Source code for watson_developer_cloud.discovery_v1_adapter

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from .discovery_v1 import DiscoveryV1

[docs]class DiscoveryV1Adapter(DiscoveryV1):
[docs] def federated_query(self, environment_id, collection_ids, filter=None, query=None, natural_language_query=None, aggregation=None, count=None, return_fields=None, offset=None, sort=None, highlight=None, deduplicate=None, deduplicate_field=None, similar=None, similar_document_ids=None, similar_fields=None, passages=None, passages_fields=None, passages_count=None, passages_characters=None, bias=None, logging_opt_out=None, **kwargs): """ Long environment queries. Complex queries might be too long for a standard method query. By using this method, you can construct longer queries. However, these queries may take longer to complete than the standard method. For details, see the [Discovery service documentation]( :param str environment_id: The ID of the environment. :param list[str] collection_ids: A comma-separated list of collection IDs to be queried against. :param str filter: A cacheable query that limits the documents returned to exclude any documents that don't mention the query content. Filter searches are better for metadata type searches and when you are trying to get a sense of concepts in the data set. :param str query: A query search returns all documents in your data set with full enrichments and full text, but with the most relevant documents listed first. Use a query search when you want to find the most relevant search results. You cannot use **natural_language_query** and **query** at the same time. :param str natural_language_query: A natural language query that returns relevant documents by utilizing training data and natural language understanding. You cannot use **natural_language_query** and **query** at the same time. :param str aggregation: An aggregation search uses combinations of filters and query search to return an exact answer. Aggregations are useful for building applications, because you can use them to build lists, tables, and time series. For a full list of possible aggregrations, see the Query reference. :param int count: Number of results to return. :param list[str] return_fields: A comma separated list of the portion of the document hierarchy to return. :param int offset: The number of query results to skip at the beginning. For example, if the total number of results that are returned is 10, and the offset is 8, it returns the last two results. :param list[str] sort: A comma separated list of fields in the document to sort on. You can optionally specify a sort direction by prefixing the field with `-` for descending or `+` for ascending. Ascending is the default sort direction if no prefix is specified. :param bool highlight: When true a highlight field is returned for each result which contains the fields that match the query with `<em></em>` tags around the matching query terms. Defaults to false. :param bool deduplicate: When `true` and used with a Watson Discovery News collection, duplicate results (based on the contents of the **title** field) are removed. Duplicate comparison is limited to the current query only; **offset** is not considered. This parameter is currently Beta functionality. :param str deduplicate_field: When specified, duplicate results based on the field specified are removed from the returned results. Duplicate comparison is limited to the current query only, **offset** is not considered. This parameter is currently Beta functionality. :param bool similar: When `true`, results are returned based on their similarity to the document IDs specified in the **similar.document_ids** parameter. :param list[str] similar_document_ids: A comma-separated list of document IDs that will be used to find similar documents. **Note:** If the **natural_language_query** parameter is also specified, it will be used to expand the scope of the document similarity search to include the natural language query. Other query parameters, such as **filter** and **query** are subsequently applied and reduce the query scope. :param list[str] similar_fields: A comma-separated list of field names that will be used as a basis for comparison to identify similar documents. If not specified, the entire document is used for comparison. :param bool passages: A passages query that returns the most relevant passages from the results. :param list[str] passages_fields: A comma-separated list of fields that passages are drawn from. If this parameter not specified, then all top-level fields are included. :param int passages_count: The maximum number of passages to return. The search returns fewer passages if the requested total is not found. The default is `10`. The maximum is `100`. :param int passages_characters: The approximate number of characters that any one passage will have. The default is `400`. The minimum is `50`. The maximum is `2000`. :param str bias: Field which the returned results will be biased against. The specified field must be either a **date** or **number** format. When a **date** type field is specified returned results are biased towards field values closer to the current date. When a **number** type field is specified, returned results are biased towards higher field values. This parameter cannot be used in the same query as the **sort** parameter. :param bool logging_opt_out: If `true`, queries are not stored in the Discovery **Logs** endpoint. :param dict headers: A `dict` containing the request headers :return: A `DetailedResponse` containing the result, headers and HTTP status code. :rtype: DetailedResponse """ if environment_id is None: raise ValueError('environment_id must be provided') headers = {'X-Watson-Logging-Opt-Out': logging_opt_out} if 'headers' in kwargs: headers.update(kwargs.get('headers')) params = {'version': self.version} data = { 'collection_ids': self._convert_list(collection_ids), 'filter': filter, 'query': query, 'natural_language_query': natural_language_query, 'aggregation': aggregation, 'count': count, 'return': self._convert_list(return_fields), 'offset': offset, 'sort': self._convert_list(sort), 'highlight': highlight, 'deduplicate': deduplicate, 'deduplicate.field': deduplicate_field, 'similar': similar, 'similar.document_ids': self._convert_list(similar_document_ids), 'similar.fields': self._convert_list(similar_fields), 'passages': passages, 'passages.fields': self._convert_list(passages_fields), 'passages.count': passages_count, 'passages.characters': passages_characters, 'bias': bias } url = '/v1/environments/{0}/query'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(environment_id)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, headers=headers, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response
[docs] def query(self, environment_id, collection_id, filter=None, query=None, natural_language_query=None, passages=None, aggregation=None, count=None, return_fields=None, offset=None, sort=None, highlight=None, passages_fields=None, passages_count=None, passages_characters=None, deduplicate=None, deduplicate_field=None, similar=None, similar_document_ids=None, similar_fields=None, logging_opt_out=None, collection_ids=None, bias=None, **kwargs): """ Long collection queries. Complex queries might be too long for a standard method query. By using this method, you can construct longer queries. However, these queries may take longer to complete than the standard method. For details, see the [Discovery service documentation]( :param str environment_id: The ID of the environment. :param str collection_id: The ID of the collection. :param str filter: A cacheable query that limits the documents returned to exclude any documents that don't mention the query content. Filter searches are better for metadata type searches and when you are trying to get a sense of concepts in the data set. :param str query: A query search returns all documents in your data set with full enrichments and full text, but with the most relevant documents listed first. Use a query search when you want to find the most relevant search results. You cannot use **natural_language_query** and **query** at the same time. :param str natural_language_query: A natural language query that returns relevant documents by utilizing training data and natural language understanding. You cannot use **natural_language_query** and **query** at the same time. :param bool passages: A passages query that returns the most relevant passages from the results. :param str aggregation: An aggregation search uses combinations of filters and query search to return an exact answer. Aggregations are useful for building applications, because you can use them to build lists, tables, and time series. For a full list of possible aggregrations, see the Query reference. :param int count: Number of results to return. :param list[str] return_fields: A comma separated list of the portion of the document hierarchy to return. :param int offset: The number of query results to skip at the beginning. For example, if the total number of results that are returned is 10, and the offset is 8, it returns the last two results. :param list[str] sort: A comma separated list of fields in the document to sort on. You can optionally specify a sort direction by prefixing the field with `-` for descending or `+` for ascending. Ascending is the default sort direction if no prefix is specified. :param bool highlight: When true a highlight field is returned for each result which contains the fields that match the query with `<em></em>` tags around the matching query terms. Defaults to false. :param list[str] passages_fields: A comma-separated list of fields that passages are drawn from. If this parameter not specified, then all top-level fields are included. :param int passages_count: The maximum number of passages to return. The search returns fewer passages if the requested total is not found. The default is `10`. The maximum is `100`. :param int passages_characters: The approximate number of characters that any one passage will have. The default is `400`. The minimum is `50`. The maximum is `2000`. :param bool deduplicate: When `true` and used with a Watson Discovery News collection, duplicate results (based on the contents of the **title** field) are removed. Duplicate comparison is limited to the current query only; **offset** is not considered. This parameter is currently Beta functionality. :param str deduplicate_field: When specified, duplicate results based on the field specified are removed from the returned results. Duplicate comparison is limited to the current query only, **offset** is not considered. This parameter is currently Beta functionality. :param bool similar: When `true`, results are returned based on their similarity to the document IDs specified in the **similar.document_ids** parameter. :param list[str] similar_document_ids: A comma-separated list of document IDs that will be used to find similar documents. **Note:** If the **natural_language_query** parameter is also specified, it will be used to expand the scope of the document similarity search to include the natural language query. Other query parameters, such as **filter** and **query** are subsequently applied and reduce the query scope. :param list[str] similar_fields: A comma-separated list of field names that will be used as a basis for comparison to identify similar documents. If not specified, the entire document is used for comparison. :param bool logging_opt_out: If `true`, queries are not stored in the Discovery **Logs** endpoint. :param str collection_ids: A comma-separated list of collection IDs to be queried against. Required when querying multiple collections, invalid when performing a single collection query. :param str bias: Field which the returned results will be biased against. The specified field must be either a **date** or **number** format. When a **date** type field is specified returned results are biased towards field values closer to the current date. When a **number** type field is specified, returned results are biased towards higher field values. This parameter cannot be used in the same query as the **sort** parameter. :param dict headers: A `dict` containing the request headers :return: A `DetailedResponse` containing the result, headers and HTTP status code. :rtype: DetailedResponse """ if environment_id is None: raise ValueError('environment_id must be provided') if collection_id is None: raise ValueError('collection_id must be provided') headers = {'X-Watson-Logging-Opt-Out': logging_opt_out} if 'headers' in kwargs: headers.update(kwargs.get('headers')) params = {'version': self.version} data = { 'version': self.version, 'filter': filter, 'query': query, 'natural_language_query': natural_language_query, 'passages': passages, 'aggregation': aggregation, 'count': count, 'return': self._convert_list(return_fields), 'offset': offset, 'sort': self._convert_list(sort), 'highlight': highlight, 'passages.fields': self._convert_list(passages_fields), 'passages.count': passages_count, 'passages.characters': passages_characters, 'deduplicate': deduplicate, 'deduplicate.field': deduplicate_field, 'similar': similar, 'similar.document_ids': self._convert_list(similar_document_ids), 'similar.fields': self._convert_list(similar_fields), 'collection_ids': collection_ids, 'bias': bias } url = '/v1/environments/{0}/collections/{1}/query'.format( *self._encode_path_vars(environment_id, collection_id)) response = self.request( method='POST', url=url, headers=headers, params=params, json=data, accept_json=True) return response