Class AcousticModel

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AcousticModel
Information about an existing custom acoustic model.
  • Constructor Details

    • AcousticModel

      public AcousticModel()
  • Method Details

    • getCustomizationId

      public String getCustomizationId()
      Gets the customizationId.

      The customization ID (GUID) of the custom acoustic model. The [Create a custom acoustic model](#createacousticmodel) method returns only this field of the object; it does not return the other fields.

      the customizationId
    • getCreated

      public String getCreated()
      Gets the created.

      The date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) at which the custom acoustic model was created. The value is provided in full ISO 8601 format (`YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD`).

      the created
    • getUpdated

      public String getUpdated()
      Gets the updated.

      The date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) at which the custom acoustic model was last modified. The `created` and `updated` fields are equal when an acoustic model is first added but has yet to be updated. The value is provided in full ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD).

      the updated
    • getLanguage

      public String getLanguage()
      Gets the language.

      The language identifier of the custom acoustic model (for example, `en-US`).

      the language
    • getVersions

      public List<String> getVersions()
      Gets the versions.

      A list of the available versions of the custom acoustic model. Each element of the array indicates a version of the base model with which the custom model can be used. Multiple versions exist only if the custom model has been upgraded; otherwise, only a single version is shown.

      the versions
    • getOwner

      public String getOwner()
      Gets the owner.

      The GUID of the credentials for the instance of the service that owns the custom acoustic model.

      the owner
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Gets the name.

      The name of the custom acoustic model.

      the name
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Gets the description.

      The description of the custom acoustic model.

      the description
    • getBaseModelName

      public String getBaseModelName()
      Gets the baseModelName.

      The name of the language model for which the custom acoustic model was created.

      the baseModelName
    • getStatus

      public String getStatus()
      Gets the status.

      The current status of the custom acoustic model: * `pending`: The model was created but is waiting either for valid training data to be added or for the service to finish analyzing added data. * `ready`: The model contains valid data and is ready to be trained. If the model contains a mix of valid and invalid resources, you need to set the `strict` parameter to `false` for the training to proceed. * `training`: The model is currently being trained. * `available`: The model is trained and ready to use. * `upgrading`: The model is currently being upgraded. * `failed`: Training of the model failed.

      the status
    • getProgress

      public Long getProgress()
      Gets the progress.

      A percentage that indicates the progress of the custom acoustic model's current training. A value of `100` means that the model is fully trained. **Note:** The `progress` field does not currently reflect the progress of the training. The field changes from `0` to `100` when training is complete.

      the progress
    • getWarnings

      public String getWarnings()
      Gets the warnings.

      If the request included unknown parameters, the following message: `Unexpected query parameter(s) ['parameters'] detected`, where `parameters` is a list that includes a quoted string for each unknown parameter.

      the warnings