Class Discovery


public class Discovery
IBM Watson™ Discovery is a cognitive search and content analytics engine that you can add to applications to identify patterns, trends and actionable insights to drive better decision-making. Securely unify structured and unstructured data with pre-enriched content, and use a simplified query language to eliminate the need for manual filtering of results.

API Version: 2.0 See:

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Discovery

      public Discovery​(String version)
      Constructs an instance of the `Discovery` client. The default service name is used to configure the client instance.
      version - Release date of the version of the API you want to use. Specify dates in YYYY-MM-DD format. The current version is `2020-08-30`.
    • Discovery

      public Discovery​(String version, authenticator)
      Constructs an instance of the `Discovery` client. The default service name and specified authenticator are used to configure the client instance.
      version - Release date of the version of the API you want to use. Specify dates in YYYY-MM-DD format. The current version is `2020-08-30`.
      authenticator - the Authenticator instance to be configured for this client
    • Discovery

      public Discovery​(String version, String serviceName)
      Constructs an instance of the `Discovery` client. The specified service name is used to configure the client instance.
      version - Release date of the version of the API you want to use. Specify dates in YYYY-MM-DD format. The current version is `2020-08-30`.
      serviceName - the service name to be used when configuring the client instance
    • Discovery

      public Discovery​(String version, String serviceName, authenticator)
      Constructs an instance of the `Discovery` client. The specified service name and authenticator are used to configure the client instance.
      version - Release date of the version of the API you want to use. Specify dates in YYYY-MM-DD format. The current version is `2020-08-30`.
      serviceName - the service name to be used when configuring the client instance
      authenticator - the Authenticator instance to be configured for this client
  • Method Details

    • getVersion

      public String getVersion()
      Gets the version.

      Release date of the version of the API you want to use. Specify dates in YYYY-MM-DD format. The current version is `2020-08-30`.

      the version
    • setVersion

      public void setVersion​(String version)
      Sets the version.
      version - the new version
    • listCollections

      public<ListCollectionsResponse> listCollections​(ListCollectionsOptions listCollectionsOptions)
      List collections.

      Lists existing collections for the specified project.

      listCollectionsOptions - the ListCollectionsOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type ListCollectionsResponse
    • createCollection

      public<CollectionDetails> createCollection​(CreateCollectionOptions createCollectionOptions)
      Create a collection.

      Create a new collection in the specified project.

      createCollectionOptions - the CreateCollectionOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type CollectionDetails
    • getCollection

      public<CollectionDetails> getCollection​(GetCollectionOptions getCollectionOptions)
      Get collection.

      Get details about the specified collection.

      getCollectionOptions - the GetCollectionOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type CollectionDetails
    • updateCollection

      public<CollectionDetails> updateCollection​(UpdateCollectionOptions updateCollectionOptions)
      Update a collection.

      Updates the specified collection's name, description, and enrichments.

      updateCollectionOptions - the UpdateCollectionOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type CollectionDetails
    • deleteCollection

      public<Void> deleteCollection​(DeleteCollectionOptions deleteCollectionOptions)
      Delete a collection.

      Deletes the specified collection from the project. All documents stored in the specified collection and not shared is also deleted.

      deleteCollectionOptions - the DeleteCollectionOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a void result
    • query

      public<QueryResponse> query​(QueryOptions queryOptions)
      Query a project.

      By using this method, you can construct queries. For details, see the [Discovery documentation]( The default query parameters are defined by the settings for this project, see the [Discovery documentation]( for an overview of the standard default settings, and see [the Projects API documentation](#create-project) for details about how to set custom default query settings.

      queryOptions - the QueryOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type QueryResponse
    • getAutocompletion

      public<Completions> getAutocompletion​(GetAutocompletionOptions getAutocompletionOptions)
      Get Autocomplete Suggestions.

      Returns completion query suggestions for the specified prefix.

      getAutocompletionOptions - the GetAutocompletionOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type Completions
    • queryCollectionNotices

      public<QueryNoticesResponse> queryCollectionNotices​(QueryCollectionNoticesOptions queryCollectionNoticesOptions)
      Query collection notices.

      Finds collection-level notices (errors and warnings) that are generated when documents are ingested.

      queryCollectionNoticesOptions - the QueryCollectionNoticesOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type QueryNoticesResponse
    • queryNotices

      public<QueryNoticesResponse> queryNotices​(QueryNoticesOptions queryNoticesOptions)
      Query project notices.

      Finds project-level notices (errors and warnings). Currently, project-level notices are generated by relevancy training.

      queryNoticesOptions - the QueryNoticesOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type QueryNoticesResponse
    • listFields

      public<ListFieldsResponse> listFields​(ListFieldsOptions listFieldsOptions)
      List fields.

      Gets a list of the unique fields (and their types) stored in the the specified collections.

      listFieldsOptions - the ListFieldsOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type ListFieldsResponse
    • getComponentSettings

      public<ComponentSettingsResponse> getComponentSettings​(GetComponentSettingsOptions getComponentSettingsOptions)
      List component settings.

      Returns default configuration settings for components.

      getComponentSettingsOptions - the GetComponentSettingsOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type ComponentSettingsResponse
    • addDocument

      public<DocumentAccepted> addDocument​(AddDocumentOptions addDocumentOptions)
      Add a document.

      Add a document to a collection with optional metadata.

      Returns immediately after the system has accepted the document for processing.

      * The user must provide document content, metadata, or both. If the request is missing both document content and metadata, it is rejected.

      * You can set the **Content-Type** parameter on the **file** part to indicate the media type of the document. If the **Content-Type** parameter is missing or is one of the generic media types (for example, `application/octet-stream`), then the service attempts to automatically detect the document's media type.

      * The following field names are reserved and are filtered out if present after normalization: `id`, `score`, `highlight`, and any field with the prefix of: `_`, `+`, or `-`

      * Fields with empty name values after normalization are filtered out before indexing.

      * Fields that contain the following characters after normalization are filtered out before indexing: `#` and `,`

      If the document is uploaded to a collection that shares its data with another collection, the **X-Watson-Discovery-Force** header must be set to `true`.

      **Note:** You can assign an ID to a document that you add by appending the ID to the endpoint (`/v2/projects/{project_id}/collections/{collection_id}/documents/{document_id}`). If a document already exists with the specified ID, it is replaced.

      **Note:** This operation works with a file upload collection. It cannot be used to modify a collection that crawls an external data source.

      addDocumentOptions - the AddDocumentOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type DocumentAccepted
    • updateDocument

      public<DocumentAccepted> updateDocument​(UpdateDocumentOptions updateDocumentOptions)
      Update a document.

      Replace an existing document or add a document with a specified **document_id**. Starts ingesting a document with optional metadata.

      If the document is uploaded to a collection that shares its data with another collection, the **X-Watson-Discovery-Force** header must be set to `true`.

      **Note:** When uploading a new document with this method it automatically replaces any document stored with the same **document_id** if it exists.

      **Note:** This operation only works on collections created to accept direct file uploads. It cannot be used to modify a collection that connects to an external source such as Microsoft SharePoint.

      **Note:** If an uploaded document is segmented, all segments are overwritten, even if the updated version of the document has fewer segments.

      updateDocumentOptions - the UpdateDocumentOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type DocumentAccepted
    • deleteDocument

      public<DeleteDocumentResponse> deleteDocument​(DeleteDocumentOptions deleteDocumentOptions)
      Delete a document.

      If the given document ID is invalid, or if the document is not found, then the a success response is returned (HTTP status code `200`) with the status set to 'deleted'.

      **Note:** This operation only works on collections created to accept direct file uploads. It cannot be used to modify a collection that connects to an external source such as Microsoft SharePoint.

      **Note:** Segments of an uploaded document cannot be deleted individually. Delete all segments by deleting using the `parent_document_id` of a segment result.

      deleteDocumentOptions - the DeleteDocumentOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type DeleteDocumentResponse
    • listTrainingQueries

      public<TrainingQuerySet> listTrainingQueries​(ListTrainingQueriesOptions listTrainingQueriesOptions)
      List training queries.

      List the training queries for the specified project.

      listTrainingQueriesOptions - the ListTrainingQueriesOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type TrainingQuerySet
    • deleteTrainingQueries

      public<Void> deleteTrainingQueries​(DeleteTrainingQueriesOptions deleteTrainingQueriesOptions)
      Delete training queries.

      Removes all training queries for the specified project.

      deleteTrainingQueriesOptions - the DeleteTrainingQueriesOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a void result
    • createTrainingQuery

      public<TrainingQuery> createTrainingQuery​(CreateTrainingQueryOptions createTrainingQueryOptions)
      Create training query.

      Add a query to the training data for this project. The query can contain a filter and natural language query.

      createTrainingQueryOptions - the CreateTrainingQueryOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type TrainingQuery
    • getTrainingQuery

      public<TrainingQuery> getTrainingQuery​(GetTrainingQueryOptions getTrainingQueryOptions)
      Get a training data query.

      Get details for a specific training data query, including the query string and all examples.

      getTrainingQueryOptions - the GetTrainingQueryOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type TrainingQuery
    • updateTrainingQuery

      public<TrainingQuery> updateTrainingQuery​(UpdateTrainingQueryOptions updateTrainingQueryOptions)
      Update a training query.

      Updates an existing training query and it's examples.

      updateTrainingQueryOptions - the UpdateTrainingQueryOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type TrainingQuery
    • deleteTrainingQuery

      public<Void> deleteTrainingQuery​(DeleteTrainingQueryOptions deleteTrainingQueryOptions)
      Delete a training data query.

      Removes details from a training data query, including the query string and all examples.

      deleteTrainingQueryOptions - the DeleteTrainingQueryOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a void result
    • analyzeDocument

      public<AnalyzedDocument> analyzeDocument​(AnalyzeDocumentOptions analyzeDocumentOptions)
      Analyze a Document.

      Process a document and return it for realtime use. Supports JSON files only.

      The document is processed according to the collection's configuration settings but is not stored in the collection.

      **Note:** This method is supported on installed instances of Discovery only.

      analyzeDocumentOptions - the AnalyzeDocumentOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type AnalyzedDocument
    • listEnrichments

      public<Enrichments> listEnrichments​(ListEnrichmentsOptions listEnrichmentsOptions)
      List Enrichments.

      Lists the enrichments available to this project. The *Part of Speech* and *Sentiment of Phrases* enrichments might be listed, but are reserved for internal use only.

      listEnrichmentsOptions - the ListEnrichmentsOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type Enrichments
    • createEnrichment

      public<Enrichment> createEnrichment​(CreateEnrichmentOptions createEnrichmentOptions)
      Create an enrichment.

      Create an enrichment for use with the specified project.

      createEnrichmentOptions - the CreateEnrichmentOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type Enrichment
    • getEnrichment

      public<Enrichment> getEnrichment​(GetEnrichmentOptions getEnrichmentOptions)
      Get enrichment.

      Get details about a specific enrichment.

      getEnrichmentOptions - the GetEnrichmentOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type Enrichment
    • updateEnrichment

      public<Enrichment> updateEnrichment​(UpdateEnrichmentOptions updateEnrichmentOptions)
      Update an enrichment.

      Updates an existing enrichment's name and description.

      updateEnrichmentOptions - the UpdateEnrichmentOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type Enrichment
    • deleteEnrichment

      public<Void> deleteEnrichment​(DeleteEnrichmentOptions deleteEnrichmentOptions)
      Delete an enrichment.

      Deletes an existing enrichment from the specified project.

      **Note:** Only enrichments that have been manually created can be deleted.

      deleteEnrichmentOptions - the DeleteEnrichmentOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a void result
    • listProjects

      public<ListProjectsResponse> listProjects​(ListProjectsOptions listProjectsOptions)
      List projects.

      Lists existing projects for this instance.

      listProjectsOptions - the ListProjectsOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type ListProjectsResponse
    • listProjects

      public<ListProjectsResponse> listProjects()
      List projects.

      Lists existing projects for this instance.

      a ServiceCall with a result of type ListProjectsResponse
    • createProject

      public<ProjectDetails> createProject​(CreateProjectOptions createProjectOptions)
      Create a Project.

      Create a new project for this instance.

      createProjectOptions - the CreateProjectOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type ProjectDetails
    • getProject

      public<ProjectDetails> getProject​(GetProjectOptions getProjectOptions)
      Get project.

      Get details on the specified project.

      getProjectOptions - the GetProjectOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type ProjectDetails
    • updateProject

      public<ProjectDetails> updateProject​(UpdateProjectOptions updateProjectOptions)
      Update a project.

      Update the specified project's name.

      updateProjectOptions - the UpdateProjectOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a result of type ProjectDetails
    • deleteProject

      public<Void> deleteProject​(DeleteProjectOptions deleteProjectOptions)
      Delete a project.

      Deletes the specified project.

      **Important:** Deleting a project deletes everything that is part of the specified project, including all collections.

      deleteProjectOptions - the DeleteProjectOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a void result
    • deleteUserData

      public<Void> deleteUserData​(DeleteUserDataOptions deleteUserDataOptions)
      Delete labeled data.

      Deletes all data associated with a specified customer ID. The method has no effect if no data is associated with the customer ID.

      You associate a customer ID with data by passing the **X-Watson-Metadata** header with a request that passes data. For more information about personal data and customer IDs, see [Information security](

      **Note:** This method is only supported on IBM Cloud instances of Discovery.

      deleteUserDataOptions - the DeleteUserDataOptions containing the options for the call
      a ServiceCall with a void result