Source code for watson_developer_cloud.text_to_speech_v1

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The v1 Text to Speech service

from .watson_service import WatsonService

[docs]class TextToSpeechV1(WatsonService): """Client for the Text to Speech service""" default_url = "" def __init__(self, url=default_url, **kwargs): """ Construct an instance. Fetches service parameters from VCAP_SERVICES runtime variable for Bluemix, or it defaults to local URLs. """ WatsonService.__init__(self, 'text_to_speech', url, **kwargs)
[docs] def synthesize(self, text, voice=None, accept=None, customization_id=None): """ Returns the get HTTP response by doing a POST to /synthesize with text, voice, accept """ params = {'voice': voice, 'accept': accept, 'customization_id': customization_id} data = {'text': text} response = self.request( method='POST', url='/v1/synthesize', stream=True, params=params, json=data) return response.content
[docs] def voices(self): """ Returns the list of available voices to use with synthesize """ return self.request(method='GET', url='/v1/voices', accept_json=True)
[docs] def pronunciation(self, text, voice=None, pronunciation_format='ipa'): params = { 'text': text, 'voice': voice, 'format': pronunciation_format } return self.request(method='GET', url='/v1/pronunciation', params=params, accept_json=True)
[docs] def customizations(self, language=None): params = { 'language': language } return self.request(method='GET', url='/v1/customizations', params=params, accept_json=True)
[docs] def get_customization(self, customization_id): customization_id = self.unpack_id(customization_id, 'customization_id') return self.request(method='GET', url='/v1/customizations/{0}'.format( customization_id), accept_json=True)
[docs] def create_customization(self, name, language=None, description=None): body = { 'name': name, 'language': language, 'description': description } return self.request(method='POST', url='/v1/customizations', json=body, accept_json=True)
[docs] def update_customization(self, customization_id, name=None, description=None, words=None): body = { 'name': name, 'description': description, 'words': words } return self.request(method='POST', url='/v1/customizations/{0}'.format( customization_id), json=body)
[docs] def delete_customization(self, customization_id): customization_id = self.unpack_id(customization_id, 'customization_id') return self.request(method='DELETE', url='/v1/customizations/{0}'.format( customization_id))
[docs] def get_customization_words(self, customization_id): customization_id = self.unpack_id(customization_id, 'customization_id') return self.request(method='GET', url='/v1/customizations/{0}/words'.format( customization_id), accept_json=True)
[docs] def add_customization_words(self, customization_id, words): customization_id = self.unpack_id(customization_id, 'customization_id') body = { 'words': words } return self.request(method='POST', url='/v1/customizations/{0}/words'.format( customization_id), json=body)
[docs] def get_customization_word(self, customization_id, word): customization_id = self.unpack_id(customization_id, 'customization_id') return self.request(method='GET', url='/v1/customizations/{0}/words/{1}'.format( customization_id, word), accept_json=True)
[docs] def set_customization_word(self, customization_id, word, translation): customization_id = self.unpack_id(customization_id, 'customization_id') body = { 'translation': translation } return self.request(method='PUT', url='/v1/customizations/{0}/words/{1}'.format( customization_id, word), json=body)
[docs] def delete_customization_word(self, customization_id, word): customization_id = self.unpack_id(customization_id, 'customization_id') return self.request(method='DELETE', url='/v1/customizations/{0}/words/{1}'.format( customization_id, word))