watson_developer_cloud.conversation_v1 module

The IBM Watson™ Conversation service combines machine learning, natural language understanding, and integrated dialog tools to create conversation flows between your apps and your users.

class CaptureGroup(group, location=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str group:A recognized capture group for the entity.
Attr list[int] location:
 (optional) Zero-based character offsets that indicate where

the entity value begins and ends in the input text.

class Context(conversation_id=None, system=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

State information for the conversation. To maintain state, include the context from the previous response.

Attr str conversation_id:
 (optional) The unique identifier of the conversation.
Attr SystemResponse system:
 (optional) For internal use only.
class Counterexample(text, created=None, updated=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str text:The text of the counterexample.
Attr datetime created:
 (optional) The timestamp for creation of the counterexample.
Attr datetime updated:
 (optional) The timestamp for the last update to the


class CounterexampleCollection(counterexamples, pagination)[source]

Bases: object


Attr list[Counterexample] counterexamples:
 An array of objects describing the

examples marked as irrelevant input. :attr Pagination pagination: The pagination data for the returned objects.

class CreateCounterexample(text)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str text:The text of a user input marked as irrelevant input. This string must

conform to the following restrictions: - It cannot contain carriage return, newline, or tab characters - It cannot consist of only whitespace characters - It must be no longer than 1024 characters.

class CreateDialogNode(dialog_node, description=None, conditions=None, parent=None, previous_sibling=None, output=None, context=None, metadata=None, next_step=None, actions=None, title=None, node_type=None, event_name=None, variable=None, digress_in=None, digress_out=None, digress_out_slots=None, user_label=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str dialog_node:
 The dialog node ID. This string must conform to the following

restrictions: - It can contain only Unicode alphanumeric, space, underscore, hyphen, and dot characters. - It must be no longer than 1024 characters. :attr str description: (optional) The description of the dialog node. This string cannot contain carriage return, newline, or tab characters, and it must be no longer than 128 characters. :attr str conditions: (optional) The condition that will trigger the dialog node. This string cannot contain carriage return, newline, or tab characters, and it must be no longer than 2048 characters. :attr str parent: (optional) The ID of the parent dialog node. :attr str previous_sibling: (optional) The ID of the previous dialog node. :attr DialogNodeOutput output: (optional) The output of the dialog node. For more information about how to specify dialog node output, see the [documentation](https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/conversation/dialog-overview.html#complex). :attr object context: (optional) The context for the dialog node. :attr object metadata: (optional) The metadata for the dialog node. :attr DialogNodeNextStep next_step: (optional) The next step to be executed in dialog processing. :attr list[DialogNodeAction] actions: (optional) An array of objects describing any actions to be invoked by the dialog node. :attr str title: (optional) The alias used to identify the dialog node. This string must conform to the following restrictions: - It can contain only Unicode alphanumeric, space, underscore, hyphen, and dot characters. - It must be no longer than 64 characters. :attr str node_type: (optional) How the dialog node is processed. :attr str event_name: (optional) How an event_handler node is processed. :attr str variable: (optional) The location in the dialog context where output is stored. :attr str digress_in: (optional) Whether this top-level dialog node can be digressed into. :attr str digress_out: (optional) Whether this dialog node can be returned to after a digression. :attr str digress_out_slots: (optional) Whether the user can digress to top-level nodes while filling out slots. :attr str user_label: (optional) A label that can be displayed externally to describe the purpose of the node to users. This string must be no longer than 512 characters.

class CreateEntity(entity, description=None, metadata=None, values=None, fuzzy_match=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str entity:
 The name of the entity. This string must conform to the following

restrictions: - It can contain only Unicode alphanumeric, underscore, and hyphen characters. - It cannot begin with the reserved prefix sys-. - It must be no longer than 64 characters. :attr str description: (optional) The description of the entity. This string cannot contain carriage return, newline, or tab characters, and it must be no longer than 128 characters. :attr object metadata: (optional) Any metadata related to the value. :attr list[CreateValue] values: (optional) An array of objects describing the entity values. :attr bool fuzzy_match: (optional) Whether to use fuzzy matching for the entity.

class CreateExample(text, mentions=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str text:The text of a user input example. This string must conform to the

following restrictions: - It cannot contain carriage return, newline, or tab characters. - It cannot consist of only whitespace characters. - It must be no longer than 1024 characters. :attr list[Mentions] mentions: (optional) An array of contextual entity mentions.

class CreateIntent(intent, description=None, examples=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str intent:
 The name of the intent. This string must conform to the following

restrictions: - It can contain only Unicode alphanumeric, underscore, hyphen, and dot characters. - It cannot begin with the reserved prefix sys-. - It must be no longer than 128 characters. :attr str description: (optional) The description of the intent. This string cannot contain carriage return, newline, or tab characters, and it must be no longer than 128 characters. :attr list[CreateExample] examples: (optional) An array of user input examples for the intent.

class CreateValue(value, metadata=None, synonyms=None, patterns=None, value_type=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str value:The text of the entity value. This string must conform to the

following restrictions: - It cannot contain carriage return, newline, or tab characters. - It cannot consist of only whitespace characters. - It must be no longer than 64 characters. :attr object metadata: (optional) Any metadata related to the entity value. :attr list[str] synonyms: (optional) An array containing any synonyms for the entity value. You can provide either synonyms or patterns (as indicated by type), but not both. A synonym must conform to the following restrictions: - It cannot contain carriage return, newline, or tab characters. - It cannot consist of only whitespace characters. - It must be no longer than 64 characters. :attr list[str] patterns: (optional) An array of patterns for the entity value. You can provide either synonyms or patterns (as indicated by type), but not both. A pattern is a regular expression no longer than 512 characters. For more information about how to specify a pattern, see the [documentation](https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/conversation/entities.html#creating-entities). :attr str value_type: (optional) Specifies the type of value.

class DialogNode(dialog_node_id, description=None, conditions=None, parent=None, previous_sibling=None, output=None, context=None, metadata=None, next_step=None, created=None, updated=None, actions=None, title=None, node_type=None, event_name=None, variable=None, digress_in=None, digress_out=None, digress_out_slots=None, user_label=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str dialog_node_id:
 The dialog node ID.
Attr str description:
 (optional) The description of the dialog node.
Attr str conditions:
 (optional) The condition that triggers the dialog node.
Attr str parent:
 (optional) The ID of the parent dialog node. This property is not

returned if the dialog node has no parent. :attr str previous_sibling: (optional) The ID of the previous sibling dialog node. This property is not returned if the dialog node has no previous sibling. :attr DialogNodeOutput output: (optional) The output of the dialog node. For more information about how to specify dialog node output, see the [documentation](https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/conversation/dialog-overview.html#complex). :attr object context: (optional) The context (if defined) for the dialog node. :attr object metadata: (optional) Any metadata for the dialog node. :attr DialogNodeNextStep next_step: (optional) The next step to execute following this dialog node. :attr datetime created: (optional) The timestamp for creation of the dialog node. :attr datetime updated: (optional) The timestamp for the most recent update to the dialog node. :attr list[DialogNodeAction] actions: (optional) The actions for the dialog node. :attr str title: (optional) The alias used to identify the dialog node. :attr str node_type: (optional) How the dialog node is processed. :attr str event_name: (optional) How an event_handler node is processed. :attr str variable: (optional) The location in the dialog context where output is stored. :attr str digress_in: (optional) Whether this top-level dialog node can be digressed into. :attr str digress_out: (optional) Whether this dialog node can be returned to after a digression. :attr str digress_out_slots: (optional) Whether the user can digress to top-level nodes while filling out slots. :attr str user_label: (optional) A label that can be displayed externally to describe the purpose of the node to users. This string must be no longer than 512 characters.

class DialogNodeAction(name, result_variable, action_type=None, parameters=None, credentials=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str name:The name of the action.
Attr str action_type:
 (optional) The type of action to invoke.
Attr object parameters:
 (optional) A map of key/value pairs to be provided to the

action. :attr str result_variable: The location in the dialog context where the result of the action is stored. :attr str credentials: (optional) The name of the context variable that the client application will use to pass in credentials for the action.

class DialogNodeCollection(dialog_nodes, pagination)[source]

Bases: object

An array of dialog nodes.

Attr list[DialogNode] dialog_nodes:
 An array of objects describing the dialog nodes

defined for the workspace. :attr Pagination pagination: The pagination data for the returned objects.

class DialogNodeNextStep(behavior, dialog_node=None, selector=None)[source]

Bases: object

The next step to execute following this dialog node.

Attr str behavior:
 What happens after the dialog node completes. The valid values

depend on the node type: - The following values are valid for any node:

  • get_user_input
  • skip_user_input
  • jump_to
  • If the node is of type event_handler and its parent node is of type slot or
frame, additional values are also valid:
  • if **event_name**=`filled` and the type of the parent node is slot: - reprompt - skip_all_slots
  • if **event_name**=`nomatch` and the type of the parent node is slot:
    • reprompt
    • skip_slot
    • skip_all_slots
  • if **event_name**=`generic` and the type of the parent node is frame:
    • reprompt
    • skip_slot
    • skip_all_slots

If you specify jump_to, then you must also specify a value for the dialog_node property. :attr str dialog_node: (optional) The ID of the dialog node to process next. This parameter is required if **behavior**=`jump_to`. :attr str selector: (optional) Which part of the dialog node to process next.

class DialogNodeOutput(generic=None, modifiers=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

The output of the dialog node. For more information about how to specify dialog node output, see the [documentation](https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/conversation/dialog-overview.html#complex).

Attr list[DialogNodeOutputGeneric] generic:
 (optional) An array of objects describing

the output defined for the dialog node. :attr DialogNodeOutputModifiers modifiers: (optional) Options that modify how specified output is handled.

class DialogNodeOutputGeneric(response_type, values=None, selection_policy=None, delimiter=None, time=None, typing=None, source=None, title=None, description=None, preference=None, options=None, message_to_human_agent=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str response_type:
 The type of response returned by the dialog node. The

specified response type must be supported by the client application or channel. :attr list[DialogNodeOutputTextValuesElement] values: (optional) A list of one or more objects defining text responses. Required when **response_type**=`text`. :attr str selection_policy: (optional) How a response is selected from the list, if more than one response is specified. Valid only when **response_type**=`text`. :attr str delimiter: (optional) The delimiter to use as a separator between responses when selection_policy`=`multiline. :attr int time: (optional) How long to pause, in milliseconds. The valid values are from 0 to 10000. Valid only when **response_type**=`pause`. :attr bool typing: (optional) Whether to send a “user is typing” event during the pause. Ignored if the channel does not support this event. Valid only when **response_type**=`pause`. :attr str source: (optional) The URL of the image. Required when **response_type**=`image`. :attr str title: (optional) An optional title to show before the response. Valid only when **response_type**=`image` or option. This string must be no longer than 512 characters. :attr str description: (optional) An optional description to show with the response. Valid only when **response_type**=`image` or option. This string must be no longer than 256 characters. :attr str preference: (optional) The preferred type of control to display, if supported by the channel. Valid only when **response_type**=`option`. :attr list[DialogNodeOutputOptionsElement] options: (optional) An array of objects describing the options from which the user can choose. You can include up to 20 options. Required when **response_type**=`option`. :attr str message_to_human_agent: (optional) An optional message to be sent to the human agent who will be taking over the conversation. Valid only when **reponse_type**=`connect_to_agent`. This string must be no longer than 256 characters.

class DialogNodeOutputModifiers(overwrite=None)[source]

Bases: object

Options that modify how specified output is handled.

Attr bool overwrite:
 (optional) Whether values in the output will overwrite output

values in an array specified by previously executed dialog nodes. If this option is set to false, new values will be appended to previously specified values.

class DialogNodeOutputOptionsElement(label, value)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str label:The user-facing label for the option.
Attr DialogNodeOutputOptionsElementValue value:
 An object defining the message input

to be sent to the Conversation service if the user selects the corresponding option.

class DialogNodeOutputOptionsElementValue(input=None)[source]

Bases: object

An object defining the message input to be sent to the Conversation service if the user selects the corresponding option.

Attr InputData input:
 (optional) The user input.
class DialogNodeOutputTextValuesElement(text=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str text:(optional) The text of a response. This string can include newline

characters (` `), Markdown tagging, or other special characters, if supported by the channel. It must be no longer than 4096 characters.

class DialogNodeVisitedDetails(dialog_node=None, title=None, conditions=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str dialog_node:
 (optional) A dialog node that was triggered during processing

of the input message. :attr str title: (optional) The title of the dialog node. :attr str conditions: (optional) The conditions that trigger the dialog node.

class DialogRuntimeResponseGeneric(response_type, text=None, time=None, typing=None, source=None, title=None, description=None, preference=None, options=None, message_to_human_agent=None, topic=None, suggestions=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str response_type:
 The type of response returned by the dialog node. The

specified response type must be supported by the client application or channel. Note: The suggestion response type is part of the disambiguation feature, which is only available for Premium users. :attr str text: (optional) The text of the response. :attr int time: (optional) How long to pause, in milliseconds. :attr bool typing: (optional) Whether to send a “user is typing” event during the pause. :attr str source: (optional) The URL of the image. :attr str title: (optional) The title or introductory text to show before the response. :attr str description: (optional) The description to show with the the response. :attr str preference: (optional) The preferred type of control to display. :attr list[DialogNodeOutputOptionsElement] options: (optional) An array of objects describing the options from which the user can choose. :attr str message_to_human_agent: (optional) A message to be sent to the human agent who will be taking over the conversation. :attr str topic: (optional) A label identifying the topic of the conversation, derived from the user_label property of the relevant node. :attr list[DialogSuggestion] suggestions: (optional) An array of objects describing the possible matching dialog nodes from which the user can choose. Note: The suggestions property is part of the disambiguation feature, which is only available for Premium users.

class DialogSuggestion(label, value, output=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str label:The user-facing label for the disambiguation option. This label is

taken from the user_label property of the corresponding dialog node. :attr DialogSuggestionValue value: An object defining the message input, intents, and entities to be sent to the Conversation service if the user selects the corresponding disambiguation option. :attr object output: (optional) The dialog output that will be returned from the Conversation service if the user selects the corresponding option.

class DialogSuggestionValue(input=None, intents=None, entities=None)[source]

Bases: object

An object defining the message input, intents, and entities to be sent to the Conversation service if the user selects the corresponding disambiguation option.

Attr InputData input:
 (optional) The user input.
Attr list[RuntimeIntent] intents:
 (optional) An array of intents to be sent along

with the user input. :attr list[RuntimeEntity] entities: (optional) An array of entities to be sent along with the user input.

class Entity(entity_name, created=None, updated=None, description=None, metadata=None, fuzzy_match=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str entity_name:
 The name of the entity.
Attr datetime created:
 (optional) The timestamp for creation of the entity.
Attr datetime updated:
 (optional) The timestamp for the last update to the entity.
Attr str description:
 (optional) The description of the entity.
Attr object metadata:
 (optional) Any metadata related to the entity.
Attr bool fuzzy_match:
 (optional) Whether fuzzy matching is used for the entity.
class EntityCollection(entities, pagination)[source]

Bases: object

An array of entities.

Attr list[EntityExport] entities:
 An array of objects describing the entities defined

for the workspace. :attr Pagination pagination: The pagination data for the returned objects.

class EntityExport(entity_name, created=None, updated=None, description=None, metadata=None, fuzzy_match=None, values=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str entity_name:
 The name of the entity.
Attr datetime created:
 (optional) The timestamp for creation of the entity.
Attr datetime updated:
 (optional) The timestamp for the last update to the entity.
Attr str description:
 (optional) The description of the entity.
Attr object metadata:
 (optional) Any metadata related to the entity.
Attr bool fuzzy_match:
 (optional) Whether fuzzy matching is used for the entity.
Attr list[ValueExport] values:
 (optional) An array objects describing the entity


class EntityMention(example_text, intent_name, location)[source]

Bases: object

An object describing a contextual entity mention.

Attr str example_text:
 The text of the user input example.
Attr str intent_name:
 The name of the intent.
Attr list[int] location:
 An array of zero-based character offsets that indicate where

the entity mentions begin and end in the input text.

class EntityMentionCollection(examples, pagination)[source]

Bases: object


Attr list[EntityMention] examples:
 An array of objects describing the entity mentions

defined for an entity. :attr Pagination pagination: The pagination data for the returned objects.

class Example(example_text, created=None, updated=None, mentions=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str example_text:
 The text of the user input example.
Attr datetime created:
 (optional) The timestamp for creation of the example.
Attr datetime updated:
 (optional) The timestamp for the last update to the example.
Attr list[Mentions] mentions:
 (optional) An array of contextual entity mentions.
class ExampleCollection(examples, pagination)[source]

Bases: object


Attr list[Example] examples:
 An array of objects describing the examples defined for

the intent. :attr Pagination pagination: The pagination data for the returned objects.

class InputData(text)[source]

Bases: object

The user input.

Attr str text:The text of the user input. This string cannot contain carriage

return, newline, or tab characters, and it must be no longer than 2048 characters.

class Intent(intent_name, created=None, updated=None, description=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str intent_name:
 The name of the intent.
Attr datetime created:
 (optional) The timestamp for creation of the intent.
Attr datetime updated:
 (optional) The timestamp for the last update to the intent.
Attr str description:
 (optional) The description of the intent.
class IntentCollection(intents, pagination)[source]

Bases: object


Attr list[IntentExport] intents:
 An array of objects describing the intents defined

for the workspace. :attr Pagination pagination: The pagination data for the returned objects.

class IntentExport(intent_name, created=None, updated=None, description=None, examples=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str intent_name:
 The name of the intent.
Attr datetime created:
 (optional) The timestamp for creation of the intent.
Attr datetime updated:
 (optional) The timestamp for the last update to the intent.
Attr str description:
 (optional) The description of the intent.
Attr list[Example] examples:
 (optional) An array of objects describing the user input

examples for the intent.

class LogCollection(logs, pagination)[source]

Bases: object


Attr list[LogExport] logs:
 An array of objects describing log events.
Attr LogPagination pagination:
 The pagination data for the returned objects.
class LogExport(request, response, log_id, request_timestamp, response_timestamp, workspace_id, language)[source]

Bases: object


Attr MessageRequest request:
 A request received by the workspace, including the user

input and context. :attr MessageResponse response: The response sent by the workspace, including the output text, detected intents and entities, and context. :attr str log_id: A unique identifier for the logged event. :attr str request_timestamp: The timestamp for receipt of the message. :attr str response_timestamp: The timestamp for the system response to the message. :attr str workspace_id: The unique identifier of the workspace where the request was made. :attr str language: The language of the workspace where the message request was made.

class LogMessage(level, msg, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Log message details.

Attr str level:The severity of the log message.
Attr str msg:The text of the log message.
class LogPagination(next_url=None, matched=None, next_cursor=None)[source]

Bases: object

The pagination data for the returned objects.

Attr str next_url:
 (optional) The URL that will return the next page of results, if

any. :attr int matched: (optional) Reserved for future use. :attr str next_cursor: (optional) A token identifying the next page of results.

class Mentions(entity, location)[source]

Bases: object

A mention of a contextual entity.

Attr str entity:
 The name of the entity.
Attr list[int] location:
 An array of zero-based character offsets that indicate where

the entity mentions begin and end in the input text.

class MessageInput(text=None)[source]

Bases: object

The text of the user input.

Attr str text:(optional) The user’s input.
class MessageRequest(input=None, alternate_intents=None, context=None, entities=None, intents=None, output=None)[source]

Bases: object

A message request formatted for the Conversation service.

Attr InputData input:
 (optional) An input object that includes the input text.
Attr bool alternate_intents:
 (optional) Whether to return more than one intent. Set

to true to return all matching intents. :attr Context context: (optional) State information for the conversation. Continue a conversation by including the context object from the previous response. :attr list[RuntimeEntity] entities: (optional) Entities to use when evaluating the message. Include entities from the previous response to continue using those entities rather than detecting entities in the new input. :attr list[RuntimeIntent] intents: (optional) Intents to use when evaluating the user input. Include intents from the previous response to continue using those intents rather than trying to recognize intents in the new input. :attr OutputData output: (optional) System output. Include the output from the previous response to maintain intermediate information over multiple requests.

class MessageResponse(intents, entities, context, output, input=None, alternate_intents=None, actions=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A response from the Conversation service.

Attr MessageInput input:
 (optional) The user input from the request.
Attr list[RuntimeIntent] intents:
 An array of intents recognized in the user input,

sorted in descending order of confidence. :attr list[RuntimeEntity] entities: An array of entities identified in the user input. :attr bool alternate_intents: (optional) Whether to return more than one intent. A value of true indicates that all matching intents are returned. :attr Context context: State information for the conversation. :attr OutputData output: Output from the dialog, including the response to the user, the nodes that were triggered, and log messages. :attr list[DialogNodeAction] actions: (optional) An array of objects describing any actions requested by the dialog node.

class OutputData(log_messages, text, generic=None, nodes_visited=None, nodes_visited_details=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

An output object that includes the response to the user, the dialog nodes that were triggered, and messages from the log.

Attr list[LogMessage] log_messages:
 An array of up to 50 messages logged with the

request. :attr list[str] text: An array of responses to the user. :attr list[DialogRuntimeResponseGeneric] generic: (optional) Output intended for any channel. It is the responsibility of the client application to implement the supported response types. :attr list[str] nodes_visited: (optional) An array of the nodes that were triggered to create the response, in the order in which they were visited. This information is useful for debugging and for tracing the path taken through the node tree. :attr list[DialogNodeVisitedDetails] nodes_visited_details: (optional) An array of objects containing detailed diagnostic information about the nodes that were triggered during processing of the input message. Included only if nodes_visited_details is set to true in the message request.

class Pagination(refresh_url, next_url=None, total=None, matched=None, refresh_cursor=None, next_cursor=None)[source]

Bases: object

The pagination data for the returned objects.

Attr str refresh_url:
 The URL that will return the same page of results.
Attr str next_url:
 (optional) The URL that will return the next page of results.
Attr int total:(optional) Reserved for future use.
Attr int matched:
 (optional) Reserved for future use.
Attr str refresh_cursor:
 (optional) A token identifying the current page of results.
Attr str next_cursor:
 (optional) A token identifying the next page of results.
class RuntimeEntity(entity, location, value, confidence=None, metadata=None, groups=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A term from the request that was identified as an entity.

Attr str entity:
 An entity detected in the input.
Attr list[int] location:
 An array of zero-based character offsets that indicate where

the detected entity values begin and end in the input text. :attr str value: The term in the input text that was recognized as an entity value. :attr float confidence: (optional) A decimal percentage that represents Watson’s confidence in the entity. :attr object metadata: (optional) Any metadata for the entity. :attr list[CaptureGroup] groups: (optional) The recognized capture groups for the entity, as defined by the entity pattern.

class RuntimeIntent(intent, confidence, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

An intent identified in the user input.

Attr str intent:
 The name of the recognized intent.
Attr float confidence:
 A decimal percentage that represents Watson’s confidence in

the intent.

class Synonym(synonym_text, created=None, updated=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str synonym_text:
 The text of the synonym.
Attr datetime created:
 (optional) The timestamp for creation of the synonym.
Attr datetime updated:
 (optional) The timestamp for the most recent update to the


class SynonymCollection(synonyms, pagination)[source]

Bases: object


Attr list[Synonym] synonyms:
 An array of synonyms.
Attr Pagination pagination:
 The pagination data for the returned objects.
class SystemResponse(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

For internal use only.

class Value(value_text, value_type, metadata=None, created=None, updated=None, synonyms=None, patterns=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str value_text:
 The text of the entity value.
Attr object metadata:
 (optional) Any metadata related to the entity value.
Attr datetime created:
 (optional) The timestamp for creation of the entity value.
Attr datetime updated:
 (optional) The timestamp for the last update to the entity

value. :attr list[str] synonyms: (optional) An array containing any synonyms for the entity value. :attr list[str] patterns: (optional) An array containing any patterns for the entity value. :attr str value_type: Specifies the type of value.

class ValueCollection(values, pagination)[source]

Bases: object


Attr list[ValueExport] values:
 An array of entity values.
Attr Pagination pagination:
 An object defining the pagination data for the returned


class ValueExport(value_text, value_type, metadata=None, created=None, updated=None, synonyms=None, patterns=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str value_text:
 The text of the entity value.
Attr object metadata:
 (optional) Any metadata related to the entity value.
Attr datetime created:
 (optional) The timestamp for creation of the entity value.
Attr datetime updated:
 (optional) The timestamp for the last update to the entity

value. :attr list[str] synonyms: (optional) An array containing any synonyms for the entity value. :attr list[str] patterns: (optional) An array containing any patterns for the entity value. :attr str value_type: Specifies the type of value.

class Workspace(name, language, workspace_id, created=None, updated=None, description=None, metadata=None, learning_opt_out=None, system_settings=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str name:The name of the workspace.
Attr str language:
 The language of the workspace.
Attr datetime created:
 (optional) The timestamp for creation of the workspace.
Attr datetime updated:
 (optional) The timestamp for the last update to the workspace.
Attr str workspace_id:
 The workspace ID.
Attr str description:
 (optional) The description of the workspace.
Attr object metadata:
 (optional) Any metadata related to the workspace.
Attr bool learning_opt_out:
 (optional) Whether training data from the workspace

(including artifacts such as intents and entities) can be used by IBM for general service improvements. true indicates that workspace training data is not to be used. :attr WorkspaceSystemSettings system_settings: (optional) Global settings for the workspace.

class WorkspaceCollection(workspaces, pagination)[source]

Bases: object


Attr list[Workspace] workspaces:
 An array of objects describing the workspaces

associated with the service instance. :attr Pagination pagination: An object defining the pagination data for the returned objects.

class WorkspaceExport(name, description, language, metadata, workspace_id, status, learning_opt_out, created=None, updated=None, system_settings=None, intents=None, entities=None, counterexamples=None, dialog_nodes=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str name:The name of the workspace.
Attr str description:
 The description of the workspace.
Attr str language:
 The language of the workspace.
Attr object metadata:
 Any metadata that is required by the workspace.
Attr datetime created:
 (optional) The timestamp for creation of the workspace.
Attr datetime updated:
 (optional) The timestamp for the last update to the workspace.
Attr str workspace_id:
 The workspace ID.
Attr str status:
 The current status of the workspace.
Attr bool learning_opt_out:
 Whether training data from the workspace can be used by

IBM for general service improvements. true indicates that workspace training data is not to be used. :attr WorkspaceSystemSettings system_settings: (optional) Global settings for the workspace. :attr list[IntentExport] intents: (optional) An array of intents. :attr list[EntityExport] entities: (optional) An array of entities. :attr list[Counterexample] counterexamples: (optional) An array of counterexamples. :attr list[DialogNode] dialog_nodes: (optional) An array of objects describing the dialog nodes in the workspace.

class WorkspaceSystemSettings(tooling=None, disambiguation=None, human_agent_assist=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr WorkspaceSystemSettingsTooling tooling:
 (optional) Workspace settings related to

the Conversation tool. :attr WorkspaceSystemSettingsDisambiguation disambiguation: (optional) Workspace settings related to the disambiguation feature. Note: This feature is available only to Premium users. :attr object human_agent_assist: (optional) For internal use only.

class WorkspaceSystemSettingsDisambiguation(prompt=None, none_of_the_above_prompt=None, enabled=None, sensitivity=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr str prompt:
 (optional) The text of the introductory prompt that accompanies

disambiguation options presented to the user. :attr str none_of_the_above_prompt: (optional) The user-facing label for the option users can select if none of the suggested options is correct. If no value is specified for this property, this option does not appear. :attr bool enabled: (optional) Whether the disambiguation feature is enabled for the workspace. :attr str sensitivity: (optional) The sensitivity of the disambiguation feature to intent detection conflicts. Set to high if you want the disambiguation feature to be triggered more often. This can be useful for testing or demonstration purposes.

class WorkspaceSystemSettingsTooling(store_generic_responses=None)[source]

Bases: object


Attr bool store_generic_responses:
 (optional) Whether the dialog JSON editor displays

text responses within the output.generic object.