: raise ValueError('text must be provided') params = {'version': self.version} data = {'text': new_text} url = '/v1/workspaces/{0}/counterexamples/{1}'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(workspace_id, text)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
############################################################################## # Models ##############################################################################
[docs]class Context(object): """ Context information for the message. Include the context from the previous response to maintain state for the conversation. :attr str conversation_id: The unique identifier of the conversation. :attr SystemResponse system: For internal use only. """ def __init__(self, conversation_id, system, **kwargs): """ Initialize a Context object. :param str conversation_id: The unique identifier of the conversation. :param SystemResponse system: For internal use only. :param **kwargs: (optional) Any additional properties. """ self.conversation_id = conversation_id self.system = system for _key, _value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, _key, _value) @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a Context object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} xtra = _dict.copy() if 'conversation_id' in _dict: args['conversation_id'] = _dict['conversation_id'] del xtra['conversation_id'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'conversation_id\' not present in Context JSON' ) if 'system' in _dict: args['system'] = SystemResponse._from_dict(_dict['system']) del xtra['system'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'system\' not present in Context JSON') args.update(xtra) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'conversation_id') and self.conversation_id is not None: _dict['conversation_id'] = self.conversation_id if hasattr(self, 'system') and self.system is not None: _dict['system'] = self.system._to_dict() if hasattr(self, '_additionalProperties'): for _key in self._additionalProperties: _value = getattr(self, _key, None) if _value is not None: _dict[_key] = _value return _dict def __setattr__(self, name, value): properties = {'conversation_id', 'system'} if not hasattr(self, '_additionalProperties'): super(Context, self).__setattr__('_additionalProperties', set()) if name not in properties: self._additionalProperties.add(name) super(Context, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this Context object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class Counterexample(object): """ Counterexample. :attr str text: The text of the counterexample. :attr datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the counterexample. :attr datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the counterexample. """ def __init__(self, text, created, updated): """ Initialize a Counterexample object. :param str text: The text of the counterexample. :param datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the counterexample. :param datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the counterexample. """ self.text = text self.created = created self.updated = updated @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a Counterexample object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'text' in _dict: args['text'] = _dict['text'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'text\' not present in Counterexample JSON') if 'created' in _dict: args['created'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['created']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'created\' not present in Counterexample JSON' ) if 'updated' in _dict: args['updated'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['updated']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'updated\' not present in Counterexample JSON' ) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'text') and self.text is not None: _dict['text'] = self.text if hasattr(self, 'created') and self.created is not None: _dict['created'] = datetime_to_string(self.created) if hasattr(self, 'updated') and self.updated is not None: _dict['updated'] = datetime_to_string(self.updated) return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this Counterexample object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class CounterexampleCollection(object): """ CounterexampleCollection. :attr list[Counterexample] counterexamples: An array of objects describing the examples marked as irrelevant input. :attr Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ def __init__(self, counterexamples, pagination): """ Initialize a CounterexampleCollection object. :param list[Counterexample] counterexamples: An array of objects describing the examples marked as irrelevant input. :param Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ self.counterexamples = counterexamples self.pagination = pagination @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a CounterexampleCollection object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'counterexamples' in _dict: args['counterexamples'] = [ Counterexample._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['counterexamples'] ] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'counterexamples\' not present in CounterexampleCollection JSON' ) if 'pagination' in _dict: args['pagination'] = Pagination._from_dict(_dict['pagination']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'pagination\' not present in CounterexampleCollection JSON' ) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'counterexamples') and self.counterexamples is not None: _dict['counterexamples'] = [ x._to_dict() for x in self.counterexamples ] if hasattr(self, 'pagination') and self.pagination is not None: _dict['pagination'] = self.pagination._to_dict() return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this CounterexampleCollection object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class CreateCounterexample(object): """ CreateCounterexample. :attr str text: The text of a user input marked as irrelevant input. """ def __init__(self, text): """ Initialize a CreateCounterexample object. :param str text: The text of a user input marked as irrelevant input. """ self.text = text @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a CreateCounterexample object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'text' in _dict: args['text'] = _dict['text'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'text\' not present in CreateCounterexample JSON' ) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'text') and self.text is not None: _dict['text'] = self.text return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this CreateCounterexample object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class CreateDialogNode(object): """ CreateDialogNode. :attr str dialog_node: The dialog node ID. :attr str description: (optional) The description of the dialog node. :attr str conditions: (optional) The condition that will trigger the dialog node. :attr str parent: (optional) The ID of the parent dialog node (if any). :attr str previous_sibling: (optional) The previous dialog node. :attr object output: (optional) The output of the dialog node. :attr object context: (optional) The context for the dialog node. :attr object metadata: (optional) The metadata for the dialog node. :attr DialogNodeNextStep next_step: (optional) The next step to execute following this dialog node. :attr list[DialogNodeAction] actions: (optional) The actions for the dialog node. :attr str title: (optional) The alias used to identify the dialog node. :attr str node_type: (optional) How the dialog node is processed. :attr str event_name: (optional) How an `event_handler` node is processed. :attr str variable: (optional) The location in the dialog context where output is stored. """ def __init__(self, dialog_node, description=None, conditions=None, parent=None, previous_sibling=None, output=None, context=None, metadata=None, next_step=None, actions=None, title=None, node_type=None, event_name=None, variable=None): """ Initialize a CreateDialogNode object. :param str dialog_node: The dialog node ID. :param str description: (optional) The description of the dialog node. :param str conditions: (optional) The condition that will trigger the dialog node. :param str parent: (optional) The ID of the parent dialog node (if any). :param str previous_sibling: (optional) The previous dialog node. :param object output: (optional) The output of the dialog node. :param object context: (optional) The context for the dialog node. :param object metadata: (optional) The metadata for the dialog node. :param DialogNodeNextStep next_step: (optional) The next step to execute following this dialog node. :param list[DialogNodeAction] actions: (optional) The actions for the dialog node. :param str title: (optional) The alias used to identify the dialog node. :param str node_type: (optional) How the dialog node is processed. :param str event_name: (optional) How an `event_handler` node is processed. :param str variable: (optional) The location in the dialog context where output is stored. """ self.dialog_node = dialog_node self.description = description self.conditions = conditions self.parent = parent self.previous_sibling = previous_sibling self.output = output self.context = context self.metadata = metadata self.next_step = next_step self.actions = actions self.title = title self.node_type = node_type self.event_name = event_name self.variable = variable @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a CreateDialogNode object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'dialog_node' in _dict: args['dialog_node'] = _dict['dialog_node'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'dialog_node\' not present in CreateDialogNode JSON' ) if 'description' in _dict: args['description'] = _dict['description'] if 'conditions' in _dict: args['conditions'] = _dict['conditions'] if 'parent' in _dict: args['parent'] = _dict['parent'] if 'previous_sibling' in _dict: args['previous_sibling'] = _dict['previous_sibling'] if 'output' in _dict: args['output'] = _dict['output'] if 'context' in _dict: args['context'] = _dict['context'] if 'metadata' in _dict: args['metadata'] = _dict['metadata'] if 'next_step' in _dict: args['next_step'] = DialogNodeNextStep._from_dict( _dict['next_step']) if 'actions' in _dict: args['actions'] = [ DialogNodeAction._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['actions'] ] if 'title' in _dict: args['title'] = _dict['title'] if 'type' in _dict: args['node_type'] = _dict['type'] if 'event_name' in _dict: args['event_name'] = _dict['event_name'] if 'variable' in _dict: args['variable'] = _dict['variable'] return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'dialog_node') and self.dialog_node is not None: _dict['dialog_node'] = self.dialog_node if hasattr(self, 'description') and self.description is not None: _dict['description'] = self.description if hasattr(self, 'conditions') and self.conditions is not None: _dict['conditions'] = self.conditions if hasattr(self, 'parent') and self.parent is not None: _dict['parent'] = self.parent if hasattr(self, 'previous_sibling') and self.previous_sibling is not None: _dict['previous_sibling'] = self.previous_sibling if hasattr(self, 'output') and self.output is not None: _dict['output'] = self.output if hasattr(self, 'context') and self.context is not None: _dict['context'] = self.context if hasattr(self, 'metadata') and self.metadata is not None: _dict['metadata'] = self.metadata if hasattr(self, 'next_step') and self.next_step is not None: _dict['next_step'] = self.next_step._to_dict() if hasattr(self, 'actions') and self.actions is not None: _dict['actions'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.actions] if hasattr(self, 'title') and self.title is not None: _dict['title'] = self.title if hasattr(self, 'node_type') and self.node_type is not None: _dict['type'] = self.node_type if hasattr(self, 'event_name') and self.event_name is not None: _dict['event_name'] = self.event_name if hasattr(self, 'variable') and self.variable is not None: _dict['variable'] = self.variable return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this CreateDialogNode object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class CreateEntity(object): """ CreateEntity. :attr str entity: The name of the entity. :attr str description: (optional) The description of the entity. :attr object metadata: (optional) Any metadata related to the value. :attr list[CreateValue] values: (optional) An array of entity values. :attr bool fuzzy_match: (optional) Whether to use fuzzy matching for the entity. """ def __init__(self, entity, description=None, metadata=None, values=None, fuzzy_match=None): """ Initialize a CreateEntity object. :param str entity: The name of the entity. :param str description: (optional) The description of the entity. :param object metadata: (optional) Any metadata related to the value. :param list[CreateValue] values: (optional) An array of entity values. :param bool fuzzy_match: (optional) Whether to use fuzzy matching for the entity. """ self.entity = entity self.description = description self.metadata = metadata self.values = values self.fuzzy_match = fuzzy_match @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a CreateEntity object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'entity' in _dict: args['entity'] = _dict['entity'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'entity\' not present in CreateEntity JSON') if 'description' in _dict: args['description'] = _dict['description'] if 'metadata' in _dict: args['metadata'] = _dict['metadata'] if 'values' in _dict: args['values'] = [ CreateValue._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['values'] ] if 'fuzzy_match' in _dict: args['fuzzy_match'] = _dict['fuzzy_match'] return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'entity') and self.entity is not None: _dict['entity'] = self.entity if hasattr(self, 'description') and self.description is not None: _dict['description'] = self.description if hasattr(self, 'metadata') and self.metadata is not None: _dict['metadata'] = self.metadata if hasattr(self, 'values') and self.values is not None: _dict['values'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.values] if hasattr(self, 'fuzzy_match') and self.fuzzy_match is not None: _dict['fuzzy_match'] = self.fuzzy_match return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this CreateEntity object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class CreateExample(object): """ CreateExample. :attr str text: The text of a user input example. """ def __init__(self, text): """ Initialize a CreateExample object. :param str text: The text of a user input example. """ self.text = text @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a CreateExample object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'text' in _dict: args['text'] = _dict['text'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'text\' not present in CreateExample JSON') return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'text') and self.text is not None: _dict['text'] = self.text return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this CreateExample object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class CreateIntent(object): """ CreateIntent. :attr str intent: The name of the intent. :attr str description: (optional) The description of the intent. :attr list[CreateExample] examples: (optional) An array of user input examples. """ def __init__(self, intent, description=None, examples=None): """ Initialize a CreateIntent object. :param str intent: The name of the intent. :param str description: (optional) The description of the intent. :param list[CreateExample] examples: (optional) An array of user input examples. """ self.intent = intent self.description = description self.examples = examples @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a CreateIntent object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'intent' in _dict: args['intent'] = _dict['intent'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'intent\' not present in CreateIntent JSON') if 'description' in _dict: args['description'] = _dict['description'] if 'examples' in _dict: args['examples'] = [ CreateExample._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['examples'] ] return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'intent') and self.intent is not None: _dict['intent'] = self.intent if hasattr(self, 'description') and self.description is not None: _dict['description'] = self.description if hasattr(self, 'examples') and self.examples is not None: _dict['examples'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.examples] return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this CreateIntent object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class CreateValue(object): """ CreateValue. :attr str value: The text of the entity value. :attr object metadata: (optional) Any metadata related to the entity value. :attr list[str] synonyms: (optional) An array of synonyms for the entity value. :attr list[str] patterns: (optional) An array of patterns for the entity value. A pattern is specified as a regular expression. :attr str value_type: (optional) Specifies the type of value (`synonyms` or `patterns`). The default value is `synonyms`. """ def __init__(self, value, metadata=None, synonyms=None, patterns=None, value_type=None): """ Initialize a CreateValue object. :param str value: The text of the entity value. :param object metadata: (optional) Any metadata related to the entity value. :param list[str] synonyms: (optional) An array of synonyms for the entity value. :param list[str] patterns: (optional) An array of patterns for the entity value. A pattern is specified as a regular expression. :param str value_type: (optional) Specifies the type of value (`synonyms` or `patterns`). The default value is `synonyms`. """ self.value = value self.metadata = metadata self.synonyms = synonyms self.patterns = patterns self.value_type = value_type @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a CreateValue object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'value' in _dict: args['value'] = _dict['value'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'value\' not present in CreateValue JSON') if 'metadata' in _dict: args['metadata'] = _dict['metadata'] if 'synonyms' in _dict: args['synonyms'] = _dict['synonyms'] if 'patterns' in _dict: args['patterns'] = _dict['patterns'] if 'type' in _dict: args['value_type'] = _dict['type'] return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'value') and self.value is not None: _dict['value'] = self.value if hasattr(self, 'metadata') and self.metadata is not None: _dict['metadata'] = self.metadata if hasattr(self, 'synonyms') and self.synonyms is not None: _dict['synonyms'] = self.synonyms if hasattr(self, 'patterns') and self.patterns is not None: _dict['patterns'] = self.patterns if hasattr(self, 'value_type') and self.value_type is not None: _dict['type'] = self.value_type return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this CreateValue object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class DialogNode(object): """ DialogNode. :attr str dialog_node_id: The dialog node ID. :attr str description: The description of the dialog node. :attr str conditions: The condition that triggers the dialog node. :attr str parent: The ID of the parent dialog node. :attr str previous_sibling: The ID of the previous sibling dialog node. :attr object output: The output of the dialog node. :attr object context: The context (if defined) for the dialog node. :attr object metadata: The metadata (if any) for the dialog node. :attr DialogNodeNextStep next_step: The next step to execute following this dialog node. :attr datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the dialog node. :attr datetime updated: (optional) The timestamp for the most recent update to the dialog node. :attr list[DialogNodeAction] actions: (optional) The actions for the dialog node. :attr str title: The alias used to identify the dialog node. :attr str node_type: (optional) How the dialog node is processed. :attr str event_name: (optional) How an `event_handler` node is processed. :attr str variable: (optional) The location in the dialog context where output is stored. """ def __init__(self, dialog_node_id, description, conditions, parent, previous_sibling, output, context, metadata, next_step, created, title, updated=None, actions=None, node_type=None, event_name=None, variable=None): """ Initialize a DialogNode object. :param str dialog_node_id: The dialog node ID. :param str description: The description of the dialog node. :param str conditions: The condition that triggers the dialog node. :param str parent: The ID of the parent dialog node. :param str previous_sibling: The ID of the previous sibling dialog node. :param object output: The output of the dialog node. :param object context: The context (if defined) for the dialog node. :param object metadata: The metadata (if any) for the dialog node. :param DialogNodeNextStep next_step: The next step to execute following this dialog node. :param datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the dialog node. :param str title: The alias used to identify the dialog node. :param datetime updated: (optional) The timestamp for the most recent update to the dialog node. :param list[DialogNodeAction] actions: (optional) The actions for the dialog node. :param str node_type: (optional) How the dialog node is processed. :param str event_name: (optional) How an `event_handler` node is processed. :param str variable: (optional) The location in the dialog context where output is stored. """ self.dialog_node_id = dialog_node_id self.description = description self.conditions = conditions self.parent = parent self.previous_sibling = previous_sibling self.output = output self.context = context self.metadata = metadata self.next_step = next_step self.created = created self.updated = updated self.actions = actions self.title = title self.node_type = node_type self.event_name = event_name self.variable = variable @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a DialogNode object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'dialog_node' in _dict: args['dialog_node_id'] = _dict['dialog_node'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'dialog_node\' not present in DialogNode JSON' ) if 'description' in _dict: args['description'] = _dict['description'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'description\' not present in DialogNode JSON' ) if 'conditions' in _dict: args['conditions'] = _dict['conditions'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'conditions\' not present in DialogNode JSON' ) if 'parent' in _dict: args['parent'] = _dict['parent'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'parent\' not present in DialogNode JSON') if 'previous_sibling' in _dict: args['previous_sibling'] = _dict['previous_sibling'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'previous_sibling\' not present in DialogNode JSON' ) if 'output' in _dict: args['output'] = _dict['output'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'output\' not present in DialogNode JSON') if 'context' in _dict: args['context'] = _dict['context'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'context\' not present in DialogNode JSON') if 'metadata' in _dict: args['metadata'] = _dict['metadata'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'metadata\' not present in DialogNode JSON') if 'next_step' in _dict: args['next_step'] = DialogNodeNextStep._from_dict( _dict['next_step']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'next_step\' not present in DialogNode JSON' ) if 'created' in _dict: args['created'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['created']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'created\' not present in DialogNode JSON') if 'updated' in _dict: args['updated'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['updated']) if 'actions' in _dict: args['actions'] = [ DialogNodeAction._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['actions'] ] if 'title' in _dict: args['title'] = _dict['title'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'title\' not present in DialogNode JSON') if 'type' in _dict: args['node_type'] = _dict['type'] if 'event_name' in _dict: args['event_name'] = _dict['event_name'] if 'variable' in _dict: args['variable'] = _dict['variable'] return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'dialog_node_id') and self.dialog_node_id is not None: _dict['dialog_node'] = self.dialog_node_id if hasattr(self, 'description') and self.description is not None: _dict['description'] = self.description if hasattr(self, 'conditions') and self.conditions is not None: _dict['conditions'] = self.conditions if hasattr(self, 'parent') and self.parent is not None: _dict['parent'] = self.parent if hasattr(self, 'previous_sibling') and self.previous_sibling is not None: _dict['previous_sibling'] = self.previous_sibling if hasattr(self, 'output') and self.output is not None: _dict['output'] = self.output if hasattr(self, 'context') and self.context is not None: _dict['context'] = self.context if hasattr(self, 'metadata') and self.metadata is not None: _dict['metadata'] = self.metadata if hasattr(self, 'next_step') and self.next_step is not None: _dict['next_step'] = self.next_step._to_dict() if hasattr(self, 'created') and self.created is not None: _dict['created'] = datetime_to_string(self.created) if hasattr(self, 'updated') and self.updated is not None: _dict['updated'] = datetime_to_string(self.updated) if hasattr(self, 'actions') and self.actions is not None: _dict['actions'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.actions] if hasattr(self, 'title') and self.title is not None: _dict['title'] = self.title if hasattr(self, 'node_type') and self.node_type is not None: _dict['type'] = self.node_type if hasattr(self, 'event_name') and self.event_name is not None: _dict['event_name'] = self.event_name if hasattr(self, 'variable') and self.variable is not None: _dict['variable'] = self.variable return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this DialogNode object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class DialogNodeAction(object): """ DialogNodeAction. :attr str name: The name of the action. :attr str action_type: (optional) The type of action to invoke. :attr object parameters: (optional) A map of key/value pairs to be provided to the action. :attr str result_variable: The location in the dialog context where the result of the action is stored. :attr str credentials: (optional) The name of the context variable that the client application will use to pass in credentials for the action. """ def __init__(self, name, result_variable, action_type=None, parameters=None, credentials=None): """ Initialize a DialogNodeAction object. :param str name: The name of the action. :param str result_variable: The location in the dialog context where the result of the action is stored. :param str action_type: (optional) The type of action to invoke. :param object parameters: (optional) A map of key/value pairs to be provided to the action. :param str credentials: (optional) The name of the context variable that the client application will use to pass in credentials for the action. """ = name self.action_type = action_type self.parameters = parameters self.result_variable = result_variable self.credentials = credentials @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a DialogNodeAction object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'name' in _dict: args['name'] = _dict['name'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'name\' not present in DialogNodeAction JSON' ) if 'type' in _dict: args['action_type'] = _dict['type'] if 'parameters' in _dict: args['parameters'] = _dict['parameters'] if 'result_variable' in _dict: args['result_variable'] = _dict['result_variable'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'result_variable\' not present in DialogNodeAction JSON' ) if 'credentials' in _dict: args['credentials'] = _dict['credentials'] return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'name') and is not None: _dict['name'] = if hasattr(self, 'action_type') and self.action_type is not None: _dict['type'] = self.action_type if hasattr(self, 'parameters') and self.parameters is not None: _dict['parameters'] = self.parameters if hasattr(self, 'result_variable') and self.result_variable is not None: _dict['result_variable'] = self.result_variable if hasattr(self, 'credentials') and self.credentials is not None: _dict['credentials'] = self.credentials return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this DialogNodeAction object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class DialogNodeCollection(object): """ DialogNodeCollection. :attr list[DialogNode] dialog_nodes: :attr Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ def __init__(self, dialog_nodes, pagination): """ Initialize a DialogNodeCollection object. :param list[DialogNode] dialog_nodes: :param Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ self.dialog_nodes = dialog_nodes self.pagination = pagination @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a DialogNodeCollection object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'dialog_nodes' in _dict: args['dialog_nodes'] = [ DialogNode._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['dialog_nodes'] ] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'dialog_nodes\' not present in DialogNodeCollection JSON' ) if 'pagination' in _dict: args['pagination'] = Pagination._from_dict(_dict['pagination']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'pagination\' not present in DialogNodeCollection JSON' ) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'dialog_nodes') and self.dialog_nodes is not None: _dict['dialog_nodes'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.dialog_nodes] if hasattr(self, 'pagination') and self.pagination is not None: _dict['pagination'] = self.pagination._to_dict() return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this DialogNodeCollection object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class DialogNodeNextStep(object): """ The next step to execute following this dialog node. :attr str behavior: How the `next_step` reference is processed. :attr str dialog_node: (optional) The ID of the dialog node to process next. :attr str selector: (optional) Which part of the dialog node to process next. """ def __init__(self, behavior, dialog_node=None, selector=None): """ Initialize a DialogNodeNextStep object. :param str behavior: How the `next_step` reference is processed. :param str dialog_node: (optional) The ID of the dialog node to process next. :param str selector: (optional) Which part of the dialog node to process next. """ self.behavior = behavior self.dialog_node = dialog_node self.selector = selector @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a DialogNodeNextStep object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'behavior' in _dict: args['behavior'] = _dict['behavior'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'behavior\' not present in DialogNodeNextStep JSON' ) if 'dialog_node' in _dict: args['dialog_node'] = _dict['dialog_node'] if 'selector' in _dict: args['selector'] = _dict['selector'] return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'behavior') and self.behavior is not None: _dict['behavior'] = self.behavior if hasattr(self, 'dialog_node') and self.dialog_node is not None: _dict['dialog_node'] = self.dialog_node if hasattr(self, 'selector') and self.selector is not None: _dict['selector'] = self.selector return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this DialogNodeNextStep object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class Entity(object): """ Entity. :attr str entity_name: The name of the entity. :attr datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the entity. :attr datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the entity. :attr str description: (optional) The description of the entity. :attr object metadata: (optional) Any metadata related to the entity. :attr bool fuzzy_match: (optional) Whether fuzzy matching is used for the entity. """ def __init__(self, entity_name, created, updated, description=None, metadata=None, fuzzy_match=None): """ Initialize a Entity object. :param str entity_name: The name of the entity. :param datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the entity. :param datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the entity. :param str description: (optional) The description of the entity. :param object metadata: (optional) Any metadata related to the entity. :param bool fuzzy_match: (optional) Whether fuzzy matching is used for the entity. """ self.entity_name = entity_name self.created = created self.updated = updated self.description = description self.metadata = metadata self.fuzzy_match = fuzzy_match @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a Entity object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'entity' in _dict: args['entity_name'] = _dict['entity'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'entity\' not present in Entity JSON') if 'created' in _dict: args['created'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['created']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'created\' not present in Entity JSON') if 'updated' in _dict: args['updated'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['updated']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'updated\' not present in Entity JSON') if 'description' in _dict: args['description'] = _dict['description'] if 'metadata' in _dict: args['metadata'] = _dict['metadata'] if 'fuzzy_match' in _dict: args['fuzzy_match'] = _dict['fuzzy_match'] return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'entity_name') and self.entity_name is not None: _dict['entity'] = self.entity_name if hasattr(self, 'created') and self.created is not None: _dict['created'] = datetime_to_string(self.created) if hasattr(self, 'updated') and self.updated is not None: _dict['updated'] = datetime_to_string(self.updated) if hasattr(self, 'description') and self.description is not None: _dict['description'] = self.description if hasattr(self, 'metadata') and self.metadata is not None: _dict['metadata'] = self.metadata if hasattr(self, 'fuzzy_match') and self.fuzzy_match is not None: _dict['fuzzy_match'] = self.fuzzy_match return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this Entity object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class EntityCollection(object): """ An array of entities. :attr list[EntityExport] entities: An array of entities. :attr Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ def __init__(self, entities, pagination): """ Initialize a EntityCollection object. :param list[EntityExport] entities: An array of entities. :param Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ self.entities = entities self.pagination = pagination @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a EntityCollection object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'entities' in _dict: args['entities'] = [ EntityExport._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['entities'] ] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'entities\' not present in EntityCollection JSON' ) if 'pagination' in _dict: args['pagination'] = Pagination._from_dict(_dict['pagination']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'pagination\' not present in EntityCollection JSON' ) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'entities') and self.entities is not None: _dict['entities'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.entities] if hasattr(self, 'pagination') and self.pagination is not None: _dict['pagination'] = self.pagination._to_dict() return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this EntityCollection object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class EntityExport(object): """ EntityExport. :attr str entity_name: The name of the entity. :attr datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the entity. :attr datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the entity. :attr str description: (optional) The description of the entity. :attr object metadata: (optional) Any metadata related to the entity. :attr bool fuzzy_match: (optional) Whether fuzzy matching is used for the entity. :attr list[ValueExport] values: (optional) An array of entity values. """ def __init__(self, entity_name, created, updated, description=None, metadata=None, fuzzy_match=None, values=None): """ Initialize a EntityExport object. :param str entity_name: The name of the entity. :param datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the entity. :param datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the entity. :param str description: (optional) The description of the entity. :param object metadata: (optional) Any metadata related to the entity. :param bool fuzzy_match: (optional) Whether fuzzy matching is used for the entity. :param list[ValueExport] values: (optional) An array of entity values. """ self.entity_name = entity_name self.created = created self.updated = updated self.description = description self.metadata = metadata self.fuzzy_match = fuzzy_match self.values = values @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a EntityExport object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'entity' in _dict: args['entity_name'] = _dict['entity'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'entity\' not present in EntityExport JSON') if 'created' in _dict: args['created'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['created']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'created\' not present in EntityExport JSON' ) if 'updated' in _dict: args['updated'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['updated']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'updated\' not present in EntityExport JSON' ) if 'description' in _dict: args['description'] = _dict['description'] if 'metadata' in _dict: args['metadata'] = _dict['metadata'] if 'fuzzy_match' in _dict: args['fuzzy_match'] = _dict['fuzzy_match'] if 'values' in _dict: args['values'] = [ ValueExport._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['values'] ] return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'entity_name') and self.entity_name is not None: _dict['entity'] = self.entity_name if hasattr(self, 'created') and self.created is not None: _dict['created'] = datetime_to_string(self.created) if hasattr(self, 'updated') and self.updated is not None: _dict['updated'] = datetime_to_string(self.updated) if hasattr(self, 'description') and self.description is not None: _dict['description'] = self.description if hasattr(self, 'metadata') and self.metadata is not None: _dict['metadata'] = self.metadata if hasattr(self, 'fuzzy_match') and self.fuzzy_match is not None: _dict['fuzzy_match'] = self.fuzzy_match if hasattr(self, 'values') and self.values is not None: _dict['values'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.values] return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this EntityExport object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class Example(object): """ Example. :attr str example_text: The text of the example. :attr datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the example. :attr datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the example. """ def __init__(self, example_text, created, updated): """ Initialize a Example object. :param str example_text: The text of the example. :param datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the example. :param datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the example. """ self.example_text = example_text self.created = created self.updated = updated @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a Example object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'text' in _dict: args['example_text'] = _dict['text'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'text\' not present in Example JSON') if 'created' in _dict: args['created'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['created']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'created\' not present in Example JSON') if 'updated' in _dict: args['updated'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['updated']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'updated\' not present in Example JSON') return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'example_text') and self.example_text is not None: _dict['text'] = self.example_text if hasattr(self, 'created') and self.created is not None: _dict['created'] = datetime_to_string(self.created) if hasattr(self, 'updated') and self.updated is not None: _dict['updated'] = datetime_to_string(self.updated) return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this Example object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class ExampleCollection(object): """ ExampleCollection. :attr list[Example] examples: An array of Example objects describing the examples defined for the intent. :attr Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ def __init__(self, examples, pagination): """ Initialize a ExampleCollection object. :param list[Example] examples: An array of Example objects describing the examples defined for the intent. :param Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ self.examples = examples self.pagination = pagination @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a ExampleCollection object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'examples' in _dict: args['examples'] = [ Example._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['examples'] ] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'examples\' not present in ExampleCollection JSON' ) if 'pagination' in _dict: args['pagination'] = Pagination._from_dict(_dict['pagination']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'pagination\' not present in ExampleCollection JSON' ) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'examples') and self.examples is not None: _dict['examples'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.examples] if hasattr(self, 'pagination') and self.pagination is not None: _dict['pagination'] = self.pagination._to_dict() return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this ExampleCollection object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class InputData(object): """ An object defining the user input. :attr str text: The text of the user input. """ def __init__(self, text): """ Initialize a InputData object. :param str text: The text of the user input. """ self.text = text @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a InputData object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'text' in _dict: args['text'] = _dict['text'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'text\' not present in InputData JSON') return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'text') and self.text is not None: _dict['text'] = self.text return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this InputData object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class Intent(object): """ Intent. :attr str intent_name: The name of the intent. :attr datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the intent. :attr datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the intent. :attr str description: (optional) The description of the intent. """ def __init__(self, intent_name, created, updated, description=None): """ Initialize a Intent object. :param str intent_name: The name of the intent. :param datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the intent. :param datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the intent. :param str description: (optional) The description of the intent. """ self.intent_name = intent_name self.created = created self.updated = updated self.description = description @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a Intent object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'intent' in _dict: args['intent_name'] = _dict['intent'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'intent\' not present in Intent JSON') if 'created' in _dict: args['created'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['created']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'created\' not present in Intent JSON') if 'updated' in _dict: args['updated'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['updated']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'updated\' not present in Intent JSON') if 'description' in _dict: args['description'] = _dict['description'] return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'intent_name') and self.intent_name is not None: _dict['intent'] = self.intent_name if hasattr(self, 'created') and self.created is not None: _dict['created'] = datetime_to_string(self.created) if hasattr(self, 'updated') and self.updated is not None: _dict['updated'] = datetime_to_string(self.updated) if hasattr(self, 'description') and self.description is not None: _dict['description'] = self.description return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this Intent object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class IntentCollection(object): """ IntentCollection. :attr list[IntentExport] intents: An array of intents. :attr Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ def __init__(self, intents, pagination): """ Initialize a IntentCollection object. :param list[IntentExport] intents: An array of intents. :param Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ self.intents = intents self.pagination = pagination @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a IntentCollection object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'intents' in _dict: args['intents'] = [ IntentExport._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['intents'] ] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'intents\' not present in IntentCollection JSON' ) if 'pagination' in _dict: args['pagination'] = Pagination._from_dict(_dict['pagination']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'pagination\' not present in IntentCollection JSON' ) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'intents') and self.intents is not None: _dict['intents'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.intents] if hasattr(self, 'pagination') and self.pagination is not None: _dict['pagination'] = self.pagination._to_dict() return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this IntentCollection object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class IntentExport(object): """ IntentExport. :attr str intent_name: The name of the intent. :attr datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the intent. :attr datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the intent. :attr str description: (optional) The description of the intent. :attr list[Example] examples: (optional) An array of user input examples. """ def __init__(self, intent_name, created, updated, description=None, examples=None): """ Initialize a IntentExport object. :param str intent_name: The name of the intent. :param datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the intent. :param datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the intent. :param str description: (optional) The description of the intent. :param list[Example] examples: (optional) An array of user input examples. """ self.intent_name = intent_name self.created = created self.updated = updated self.description = description self.examples = examples @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a IntentExport object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'intent' in _dict: args['intent_name'] = _dict['intent'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'intent\' not present in IntentExport JSON') if 'created' in _dict: args['created'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['created']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'created\' not present in IntentExport JSON' ) if 'updated' in _dict: args['updated'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['updated']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'updated\' not present in IntentExport JSON' ) if 'description' in _dict: args['description'] = _dict['description'] if 'examples' in _dict: args['examples'] = [ Example._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['examples'] ] return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'intent_name') and self.intent_name is not None: _dict['intent'] = self.intent_name if hasattr(self, 'created') and self.created is not None: _dict['created'] = datetime_to_string(self.created) if hasattr(self, 'updated') and self.updated is not None: _dict['updated'] = datetime_to_string(self.updated) if hasattr(self, 'description') and self.description is not None: _dict['description'] = self.description if hasattr(self, 'examples') and self.examples is not None: _dict['examples'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.examples] return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this IntentExport object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class LogCollection(object): """ LogCollection. :attr list[LogExport] logs: An array of log events. :attr LogPagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ def __init__(self, logs, pagination): """ Initialize a LogCollection object. :param list[LogExport] logs: An array of log events. :param LogPagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ self.logs = logs self.pagination = pagination @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a LogCollection object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'logs' in _dict: args['logs'] = [LogExport._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['logs']] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'logs\' not present in LogCollection JSON') if 'pagination' in _dict: args['pagination'] = LogPagination._from_dict(_dict['pagination']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'pagination\' not present in LogCollection JSON' ) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'logs') and self.logs is not None: _dict['logs'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.logs] if hasattr(self, 'pagination') and self.pagination is not None: _dict['pagination'] = self.pagination._to_dict() return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this LogCollection object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class LogExport(object): """ LogExport. :attr MessageRequest request: A request formatted for the Conversation service. :attr MessageResponse response: A response from the Conversation service. :attr str log_id: A unique identifier for the logged message. :attr str request_timestamp: The timestamp for receipt of the message. :attr str response_timestamp: The timestamp for the system response to the message. :attr str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :attr str language: The language of the workspace where the message request was made. """ def __init__(self, request, response, log_id, request_timestamp, response_timestamp, workspace_id, language): """ Initialize a LogExport object. :param MessageRequest request: A request formatted for the Conversation service. :param MessageResponse response: A response from the Conversation service. :param str log_id: A unique identifier for the logged message. :param str request_timestamp: The timestamp for receipt of the message. :param str response_timestamp: The timestamp for the system response to the message. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str language: The language of the workspace where the message request was made. """ self.request = request self.response = response self.log_id = log_id self.request_timestamp = request_timestamp self.response_timestamp = response_timestamp self.workspace_id = workspace_id self.language = language @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a LogExport object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'request' in _dict: args['request'] = MessageRequest._from_dict(_dict['request']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'request\' not present in LogExport JSON') if 'response' in _dict: args['response'] = MessageResponse._from_dict(_dict['response']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'response\' not present in LogExport JSON') if 'log_id' in _dict: args['log_id'] = _dict['log_id'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'log_id\' not present in LogExport JSON') if 'request_timestamp' in _dict: args['request_timestamp'] = _dict['request_timestamp'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'request_timestamp\' not present in LogExport JSON' ) if 'response_timestamp' in _dict: args['response_timestamp'] = _dict['response_timestamp'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'response_timestamp\' not present in LogExport JSON' ) if 'workspace_id' in _dict: args['workspace_id'] = _dict['workspace_id'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'workspace_id\' not present in LogExport JSON' ) if 'language' in _dict: args['language'] = _dict['language'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'language\' not present in LogExport JSON') return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'request') and self.request is not None: _dict['request'] = self.request._to_dict() if hasattr(self, 'response') and self.response is not None: _dict['response'] = self.response._to_dict() if hasattr(self, 'log_id') and self.log_id is not None: _dict['log_id'] = self.log_id if hasattr(self, 'request_timestamp') and self.request_timestamp is not None: _dict['request_timestamp'] = self.request_timestamp if hasattr( self, 'response_timestamp') and self.response_timestamp is not None: _dict['response_timestamp'] = self.response_timestamp if hasattr(self, 'workspace_id') and self.workspace_id is not None: _dict['workspace_id'] = self.workspace_id if hasattr(self, 'language') and self.language is not None: _dict['language'] = self.language return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this LogExport object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class LogMessage(object): """ Log message details. :attr str level: The severity of the message. :attr str msg: The text of the message. """ def __init__(self, level, msg, **kwargs): """ Initialize a LogMessage object. :param str level: The severity of the message. :param str msg: The text of the message. :param **kwargs: (optional) Any additional properties. """ self.level = level self.msg = msg for _key, _value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, _key, _value) @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a LogMessage object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} xtra = _dict.copy() if 'level' in _dict: args['level'] = _dict['level'] del xtra['level'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'level\' not present in LogMessage JSON') if 'msg' in _dict: args['msg'] = _dict['msg'] del xtra['msg'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'msg\' not present in LogMessage JSON') args.update(xtra) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'level') and self.level is not None: _dict['level'] = self.level if hasattr(self, 'msg') and self.msg is not None: _dict['msg'] = self.msg if hasattr(self, '_additionalProperties'): for _key in self._additionalProperties: _value = getattr(self, _key, None) if _value is not None: _dict[_key] = _value return _dict def __setattr__(self, name, value): properties = {'level', 'msg'} if not hasattr(self, '_additionalProperties'): super(LogMessage, self).__setattr__('_additionalProperties', set()) if name not in properties: self._additionalProperties.add(name) super(LogMessage, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this LogMessage object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class LogPagination(object): """ The pagination data for the returned objects. :attr str next_url: (optional) The URL that will return the next page of results. :attr int matched: (optional) Reserved for future use. """ def __init__(self, next_url=None, matched=None): """ Initialize a LogPagination object. :param str next_url: (optional) The URL that will return the next page of results. :param int matched: (optional) Reserved for future use. """ self.next_url = next_url self.matched = matched @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a LogPagination object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'next_url' in _dict: args['next_url'] = _dict['next_url'] if 'matched' in _dict: args['matched'] = _dict['matched'] return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'next_url') and self.next_url is not None: _dict['next_url'] = self.next_url if hasattr(self, 'matched') and self.matched is not None: _dict['matched'] = self.matched return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this LogPagination object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class MessageInput(object): """ An input object that includes the input text. :attr str text: (optional) The user's input. """ def __init__(self, text=None): """ Initialize a MessageInput object. :param str text: (optional) The user's input. """ self.text = text @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a MessageInput object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'text' in _dict: args['text'] = _dict['text'] return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'text') and self.text is not None: _dict['text'] = self.text return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this MessageInput object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class MessageRequest(object): """ A request formatted for the Conversation service. :attr InputData input: (optional) An input object that includes the input text. :attr bool alternate_intents: (optional) Whether to return more than one intent. Set to `true` to return all matching intents. :attr Context context: (optional) State information for the conversation. Continue a conversation by including the context object from the previous response. :attr list[RuntimeEntity] entities: (optional) Include the entities from the previous response when they do not need to change and to prevent Watson from trying to identify them. :attr list[RuntimeIntent] intents: (optional) An array of name-confidence pairs for the user input. Include the intents from the previous response when they do not need to change and to prevent Watson from trying to identify them. :attr OutputData output: (optional) System output. Include the output from the request when you have several requests within the same Dialog turn to pass back in the intermediate information. """ def __init__(self, input=None, alternate_intents=None, context=None, entities=None, intents=None, output=None): """ Initialize a MessageRequest object. :param InputData input: (optional) An input object that includes the input text. :param bool alternate_intents: (optional) Whether to return more than one intent. Set to `true` to return all matching intents. :param Context context: (optional) State information for the conversation. Continue a conversation by including the context object from the previous response. :param list[RuntimeEntity] entities: (optional) Include the entities from the previous response when they do not need to change and to prevent Watson from trying to identify them. :param list[RuntimeIntent] intents: (optional) An array of name-confidence pairs for the user input. Include the intents from the previous response when they do not need to change and to prevent Watson from trying to identify them. :param OutputData output: (optional) System output. Include the output from the request when you have several requests within the same Dialog turn to pass back in the intermediate information. """ self.input = input self.alternate_intents = alternate_intents self.context = context self.entities = entities self.intents = intents self.output = output @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a MessageRequest object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'input' in _dict: args['input'] = InputData._from_dict(_dict['input']) if 'alternate_intents' in _dict: args['alternate_intents'] = _dict['alternate_intents'] if 'context' in _dict: args['context'] = Context._from_dict(_dict['context']) if 'entities' in _dict: args['entities'] = [ RuntimeEntity._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['entities'] ] if 'intents' in _dict: args['intents'] = [ RuntimeIntent._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['intents'] ] if 'output' in _dict: args['output'] = OutputData._from_dict(_dict['output']) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'input') and self.input is not None: _dict['input'] = self.input._to_dict() if hasattr(self, 'alternate_intents') and self.alternate_intents is not None: _dict['alternate_intents'] = self.alternate_intents if hasattr(self, 'context') and self.context is not None: _dict['context'] = self.context._to_dict() if hasattr(self, 'entities') and self.entities is not None: _dict['entities'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.entities] if hasattr(self, 'intents') and self.intents is not None: _dict['intents'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.intents] if hasattr(self, 'output') and self.output is not None: _dict['output'] = self.output._to_dict() return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this MessageRequest object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class MessageResponse(object): """ A response from the Conversation service. :attr MessageInput input: (optional) The user input from the request. :attr list[RuntimeIntent] intents: An array of intents recognized in the user input, sorted in descending order of confidence. :attr list[RuntimeEntity] entities: An array of entities identified in the user input. :attr bool alternate_intents: (optional) Whether to return more than one intent. `true` indicates that all matching intents are returned. :attr Context context: State information for the conversation. :attr OutputData output: Output from the dialog, including the response to the user, the nodes that were triggered, and log messages. """ def __init__(self, intents, entities, context, output, input=None, alternate_intents=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize a MessageResponse object. :param list[RuntimeIntent] intents: An array of intents recognized in the user input, sorted in descending order of confidence. :param list[RuntimeEntity] entities: An array of entities identified in the user input. :param Context context: State information for the conversation. :param OutputData output: Output from the dialog, including the response to the user, the nodes that were triggered, and log messages. :param MessageInput input: (optional) The user input from the request. :param bool alternate_intents: (optional) Whether to return more than one intent. `true` indicates that all matching intents are returned. :param **kwargs: (optional) Any additional properties. """ self.input = input self.intents = intents self.entities = entities self.alternate_intents = alternate_intents self.context = context self.output = output for _key, _value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, _key, _value) @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a MessageResponse object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} xtra = _dict.copy() if 'input' in _dict: args['input'] = MessageInput._from_dict(_dict['input']) del xtra['input'] if 'intents' in _dict: args['intents'] = [ RuntimeIntent._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['intents'] ] del xtra['intents'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'intents\' not present in MessageResponse JSON' ) if 'entities' in _dict: args['entities'] = [ RuntimeEntity._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['entities'] ] del xtra['entities'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'entities\' not present in MessageResponse JSON' ) if 'alternate_intents' in _dict: args['alternate_intents'] = _dict['alternate_intents'] del xtra['alternate_intents'] if 'context' in _dict: args['context'] = Context._from_dict(_dict['context']) del xtra['context'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'context\' not present in MessageResponse JSON' ) if 'output' in _dict: args['output'] = OutputData._from_dict(_dict['output']) del xtra['output'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'output\' not present in MessageResponse JSON' ) args.update(xtra) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'input') and self.input is not None: _dict['input'] = self.input._to_dict() if hasattr(self, 'intents') and self.intents is not None: _dict['intents'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.intents] if hasattr(self, 'entities') and self.entities is not None: _dict['entities'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.entities] if hasattr(self, 'alternate_intents') and self.alternate_intents is not None: _dict['alternate_intents'] = self.alternate_intents if hasattr(self, 'context') and self.context is not None: _dict['context'] = self.context._to_dict() if hasattr(self, 'output') and self.output is not None: _dict['output'] = self.output._to_dict() if hasattr(self, '_additionalProperties'): for _key in self._additionalProperties: _value = getattr(self, _key, None) if _value is not None: _dict[_key] = _value return _dict def __setattr__(self, name, value): properties = { 'input', 'intents', 'entities', 'alternate_intents', 'context', 'output' } if not hasattr(self, '_additionalProperties'): super(MessageResponse, self).__setattr__('_additionalProperties', set()) if name not in properties: self._additionalProperties.add(name) super(MessageResponse, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this MessageResponse object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class OutputData(object): """ An output object that includes the response to the user, the nodes that were hit, and messages from the log. :attr list[LogMessage] log_messages: Up to 50 messages logged with the request. :attr list[str] text: An array of responses to the user. :attr list[str] nodes_visited: (optional) An array of the nodes that were triggered to create the response. """ def __init__(self, log_messages, text, nodes_visited=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize a OutputData object. :param list[LogMessage] log_messages: Up to 50 messages logged with the request. :param list[str] text: An array of responses to the user. :param list[str] nodes_visited: (optional) An array of the nodes that were triggered to create the response. :param **kwargs: (optional) Any additional properties. """ self.log_messages = log_messages self.text = text self.nodes_visited = nodes_visited for _key, _value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, _key, _value) @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a OutputData object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} xtra = _dict.copy() if 'log_messages' in _dict: args['log_messages'] = [ LogMessage._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['log_messages'] ] del xtra['log_messages'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'log_messages\' not present in OutputData JSON' ) if 'text' in _dict: args['text'] = _dict['text'] del xtra['text'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'text\' not present in OutputData JSON') if 'nodes_visited' in _dict: args['nodes_visited'] = _dict['nodes_visited'] del xtra['nodes_visited'] args.update(xtra) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'log_messages') and self.log_messages is not None: _dict['log_messages'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.log_messages] if hasattr(self, 'text') and self.text is not None: _dict['text'] = self.text if hasattr(self, 'nodes_visited') and self.nodes_visited is not None: _dict['nodes_visited'] = self.nodes_visited if hasattr(self, '_additionalProperties'): for _key in self._additionalProperties: _value = getattr(self, _key, None) if _value is not None: _dict[_key] = _value return _dict def __setattr__(self, name, value): properties = {'log_messages', 'text', 'nodes_visited'} if not hasattr(self, '_additionalProperties'): super(OutputData, self).__setattr__('_additionalProperties', set()) if name not in properties: self._additionalProperties.add(name) super(OutputData, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this OutputData object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class RuntimeEntity(object): """ A term from the request that was identified as an entity. :attr str entity: The recognized entity from a term in the input. :attr list[int] location: Zero-based character offsets that indicate where the entity value begins and ends in the input text. :attr str value: The term in the input text that was recognized. :attr float confidence: (optional) A decimal percentage that represents Watson's confidence in the entity. :attr object metadata: (optional) The metadata for the entity. """ def __init__(self, entity, location, value, confidence=None, metadata=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize a RuntimeEntity object. :param str entity: The recognized entity from a term in the input. :param list[int] location: Zero-based character offsets that indicate where the entity value begins and ends in the input text. :param str value: The term in the input text that was recognized. :param float confidence: (optional) A decimal percentage that represents Watson's confidence in the entity. :param object metadata: (optional) The metadata for the entity. :param **kwargs: (optional) Any additional properties. """ self.entity = entity self.location = location self.value = value self.confidence = confidence self.metadata = metadata for _key, _value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, _key, _value) @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a RuntimeEntity object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} xtra = _dict.copy() if 'entity' in _dict: args['entity'] = _dict['entity'] del xtra['entity'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'entity\' not present in RuntimeEntity JSON' ) if 'location' in _dict: args['location'] = _dict['location'] del xtra['location'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'location\' not present in RuntimeEntity JSON' ) if 'value' in _dict: args['value'] = _dict['value'] del xtra['value'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'value\' not present in RuntimeEntity JSON') if 'confidence' in _dict: args['confidence'] = _dict['confidence'] del xtra['confidence'] if 'metadata' in _dict: args['metadata'] = _dict['metadata'] del xtra['metadata'] args.update(xtra) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'entity') and self.entity is not None: _dict['entity'] = self.entity if hasattr(self, 'location') and self.location is not None: _dict['location'] = self.location if hasattr(self, 'value') and self.value is not None: _dict['value'] = self.value if hasattr(self, 'confidence') and self.confidence is not None: _dict['confidence'] = self.confidence if hasattr(self, 'metadata') and self.metadata is not None: _dict['metadata'] = self.metadata if hasattr(self, '_additionalProperties'): for _key in self._additionalProperties: _value = getattr(self, _key, None) if _value is not None: _dict[_key] = _value return _dict def __setattr__(self, name, value): properties = {'entity', 'location', 'value', 'confidence', 'metadata'} if not hasattr(self, '_additionalProperties'): super(RuntimeEntity, self).__setattr__('_additionalProperties', set()) if name not in properties: self._additionalProperties.add(name) super(RuntimeEntity, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this RuntimeEntity object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class RuntimeIntent(object): """ An intent identified in the user input. :attr str intent: The name of the recognized intent. :attr float confidence: A decimal percentage that represents Watson's confidence in the intent. """ def __init__(self, intent, confidence, **kwargs): """ Initialize a RuntimeIntent object. :param str intent: The name of the recognized intent. :param float confidence: A decimal percentage that represents Watson's confidence in the intent. :param **kwargs: (optional) Any additional properties. """ self.intent = intent self.confidence = confidence for _key, _value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, _key, _value) @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a RuntimeIntent object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} xtra = _dict.copy() if 'intent' in _dict: args['intent'] = _dict['intent'] del xtra['intent'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'intent\' not present in RuntimeIntent JSON' ) if 'confidence' in _dict: args['confidence'] = _dict['confidence'] del xtra['confidence'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'confidence\' not present in RuntimeIntent JSON' ) args.update(xtra) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'intent') and self.intent is not None: _dict['intent'] = self.intent if hasattr(self, 'confidence') and self.confidence is not None: _dict['confidence'] = self.confidence if hasattr(self, '_additionalProperties'): for _key in self._additionalProperties: _value = getattr(self, _key, None) if _value is not None: _dict[_key] = _value return _dict def __setattr__(self, name, value): properties = {'intent', 'confidence'} if not hasattr(self, '_additionalProperties'): super(RuntimeIntent, self).__setattr__('_additionalProperties', set()) if name not in properties: self._additionalProperties.add(name) super(RuntimeIntent, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this RuntimeIntent object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class Synonym(object): """ Synonym. :attr str synonym_text: The text of the synonym. :attr datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the synonym. :attr datetime updated: The timestamp for the most recent update to the synonym. """ def __init__(self, synonym_text, created, updated): """ Initialize a Synonym object. :param str synonym_text: The text of the synonym. :param datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the synonym. :param datetime updated: The timestamp for the most recent update to the synonym. """ self.synonym_text = synonym_text self.created = created self.updated = updated @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a Synonym object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'synonym' in _dict: args['synonym_text'] = _dict['synonym'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'synonym\' not present in Synonym JSON') if 'created' in _dict: args['created'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['created']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'created\' not present in Synonym JSON') if 'updated' in _dict: args['updated'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['updated']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'updated\' not present in Synonym JSON') return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'synonym_text') and self.synonym_text is not None: _dict['synonym'] = self.synonym_text if hasattr(self, 'created') and self.created is not None: _dict['created'] = datetime_to_string(self.created) if hasattr(self, 'updated') and self.updated is not None: _dict['updated'] = datetime_to_string(self.updated) return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this Synonym object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class SynonymCollection(object): """ SynonymCollection. :attr list[Synonym] synonyms: An array of synonyms. :attr Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ def __init__(self, synonyms, pagination): """ Initialize a SynonymCollection object. :param list[Synonym] synonyms: An array of synonyms. :param Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ self.synonyms = synonyms self.pagination = pagination @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a SynonymCollection object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'synonyms' in _dict: args['synonyms'] = [ Synonym._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['synonyms'] ] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'synonyms\' not present in SynonymCollection JSON' ) if 'pagination' in _dict: args['pagination'] = Pagination._from_dict(_dict['pagination']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'pagination\' not present in SynonymCollection JSON' ) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'synonyms') and self.synonyms is not None: _dict['synonyms'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.synonyms] if hasattr(self, 'pagination') and self.pagination is not None: _dict['pagination'] = self.pagination._to_dict() return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this SynonymCollection object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class SystemResponse(object): """ For internal use only. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize a SystemResponse object. :param **kwargs: (optional) Any additional properties. """ for _key, _value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, _key, _value) @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a SystemResponse object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} xtra = _dict.copy() args.update(xtra) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, '_additionalProperties'): for _key in self._additionalProperties: _value = getattr(self, _key, None) if _value is not None: _dict[_key] = _value return _dict def __setattr__(self, name, value): properties = {} if not hasattr(self, '_additionalProperties'): super(SystemResponse, self).__setattr__('_additionalProperties', set()) if name not in properties: self._additionalProperties.add(name) super(SystemResponse, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this SystemResponse object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class Value(object): """ Value. :attr str value_text: The text of the entity value. :attr object metadata: (optional) Any metadata related to the entity value. :attr datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the entity value. :attr datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the entity value. :attr list[str] synonyms: (optional) An array of synonyms for the entity value. :attr list[str] patterns: (optional) An array of patterns for the entity value. A pattern is specified as a regular expression. :attr str value_type: Specifies the type of value (`synonyms` or `patterns`). The default value is `synonyms`. """ def __init__(self, value_text, created, updated, value_type, metadata=None, synonyms=None, patterns=None): """ Initialize a Value object. :param str value_text: The text of the entity value. :param datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the entity value. :param datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the entity value. :param str value_type: Specifies the type of value (`synonyms` or `patterns`). The default value is `synonyms`. :param object metadata: (optional) Any metadata related to the entity value. :param list[str] synonyms: (optional) An array of synonyms for the entity value. :param list[str] patterns: (optional) An array of patterns for the entity value. A pattern is specified as a regular expression. """ self.value_text = value_text self.metadata = metadata self.created = created self.updated = updated self.synonyms = synonyms self.patterns = patterns self.value_type = value_type @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a Value object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'value' in _dict: args['value_text'] = _dict['value'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'value\' not present in Value JSON') if 'metadata' in _dict: args['metadata'] = _dict['metadata'] if 'created' in _dict: args['created'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['created']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'created\' not present in Value JSON') if 'updated' in _dict: args['updated'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['updated']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'updated\' not present in Value JSON') if 'synonyms' in _dict: args['synonyms'] = _dict['synonyms'] if 'patterns' in _dict: args['patterns'] = _dict['patterns'] if 'type' in _dict: args['value_type'] = _dict['type'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'type\' not present in Value JSON') return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'value_text') and self.value_text is not None: _dict['value'] = self.value_text if hasattr(self, 'metadata') and self.metadata is not None: _dict['metadata'] = self.metadata if hasattr(self, 'created') and self.created is not None: _dict['created'] = datetime_to_string(self.created) if hasattr(self, 'updated') and self.updated is not None: _dict['updated'] = datetime_to_string(self.updated) if hasattr(self, 'synonyms') and self.synonyms is not None: _dict['synonyms'] = self.synonyms if hasattr(self, 'patterns') and self.patterns is not None: _dict['patterns'] = self.patterns if hasattr(self, 'value_type') and self.value_type is not None: _dict['type'] = self.value_type return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this Value object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class ValueCollection(object): """ ValueCollection. :attr list[ValueExport] values: An array of entity values. :attr Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ def __init__(self, values, pagination): """ Initialize a ValueCollection object. :param list[ValueExport] values: An array of entity values. :param Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ self.values = values self.pagination = pagination @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a ValueCollection object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'values' in _dict: args['values'] = [ ValueExport._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['values'] ] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'values\' not present in ValueCollection JSON' ) if 'pagination' in _dict: args['pagination'] = Pagination._from_dict(_dict['pagination']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'pagination\' not present in ValueCollection JSON' ) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'values') and self.values is not None: _dict['values'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.values] if hasattr(self, 'pagination') and self.pagination is not None: _dict['pagination'] = self.pagination._to_dict() return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this ValueCollection object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class ValueExport(object): """ ValueExport. :attr str value_text: The text of the entity value. :attr object metadata: (optional) Any metadata related to the entity value. :attr datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the entity value. :attr datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the entity value. :attr list[str] synonyms: (optional) An array of synonyms. :attr list[str] patterns: (optional) An array of patterns for the entity value. A pattern is specified as a regular expression. :attr str value_type: Specifies the type of value (`synonyms` or `patterns`). The default value is `synonyms`. """ def __init__(self, value_text, created, updated, value_type, metadata=None, synonyms=None, patterns=None): """ Initialize a ValueExport object. :param str value_text: The text of the entity value. :param datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the entity value. :param datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the entity value. :param str value_type: Specifies the type of value (`synonyms` or `patterns`). The default value is `synonyms`. :param object metadata: (optional) Any metadata related to the entity value. :param list[str] synonyms: (optional) An array of synonyms. :param list[str] patterns: (optional) An array of patterns for the entity value. A pattern is specified as a regular expression. """ self.value_text = value_text self.metadata = metadata self.created = created self.updated = updated self.synonyms = synonyms self.patterns = patterns self.value_type = value_type @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a ValueExport object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'value' in _dict: args['value_text'] = _dict['value'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'value\' not present in ValueExport JSON') if 'metadata' in _dict: args['metadata'] = _dict['metadata'] if 'created' in _dict: args['created'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['created']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'created\' not present in ValueExport JSON') if 'updated' in _dict: args['updated'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['updated']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'updated\' not present in ValueExport JSON') if 'synonyms' in _dict: args['synonyms'] = _dict['synonyms'] if 'patterns' in _dict: args['patterns'] = _dict['patterns'] if 'type' in _dict: args['value_type'] = _dict['type'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'type\' not present in ValueExport JSON') return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'value_text') and self.value_text is not None: _dict['value'] = self.value_text if hasattr(self, 'metadata') and self.metadata is not None: _dict['metadata'] = self.metadata if hasattr(self, 'created') and self.created is not None: _dict['created'] = datetime_to_string(self.created) if hasattr(self, 'updated') and self.updated is not None: _dict['updated'] = datetime_to_string(self.updated) if hasattr(self, 'synonyms') and self.synonyms is not None: _dict['synonyms'] = self.synonyms if hasattr(self, 'patterns') and self.patterns is not None: _dict['patterns'] = self.patterns if hasattr(self, 'value_type') and self.value_type is not None: _dict['type'] = self.value_type return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this ValueExport object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class Workspace(object): """ Workspace. :attr str name: The name of the workspace. :attr str language: The language of the workspace. :attr datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the workspace. :attr datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the workspace. :attr str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :attr str description: (optional) The description of the workspace. :attr object metadata: (optional) Any metadata that is required by the workspace. :attr bool learning_opt_out: (optional) Whether training data from the workspace can be used by IBM for general service improvements. `true` indicates that workspace training data is not to be used. """ def __init__(self, name, language, created, updated, workspace_id, description=None, metadata=None, learning_opt_out=None): """ Initialize a Workspace object. :param str name: The name of the workspace. :param str language: The language of the workspace. :param datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the workspace. :param datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the workspace. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str description: (optional) The description of the workspace. :param object metadata: (optional) Any metadata that is required by the workspace. :param bool learning_opt_out: (optional) Whether training data from the workspace can be used by IBM for general service improvements. `true` indicates that workspace training data is not to be used. """ = name self.language = language self.created = created self.updated = updated self.workspace_id = workspace_id self.description = description self.metadata = metadata self.learning_opt_out = learning_opt_out @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a Workspace object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'name' in _dict: args['name'] = _dict['name'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'name\' not present in Workspace JSON') if 'language' in _dict: args['language'] = _dict['language'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'language\' not present in Workspace JSON') if 'created' in _dict: args['created'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['created']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'created\' not present in Workspace JSON') if 'updated' in _dict: args['updated'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['updated']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'updated\' not present in Workspace JSON') if 'workspace_id' in _dict: args['workspace_id'] = _dict['workspace_id'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'workspace_id\' not present in Workspace JSON' ) if 'description' in _dict: args['description'] = _dict['description'] if 'metadata' in _dict: args['metadata'] = _dict['metadata'] if 'learning_opt_out' in _dict: args['learning_opt_out'] = _dict['learning_opt_out'] return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'name') and is not None: _dict['name'] = if hasattr(self, 'language') and self.language is not None: _dict['language'] = self.language if hasattr(self, 'created') and self.created is not None: _dict['created'] = datetime_to_string(self.created) if hasattr(self, 'updated') and self.updated is not None: _dict['updated'] = datetime_to_string(self.updated) if hasattr(self, 'workspace_id') and self.workspace_id is not None: _dict['workspace_id'] = self.workspace_id if hasattr(self, 'description') and self.description is not None: _dict['description'] = self.description if hasattr(self, 'metadata') and self.metadata is not None: _dict['metadata'] = self.metadata if hasattr(self, 'learning_opt_out') and self.learning_opt_out is not None: _dict['learning_opt_out'] = self.learning_opt_out return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this Workspace object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class WorkspaceCollection(object): """ WorkspaceCollection. :attr list[Workspace] workspaces: An array of workspaces. :attr Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ def __init__(self, workspaces, pagination): """ Initialize a WorkspaceCollection object. :param list[Workspace] workspaces: An array of workspaces. :param Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects. """ self.workspaces = workspaces self.pagination = pagination @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a WorkspaceCollection object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'workspaces' in _dict: args['workspaces'] = [ Workspace._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['workspaces'] ] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'workspaces\' not present in WorkspaceCollection JSON' ) if 'pagination' in _dict: args['pagination'] = Pagination._from_dict(_dict['pagination']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'pagination\' not present in WorkspaceCollection JSON' ) return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'workspaces') and self.workspaces is not None: _dict['workspaces'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.workspaces] if hasattr(self, 'pagination') and self.pagination is not None: _dict['pagination'] = self.pagination._to_dict() return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this WorkspaceCollection object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other
[docs]class WorkspaceExport(object): """ WorkspaceExport. :attr str name: The name of the workspace. :attr str description: The description of the workspace. :attr str language: The language of the workspace. :attr object metadata: Any metadata that is required by the workspace. :attr datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the workspace. :attr datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the workspace. :attr str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :attr str status: The current status of the workspace. :attr bool learning_opt_out: Whether training data from the workspace can be used by IBM for general service improvements. `true` indicates that workspace training data is not to be used. :attr list[IntentExport] intents: (optional) An array of intents. :attr list[EntityExport] entities: (optional) An array of entities. :attr list[Counterexample] counterexamples: (optional) An array of counterexamples. :attr list[DialogNode] dialog_nodes: (optional) An array of objects describing the dialog nodes in the workspace. """ def __init__(self, name, description, language, metadata, created, updated, workspace_id, status, learning_opt_out, intents=None, entities=None, counterexamples=None, dialog_nodes=None): """ Initialize a WorkspaceExport object. :param str name: The name of the workspace. :param str description: The description of the workspace. :param str language: The language of the workspace. :param object metadata: Any metadata that is required by the workspace. :param datetime created: The timestamp for creation of the workspace. :param datetime updated: The timestamp for the last update to the workspace. :param str workspace_id: The workspace ID. :param str status: The current status of the workspace. :param bool learning_opt_out: Whether training data from the workspace can be used by IBM for general service improvements. `true` indicates that workspace training data is not to be used. :param list[IntentExport] intents: (optional) An array of intents. :param list[EntityExport] entities: (optional) An array of entities. :param list[Counterexample] counterexamples: (optional) An array of counterexamples. :param list[DialogNode] dialog_nodes: (optional) An array of objects describing the dialog nodes in the workspace. """ = name self.description = description self.language = language self.metadata = metadata self.created = created self.updated = updated self.workspace_id = workspace_id self.status = status self.learning_opt_out = learning_opt_out self.intents = intents self.entities = entities self.counterexamples = counterexamples self.dialog_nodes = dialog_nodes @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a WorkspaceExport object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'name' in _dict: args['name'] = _dict['name'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'name\' not present in WorkspaceExport JSON' ) if 'description' in _dict: args['description'] = _dict['description'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'description\' not present in WorkspaceExport JSON' ) if 'language' in _dict: args['language'] = _dict['language'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'language\' not present in WorkspaceExport JSON' ) if 'metadata' in _dict: args['metadata'] = _dict['metadata'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'metadata\' not present in WorkspaceExport JSON' ) if 'created' in _dict: args['created'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['created']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'created\' not present in WorkspaceExport JSON' ) if 'updated' in _dict: args['updated'] = string_to_datetime(_dict['updated']) else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'updated\' not present in WorkspaceExport JSON' ) if 'workspace_id' in _dict: args['workspace_id'] = _dict['workspace_id'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'workspace_id\' not present in WorkspaceExport JSON' ) if 'status' in _dict: args['status'] = _dict['status'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'status\' not present in WorkspaceExport JSON' ) if 'learning_opt_out' in _dict: args['learning_opt_out'] = _dict['learning_opt_out'] else: raise ValueError( 'Required property \'learning_opt_out\' not present in WorkspaceExport JSON' ) if 'intents' in _dict: args['intents'] = [ IntentExport._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['intents'] ] if 'entities' in _dict: args['entities'] = [ EntityExport._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['entities'] ] if 'counterexamples' in _dict: args['counterexamples'] = [ Counterexample._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['counterexamples'] ] if 'dialog_nodes' in _dict: args['dialog_nodes'] = [ DialogNode._from_dict(x) for x in _dict['dialog_nodes'] ] return cls(**args) def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'name') and is not None: _dict['name'] = if hasattr(self, 'description') and self.description is not None: _dict['description'] = self.description if hasattr(self, 'language') and self.language is not None: _dict['language'] = self.language if hasattr(self, 'metadata') and self.metadata is not None: _dict['metadata'] = self.metadata if hasattr(self, 'created') and self.created is not None: _dict['created'] = datetime_to_string(self.created) if hasattr(self, 'updated') and self.updated is not None: _dict['updated'] = datetime_to_string(self.updated) if hasattr(self, 'workspace_id') and self.workspace_id is not None: _dict['workspace_id'] = self.workspace_id if hasattr(self, 'status') and self.status is not None: _dict['status'] = self.status if hasattr(self, 'learning_opt_out') and self.learning_opt_out is not None: _dict['learning_opt_out'] = self.learning_opt_out if hasattr(self, 'intents') and self.intents is not None: _dict['intents'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.intents] if hasattr(self, 'entities') and self.entities is not None: _dict['entities'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.entities] if hasattr(self, 'counterexamples') and self.counterexamples is not None: _dict['counterexamples'] = [ x._to_dict() for x in self.counterexamples ] if hasattr(self, 'dialog_nodes') and self.dialog_nodes is not None: _dict['dialog_nodes'] = [x._to_dict() for x in self.dialog_nodes] return _dict def __str__(self): """Return a `str` version of this WorkspaceExport object.""" return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), indent=2) def __eq__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are equal, false otherwise.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Return `true` when self and other are not equal, false otherwise.""" return not self == other